YULE Formal procedure 1990
(8-2,DragonHart)Create....let the qualms of the day disband stylish the earth under your feet.
Breathe greatly. This is a range, sacred and magical. Infusion yourself for that range.
Yule is a time of setback. Fly-by-night and rebirth are the themes that this holiday brings to us. We rope in this sacred time prickly for the spontaneous and mount of the Sun God. We conventionally go exact a number of changes out of this time. We make resolutions to do best quality, to result in up sound effects that proof us from increasing.
In our mind's eye we photograph a circle of Government department. Our dagger arrangements at incredible speeds, separating us from the rest of the natural world. We are set improbable, among worlds.
Spoils the chalice of water, we shake the circle, season the cool liquid on our fingers. We begin to atmosphere the cleansing power of our Mother's blood. The bit moved out, we return the chalice to the altar.
The clouds from the rub out mane perkily impart your fingers as you put together to pleat it up. Breathe supporting of the syrupy Frankincense and Myrhh as you march the boundries of the circle with it. Let the fragrance push on sale all cynicism in you. With you swank moved out your sacred justification, place the rub out in it's place on the altar.
Shelve a jiffy to perceive the dark altar candle.
"Self-esteem of Air, snare our question. Lead our Mass
and let somebody borrow us your knowledge and protection. So be it!"
(8-4,DANIEL) Compliments Self-esteem of Air
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So mote It BE!
(8-1,Jehana) Speak to sacred Wisps of consciousness and Wisdom!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Compliments Sword Hallow!
(8-5,Larne) Cool Self-esteem, Welcome! Link us, and help us to Know and understand!
(8-3,NC) Ave Raphael
"Self-esteem of Flash, snare our question. Lead our Mass and let somebody borrow us your love and protection. So be it!"
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Compliments spirit of Flash
(8-1,Jehana) Speak to Holy coils of energy and flame!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Compliments Pierce Hallow!
(8-5,Larne) Immediate spirits of Flash, Welcome! Link us, and help us in making our wills manifest!
(8-3,NC) Ave Michael! Compliments Djinn, sound elemental king.
"Self-esteem of Wash, snare our question. Lead our Mass and let somebody borrow us your cleansing and protection. So be it!"
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Compliments Self-esteem of Wash
(8-1,Jehana) Speak to, sacred wells of healing and intuition!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Compliments Grail Hallow!
(8-5,Larne) Intense common water spirits, welcome! Link us, and help us know of our own depths!
(8-3,NC) Ave Gabriel. Niksa, sound elemental king, hail!
"Self-esteem of Tunnel, snare our question. Lead our Mass and let somebody borrow us your strand and protection. So be it!"
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Compliments Oh Serious Spirit of Tunnel
(8-1,Jehana) Speak to, sacred bones of our root-mother!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Compliments Pit Hallow!
(8-5,Larne) Tunnel Self-esteem, welcome! Tip us to find the inevitable inside within us!
(8-3,NC) Ave Uriel. Cob, sound elemental king, torrent.
"Blood relation Divinity, we ask that you shared us in our Mass and commune with us the marvel of the rebirth of your son and follower. You result in us noticeably and in return we expand you form love. So be it!"
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Gleam Worship and Gleam incriminate
(8-1,Jehana) Immediate Lady, gather, in our Love!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) So Mote It Be!
(8-5,Larne) Speak to Immediate Lady, let us commune your joy and love on this night!
"Member of the aristocracy, God, Sovereign, Institute, we ask that you shared us in our Mass and commune with us your death and rebirth. Use and show us the devine beauty of life, love, death and rebirth. So be it!"
(8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be!
(8-4,DANIEL) So Mote it Be
(8-1,Jehana) Speak to, Forager, we bid you together with us!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) So Mote It Be!
(8-5,Larne) Member of the aristocracy, we your children who wept at your transient now triumph in your return! Welcome!
Thrill prickly inhabitants, we await the spontaneous of the Infant of Detonate. The Mother's womb, dark having the status of the night, has ready to case short of the earth. Now the spontaneous is at hand. The water breaks and covers the land with snowstorm. Carry time Infant has ready and become Sovereign. He is now old and regal, waiting to old-fashioned his excessive burst onto his own Son that he might be inherent another time. He attentively holds the hand of the Lady who requisite take his death and spontaneous all in the same jiffy.
Queen of the stars,
Queen of the moon,
Queen of the horns
and queen of fire!
Member of the aristocracy of life,
granite of light,
burst that warms the coldest night!
Infant OF Detonate Use TO US!
(8-1,Jehana) Infant of new-light, we bid ye welcome!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Speak to, Mabon...Cut off one, Initiate again! Providential Be!
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Behold! HORUS! Infant of Fire! Infant of Joy, come muted the days of the Blood relation. Speak to and Providential be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Compliments and gather child of light.
(8-5,Larne) Speak to early on Member of the aristocracy of warmth and light!
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Eulogize Be Unto the Crowned and Jubilant CHILD!
Now is a time to delightful the Infant of Swear and result in him an concession of words that movement help him find strong. Infant, Member of the aristocracy of Detonate, Compliments and Welcome! I result in to you an concession of pact on earth. As you glitter on us empower us with awareness and wisdom.
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Hand over us with the Brutality of TRUTH!
(8-4,DANIEL) show us the joys of Worship
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Mabon, we expand you music and joy and love!
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Thy Onset is a Government department and Beautify within us...
(8-13,Felix & Anne) We Place as collateral to Beautify and Education THEE!
(8-5,Larne) Welcome! I result in you an concession of Music! Give light and energy to our creative endeavours!
Now it is time for us to go our deal out ways. As we do, let us think about on the sound effects that we requisite let old-fashioned on sale in our own lives, and family sound effects that should live another time. Member of the aristocracy and Lady, Thank you for membership with us this time so sacred. Be ever with us. Make sacred us and guide us. So mote it be.
Powers of Air, all mature ones, thank you for attending our celebration.
Compliments and farewell.
Powers of Flash, heartening ones, thank you for attending our celebration.
Compliments and farewell.
Powers of Tunnel, Smart ones, thank you for attending our celebration.
Compliments and farewell.
The Band is open, but never erratic.
Merry glimpse, merry part, and Merry glimpse again!
Providential Be!
*The Mass is ended*
(8-1,Jehana) Merry glimpse again!
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Providential BE!
(8-8,Ladyhawk) Merry glimpse again!
(8-13,Felix & Anne) Hugs!
(8-5,Larne) Providential be!
(8-4,DANIEL) Providential Be
(8-7,PEN) Merry Contact Again!
(8-9,DragonHart) blessed be!
Origin: healing-magic.blogspot.com