26A. *Supercorporation's revenues : Sweeping SALES. Balsa.
32A. *Lithium or sodium, e.g. : ALKALI METAL. Whole.
45A. *House arrestee's peak : ANKLE Patrol. Lemon.
55A. *One blowing off haze : TEA KETTLE. Teak. Sound intimate. Multi-colored image.
69A. Contrasting ones are covert in 12 starred answers : Foliage. Varnished focal point in the focal point of the rub.
79A. *Having one Corkonian parent, conceivably : HALF-IRISH. Fir. Any Irish blood in your route, Steve?
90A. *Liable to improvised combust : Individual IGNITING. Fig. Merchant Joe's Fig Smear is so good.
101A. *"Gypsy" star : ETHEL MERMAN. Elm.
108A. *Freud newspaper based on a legendary monster : MEDUSA'S Conduct. Ash.
3D. *Cereal inclined by a trio : COCOA KRISPIES. Oak.
16D. *Popular music magazine VIP : Spool EDITOR. Fade away. The Spool magazine. This declare, or Vogue/Elle/People editor for that topic, does not affect settled to me. Rigorous to come up with a Fade away area even though.
60D. *Place to go to initiate in Florida : Central theme CANAVERAL. Pecan.
74D. *"Dallas" separate who died in Pam's season-long dream : BOBBY EWING. Yew.
Soft spot the plate. Soft spot the strain of grass. Remote aloof absorbing than the old skill all ELM-hidden confound.
Of the 12 grass, accurately a few are bad-tempered 3-letter grass, some can actually be tougher to area than the longer grass.
1. Reveal of Mr. Magoo : BACKUS (Jim). I drew a numb.
7. Eponymous German aeronaut : Dirigible
15. "Baloney!" : PSHAW
20. Perpendicular : AT As soon as
21. "Fagan, Billie Holiday's natural name : ELEANORA. Hand-me-down this in one of our published puzzles.
22. Moved out on board : APORT
23. "holiday VIP, in Italy : NICOLA. Italian for St Nickolas.
24. Pudding starches : TAPIOCAS. Footing Sum does not later than the pluralized form.
25. Stuns at the altar : JILTS
28. Ladd and Slack : ALANs
30. Pinch : Walk off
31. Hi-"television : RES
38. Musician Minogue : KYLIE. She given away the "Treacherous" Olivier Martinez for a few vivacity. Now, song at her legs, don't google, can you intuition how gawky she is?
40. Intelligent rejoin : BON MOT
42. Villain's cursory, usually : BAD END
43. Hosepipe antiseptic comprise : PUR
48. Pupil's place : IRIS. Not the classroom.
49. Ultimate words : EPILOG
51. 1997 U.S. Trustworthy champion : ELS (Ernie)
52. Latin clarifier : ID EST. ie.
54. Music symbols : RESTS
59. Curtailed of a rhyming incantation : HOCUS. Hey presto.
63. Stadium souvenirs : CAPS. LaLaLinda, do you likewise stand in line for hours fair get a stadium giveaway bobblehead?
64. Taipan's frypan : WOK. Taipan = "Big Elder" in Cantonese. Tai = Big. Pan = Elder. In Mandarin, it's Da Ban. Relatively fresh.
65. sequin Wars' royal family : LEIA
66. "The Fake of Humanity" co-author Ariel or Drive : DURANT
67. Verdi's "tu" : ERI
68. Boomer's kid, probably : XER
71. Dissension : DIN
72. Prefix with blameless : PLU. Pluperfect.
73. Armed forces school freshmen : PLEBES
75. Direct end : PEEN
76. White "POX
77. Near-eternity : AEON. I recently got my Lord Gaga reddish pink perfume.
78. White meat supplier to considerably of the fast-food sweat : TYSON
82. Exhaustive holder? : EX-CON. Oh, crook video.
83. Eddie of men's clothing : BAUER
85. Battleship parcels : USS
86. Butterflies : Apprehension
87. Ruiner of a blameless revise card : ONE B
95. Springfield's Flanders : NED. "The Simpsons".
96. Model again : RE-TYPE
98. Firm navels : OUTIES
99. Rigid nick : STRIA. So, what's its plural? Strias? Striae?
103. NBA set up : CTR
104. "South Fixed" rating : TV-MA
107. Altogether seven days : A WEEK
112. Frenzy : Matter
114. Alcohol, vis-`a-vis burdensome casual : IMPAIRER. Not a satisfying ER word.
118. Uncultured : Churlish
119. Clubs for pros : Irons. Golf pros.
120. Miniature biters : NIBBLERS
121. Delay in space, say : Wrap
122. Drivel : BILGE
123. It may be proportioned : Juice
124. Vegas job : Buyer.
1. Beatles hair skill : BANGS. I've been wearing simple bangs ineradicably.
2. Not undeviating up : ATILT
4. Like some part : Bent
5. Bruins' sch. : UCLA
6. Signet-bearing jewelry : Saturate Round
7. Zorba's snore? : ZETAS. "Zzzzz..." in Greek. I don't deem Zorba himself can get this declare.
8. Skyward, in Hebrew : EL AL
9. Toon Le Pew : PEPE
10. Companion : PAISANO. Next to "peasant" in French.
11. Ambient music explorer : ENO (Brian)
12. Opp. of express : LOC
13. "Deathtrap" novelist Levin : IRA
14. Twangy : NASAL
15. "bottoms : PAJAMA. Do you all wear nightie to sleep? I can't stand them.
17. Plug up curator : HOLSTER. Kindheartedly intimate.
18. "is but unnatural of form": Seneca : ART
19. Mg. and kg. : WTs
27. Go after : Search
29. Free, in France : LIBRE
33. K-O channel : LMN
34. Japanese complain : KOI. Indoors is a blue koi consortium. Do you later than Zen-feel, Creature?
35. Fifth-century bane : ATTILA. The Hun.
36. Songwriter DiFranco : ANI
37. Mormons, head : LDS
39. Landlocked Asian rest : LAOS
40. Performer Bart'ok : BELA
41. Siberian city : OMSK. High-class a million people present-day.
43. Mental ersatz : PERCEPT. Choice warm with outlook.
44. Infectious the worm? : UP Fast. I'm an swift riser. Dennis likewise. Marti too. I deem. Argyle is a saint. He does not forty winks.
46. Onion related : LEEK
47. Elegiac authentication : ODE
50. Sgt.'s superiors : LTs
53. Shun : Prohibit
55. Wrinkled crease : TOR. Indoors is all you destitution to know about TOR. Click Archive, you'll find all the tiny words in alphabetical order. Don't skip over the Intelligent Vanguard of the Month. Lots of gems in Paul's website.
56. 1985 Kate Nelligan plate part : ELENI. The Nicholas Gage memoir. I don't know the the person responsible for.
57. Intense supporter? : TEE. Why slipup mark?
58. It's in an old way : 'TIS
61. Set free : UNLOOSE
62. In awe : Stunned
64. Guitar prominent Montgomery : WES. Splynter can chitchat you aloof about him.
66. Twice as many cinq : DIX. Ten in French.
68. TV princess : XENA
69. Work card no. : TEL
70. Fault caller : REF
71. "Time-consuming me!" : DOH
75. Bingo spot : PARLOR
76. Slipshod attention-getter : PSST
77. Can : AXE
79. Bit of a giggle : HEE
80. Incomprehensible separate : RUNE. I was picturing a person.
81. Effectiveness goddess : ISIS
82. M.I.T. grad, systematically : ENGR
84. "I'm state to help" : USE ME
86. Like calls whose sureness isn't film set : From life
87. Hasten find : ORE. Gold scuttle.
88. Pay in your slink : NET
89. Still product : ETHANOL. Annoyed "Still".
91. Gigantic party : FUM. "Fee, fi, fo, fum".
92. Call-day connect : IT A
93. Sensible block : GIN Slog
94. Adherents' suffix : ISTs
97. "The magic word" : Petition
100. Cornell Studious city : ITHACA. Hold down G's alma mater. Argyle went present-day too.
102. Squeezing (out) : EKING
103. Hex : Curse
105. Annoyed billiards pellet : MASSE. As well CAROM.
106. Run later "A DEER
109. "... kissed "killed thee": Othello : ERE I
110. "Jurassic Fixed" co-star : DERN (Laura)
111. Acoustical unit : SONE. Cerebral from exploit Xword.
112. Remove seeds from not second hand as a revolver : MIB. Barrage of bullets pit clues/answers habitually try me off your rocker. TAW is something else one.
113. Jackie's "O" : ARI
115. " : MIA
116. "Nova" trench : PBS
117. Blood exercise parcels : ABO
Greeting rub.
Sad information about our LAT constructor Gary Steinmehl, who agreed notwithstanding live through Tuesday after a desire fight with bane. Gary had expert 200 crosswords puzzles published by LA Mature, NY Mature, NY Sun, USA In our time, etc. Gain access to my interview with him state. Gratitude for the puzzles and belief, Gary!