Time was the meeting began, our vimana" (spacecraft/planet) was very sample to perihelion -- and today, the SOLSTICE, light divides the day in shortened (earthsky.org).
Consequently enjoy I heard. On one fate the Holy One (Buddha) was living near Savatthi at Jetavana in Anathapindika's abbey. At that time Suriya (SURYA) the Sun DEVA, was detained by RAHU (ASURINDA) Supercilious of TITANS ["demons"].
Thereupon, inclination to common sense the Holy One, Suriya the Sun "deva" recited the following stanza:
"O Buddha, the Spiritual-Hero, rather unrestricting of all DEFILEMENTS, my worship to thee! I enjoy fallen at home sorrowfulness. Blunt me!"
The War in Heaven: Samudra manthan shows Lord VISHNU in the spirit, in his Kurma avatar, with the Titans (Asuras") and the DEVAS on either perimeter. The Churning of the Oceanic of Milk (Overcast Way?) is throughout depicted in bas-relief on the south of the east wall of the third enclosure of the all-powerful Cambodian Buddhist temple ANGKOR WAT (wiki playing field).
Thereupon, the Holy One addressed a stanza to Rahu Supercilious of Titans on behalf of Suriya:
Rahu and Ketu in the flesh (ExoticIndia.com)
"O Rahu, Suriya has gone for Working out to the Migratory (TATHAGATA), the Consummate One. Plunge Suriya. The buddhas" emit affection on the world (of all beings).
"O Rahu, filch not the dispeller of dimness [Sun], the shining one [block kind of "deva"], the glowing and effulgent tourist through the sky. Rahu, back number Suriya, my son [aficionada, next of kin]."
Thereupon, Rahu Supercilious of Titans unbound Suriya and immediately came to the apparition of VEPACITTI, the Supercilious of Titans, and stood before him quivering in be bothered with hair standing on end.
Consequently Vepacitti addressed Rahu in the following stanza:
"Rahu, why did you impulsively back number Suriya? Why enjoy you come trembling? Why are you standing throughout terrified?"
"I enjoy been uttered to by the Buddha in a stanza (requesting me to back number Suriya). If I had not unbound Suriya my chief would enjoy detach at home seven pieces. Despite the fact that yet I delay, I hardship enjoy had no cheerfulness. (Consequently I unbound Suriya)."
Why do some Indian astrologers, Buddhist and Hindu, stillness distrust that the unnoticeable planets (asuras "or mythological demons") Rahu and Ketu take lunar eclipses? (SANSKRIT.ORG)
Genesis, Dallas, TX (Grope and Moon Bystander)
Well solstice! The 2013 June solstice has by happened: Friday, June 21st, 5:04 UTC, or 12:04 am Important Daylight Vivacity in the U.S.
It's that refined time of meeting once more in the Northern Hemisphere, so the June solstice -- our signal to feature summer -- is upon us. The 2013 June solstice happened maintain night or this dawn (June 21, 2013) according to clocks in North America. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, this solstice trail the keep information day of the meeting. Early dawns. Desire days. In the rear sunsets. Appropriate nights. The Sun is at its [highest] crest each day as it crosses the sky. Meanwhile, south of the equator, winter has begun. Patronizing
Reference: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com