Thursday, June 2, 2011

Opening By Watchtower

Opening By Watchtower
1- Ring your bell in a 3/4/3 method, say: "Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi"2- Ring your bell once, perform the LBRP.3- Ring your bell twice, perform the BRH.4- Ring your bell in a 3/3/3 method.5- Go to the South, rake your fire wand, wave once to the left, right and center. Hold your wand with the point up, over your head, slowly walk once around the room saying: "And when, after all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear though the voice of fire." In the south, trace a large circle, Golden. Draw it in a bright blue invoking pentagram of fire. Draw Leo (Fire Kerub), point to the center with the wand and say: "Oip Teaa Pedoce." Hold want up in the air, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Southern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the South." Replace wand on altar.6- Take water cup and move to the West. Sprinkle water to the left, right and center. Hold the cup high, circumambulate once, saying: "So therefore first, the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea." At the West, use the cup to trace a large golden circle in the Air. In it, draw an electric blue invoking water pentagram. Draw the Eagle Kerub, say: "Mph Arsel G aiol." Holding the cup high in the air, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Western Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the West." Replace cup on altar.7- Walk to the East. Take your Air dagger and turn outward. Shake one to the left, right and center. Hold the dagger and walk round the altar once, saying: "Such a fire existeth, extending through the rushing of air. Or even a fire formless, when cometh the image of a voice. Or even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud." At the East, use your dagger to make a large golden circle, in that, a bright blue invoking pentagram of air. In the center, make the sign of Aquairus (Air Kerub, Aquairus). With your dagger, point to the center, say: "Oro Ibah Aozpi." Hold dagger high, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Eastern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the East." Replace dagger on the altar.8- Walk to the North of the Altar. Take your Penacle, shake to the left, right and center. Hold it by the black section. Hold it high, circumambulate once saying: "Stoop not down in that darkly splendid world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding: A black ever-rolling Abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless and void." At the north, draw a golden circle with your pentagram. In it, draw a blue Invoking Pentagram of Earth. In that, draw the sign of Taurus. Point to the center with the pentagram, say: "Emor Dial Hectega." Hold the Pentagram high, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Northern Quadrangle of the North, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the North." Replace the Pentagram on the altar. Move to the west and face east behind the altar.9- Over the altar and the Tablet of Union, make "The rending of the veil". Say: "Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi Goho Iada Balta. Elexarpeh Comananu Tabitom. Zodakara Eka Zodakara Od Zodameranu. Odo Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel Od Vaoan." 10- Now say: "I invoke ye, ye angels of the Celestial Spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe. Be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the light devine." Spend a few moments trying to balance the four magickal elements here at the center of your circle.11- Move to the northeast corner, face outward, say: "The visible sun is the dispenser of light to the Earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of the Spirit may shine therein from above."12- Circumambulate three times around your circle. Each time you pass the East, make the sign of the Enterer in the direction you are going, that is, straight ahead of you. As you go, feel the energy build up a powerful vortex. After the third pass of the east, go to the west and face east.13- Give the sign of the Enterer, say: "Holy are thou, Lord of the Universe." Make the sign of the Enterer again, say: "Holy art thou, whom nature hath not formed." Again make the sign of the Enterer, say: "Holy art thou, the vast and mighty one. Lord of the light and of the darkness." Now make the sign of Silence.14- Perform your Magick.15- When you have finished, say: "Unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal and merciful one. Be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who now standeth humbly before thee to enter this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. Not unto me but unto Thy name be the glory. Let the influences of Thy diving ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy ones." Suggested e-books:Anonymous - European WitchcraftBernard King - Meanings Of The RunesKeywords: film about crowley magick without thelemic gardening scented satirist shiraz wishing well butterfly ambergris aleister crowley manus sagittae crowley thelema northern culture liber aleister crowley book angel sefer finnsburg waldere widsith survival witch belief


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