The bee in Egyptian lore was the carrier of the soul to the afterlife. In many tombs you will find a jar filled with bee's and honey. The honey was to feed you in the afterlife, after the bee's carried you there. Ancient Egyptian Pharaos used the Bee as a royal symbol, during the period 3000 bc and 350 bc.
If a bee lands on you and doesn't sting you there is a message coming for you soon.
If a bee lands on your dominate hand it means money is coming your way. If it lands on the other hand, you'll be loosing money.
If a bee flies into your house, company is coming. If you kill the bee, the guest will bring bad news.
In Celtic mythology, the bee is a messenger between our world and the spirit world.
Bees are also associated with wisdom.
So next time you see a bee buzzing around. Think about these things and Bee Blessed.
)O( - Audra
Source: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com