Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome To The Magick Cabinet Blog Blessed Bee Buzz

Welcome To The Magick Cabinet Blog Blessed Bee Buzz
"Blessed Bee" started as a bit of a joke - See, I have the 10 of Pentacles tattooed on my forearms. Many people have come up to me and said things like "Oh, Blessed BE! Are you one of us?" Which is nice, but a little strange when your in a pet store looking for poop bags. So my Blessed Bee was born. He's a little Carpenter Bee tattoo next to the 10 of pentacles. Now when people say "Blessed Be", I can say "Yes, he is."

The bee in Egyptian lore was the carrier of the soul to the afterlife. In many tombs you will find a jar filled with bee's and honey. The honey was to feed you in the afterlife, after the bee's carried you there. Ancient Egyptian Pharaos used the Bee as a royal symbol, during the period 3000 bc and 350 bc.

If a bee lands on you and doesn't sting you there is a message coming for you soon.

If a bee lands on your dominate hand it means money is coming your way. If it lands on the other hand, you'll be loosing money.

If a bee flies into your house, company is coming. If you kill the bee, the guest will bring bad news.

In Celtic mythology, the bee is a messenger between our world and the spirit world.

Bees are also associated with wisdom.

So next time you see a bee buzzing around. Think about these things and Bee Blessed.

)O( - Audra


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