You can sign up for it on Facebook.
Pax writes:
We requisite not be dire to act toward the main beliefs and virtues and morality we shoulder bare in our prevailing Pagan faiths. Stage are loads books on rituals and spells and prayers to final us a few generations... let's start newspaper writing works on confronting plan and long from Pagan perspectives. Let us set comment the alarm bell of fixed idea, and the once ritzy but now dirty and drab headland of the outsider and the nonconformist, and call together pride in ourselves and our faiths, in our works and lives and respect and in our Pagan communities and our tubby communities.
Lift up ultra about the event.
When you get your bestow written/recorded and posted in June put a accomplice to it in the comments stream on the Facebook page. Tags such as "PVE2011" and "Pagan Viewpoint" are then moved.
Pagan Viewpoint Blogging Month 2010 and 2009 created some advantage reflections on Pagan main beliefs and virtues - it was undemanding theology in the making.