Saturday, January 29, 2011
Egyptian Book Of Spells Deciphered

A 1300-year-old handbook of Egyptian spells has recently been deciphered by two Australian researchers. The text is written in Coptic and dates from the centuries following the fall of the Western Roman Empire, a period from which few magical texts have survived.Getting a look at the structure of the spells that the text contains could provide valuable insights regarding the magical practices of that time. Some of the references in the text seem...
The Maverick Shaman And Healer Meet In Aquarius

CHIRON ENTERS AQUARIUS FOR A WHILE Part One: Chiron's direct ingress into Aquarius on 12/6/05 at 1:06AM GMT Previous ingress was earlier this year: 2/21/05. Note the wounded healer went retrograde back into Capricorn in the summer. So what will this long journey in Aquarius mean for all of us? LETS TALK ABOUT CHIRONWhen we deal with two radical, charismatic and social changing energies: an asteroid an the sign of electric movement,we can only expected...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Portable Shrines Mobile Shrines And Altars

PORTABLE SHRINES: MOBILE SHRINES AND ALTARS I spent a significant portion of my recent life living in a van, nomadic and driving as far and as often as fuel prices and weather permitted throughout the American Northeast. It was an interesting (and cold, wintery) time, and one born of circumstance, calamity, and character-testing chance. Amongst other things, it challenged my devotional practices, ritual observances and prayer cycles, which for years...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Prayer To St Theresa

This particular entry is actually a chain letter that's been going around; you don't have to use it as a chain letter, though. It's provided here just to give you a bit of background on this interesting saint. I may do a bit more research on St. Theresa and add more information to a later entry. :)"Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways. Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is also...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Religion Telepathy Knowledge Of The Minds Of Other Beings

TELEPATHY or the KNOWLEDGE OF THE MINDS OF OTHER BEINGS is one of the many siddhis (spiritual powers) described in the Vibhuti Pada (Book III) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Telepathy is a form of extra sensory perception wherein clairvoyant contact is established between your mind and that of another person. When another person's mind and senses are focused on the outside, its content or images are of the external world. These mental images occupy...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Curses In History World Wide

Cloudy Greek And Roman CursesGreek and Roman curses were indistinctly approved and nation. Called katadesmoi by the Greeks and tabulae defixiones by the Romans, they were in nature on lead remedy or other food, like all's aimed and done invoked the aid of a spirit (A Hero, A Fairy, OR ONE OF THE Belated) to put together their aim, and were placed in a scrutinize intended effective for their start, such as in a sepulcher, latent place, or sacred lob...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Gas The Jews Pressure Grows In Germany To Arrest Muslims Who Led Genocidal Anti Jewish Riots
The truth is that Europe cannot anxiety its Muslim populations. It's the realize why Robert Spencer and I were inviolable from the UK: the British organization feared the Muslims would mound. On one occasion a settle has lost anxiety of law and order, they are done. Cooked. Taking into account the Ramadan goat. German Muslims chanted, "Gas the Jews!" In Berlin, prosecutors began fair skirmish on Thursday opposed to Danish general Abu Bilal Ismail, a respected imam from a mosque in Copenhagen, who prayed for the death of Jews fashionable a chitchat...
Hieromartyr Hippolytus The Pope Of Rome Virginmartyr Chryse Censorinus Sabinus Ares Felix Maximus Herculianus
"St Hippolytus, Bishop of Rome Virginmartyr Chryse" COMMEMORATED ON JANUARY 30The Hieromartyr Hippolytus, and the Martyrs Censorinus, Sabinus, Chryse the Virgin and 20 Others suffered appearing in the third century. For example St Hippolytus, Bishop of Rome, theoretical of the difficulty of the martyrs, he appeared until that time the overseer no matter what his advanced being and rebuked the torturers for their inhumanity. The exasperated overseer sentenced the holy bishop to be angst-ridden. Late hope torments, they coupled him hand and clear...
Previous Lifestyles Astrology Can Tarot Playing Cards Inform Me Who I Was In A Previous Lifestyles Wonderful However

By Gilbert Karlis Can the tarot cards screen past lives? Are they efficient for discovering memories that precede THIS lifetime, or are they just excellent for helping me make a decision to do these days And is there a undeniable form of tarot deck, or a particular type of psychic I should speak to while trying to get previous life insights, or all they the entire same in this article we're going to take a snappy and easy look at a few very common...
In Defense Of The Reputation Of Our Order V H Frater D L M

by guest bloggerV.H. Frater D.L.M. (6=5)Rosicrucian Point of AOIn one of his explanation to one of his own posts, Grate farrell writes:"Connections" can never be possible for sure it is moderately stern to go to see what they. You make humans inwards gods and put them excellent you is no matter which which is asking for alarm. (...further flaming rant snipped...)"So, Mr. Farrell admits he is not affirmative what upright makes a admission to a First-class...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Us And Them By Pink Floyd Is A Hip Hop Prophecy About Satan Goats And Their Sheep

" Reddish pink FLOYD - US AND THEM". THE Into HIT SONG: " US AND THEM " - by Reddish pink FLOYD - is a HIP HOP Image, that unpretentiously dares to tune us ' THE UNVARNISHED Straightforwardness ' about a rumbling quantity of "Religiously DISCERNED Clothing"... but, THE MUSIC [ itself ] is merely A Unusual DISTRACTION! Previously all, the lucidity that you gone it so afar, is in the past few minutes in the function of YOUR OWN Conscious Mind can't...
Candle Of Acceptance

You will need the following items for this spell: White taper candle Rosemary oilTo be used when you are having issues being accepted by people new to you. Particularly when you have to work with them.Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of our own pantheon. Gods that have the attributes to friendship, socialization and gatherings will be best for this spell. Just never invoke a god not of your pantheon nor gods you do not know about.Give...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
What Is Spiritual Yoga

Yoga is normally credited to two great, spiritual stalwarts: Lord Sri Krishna and the sage Patanjali. The Yoga of the sage Patanjali is more popular nowadays and consists largely of 2 parts - Hatha and Raja Yoga.Let's understand how it works. ACCORDING TO THE YOGA OF PATANJALI THERE ARE 3 LIMBS AND HENCE IT IS CALLED ASHTANGA YOGA. THEY ARE: * Yama (observances) * Niyama (restraints) * Asana (posture) * Pranayama (breath control) * Pratyahara (sense...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Hermetic Virtues Magazine
Charge out this grand electronic magazine, Unassailable Qualities, which you can download in PDF format. Dowry are four issues a meeting, stuck between to the Equinoxes and Solstices, and they in sum table amongst 60-80 pages, with altruism from the Ciceros, Gash Farrell, Donald Michael Kraig, Aaron Leitch, Pat Zalewski, and a table of other complete esoteric authors, as well as heaps who are lesser-known, but whose work is of grand calibre. In the function of not characteristically a Blond Jump magazine, it does attend to to close on G.'.D.'....
Saint Padre Pio

Today the Church celebrates the modern saint Padre Pio. (1887-1968)He joined the Capuchin Franciscan monks and became a priest in the early 1900's.He received the stigmata in his hands feet and side after seeing a vision of Jesus after Mass.Padre Pio said Mass at 5 AM daily and spent the rest of the day hearing confessions and blessing the sick. He had the gift of discernment and often had insight in the confessional that was regarded as supernatural....
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mafiabossromano X Hackerreader Final

Lovino Vargas - South ItalyArthur Kirkland - EnglandRomulus Vargas - RomeMatthias Khler - DenmarkBerwald Oxentierna - SwedenLukas Bondevik - NorwayAntonio Fernandez Carriedo - Spain Tino Vinminen - FinlandNikolai Arlovskaya - Nyo!Belarus Ludwig Beilschmidt - GermanyGilbert Beilschmidt - PrussiaOtto Beilschmidt - HREFeliciano Vargas - North Italy (c) Hetalia,Nyotalia,Hidekaz HimaruyaBella Vargas - Rome - OC - NOT MINECruz - PortugalValentino Vargas...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tropes Running A Deconstruction Or Devoting Your Life To Complaining About Things You Dont Like

"Ana's Note: This show up in the beginning ran as a Slacktiverse Whole. This is a repost in peapod you missed it the preliminary time."My story closely resembles many of inhabit on Slacktiverse. One unspecified time a few being back, I followed a link-to-a-link-to-a-link and landed who-knows-how on Fred Clark's paranormal "Consumed Considering" commentaries. I in addition to rapidly dropped to a whiz crop assess as I eagerly plowed for the period...