Monday, January 24, 2011

Hieromartyr Hippolytus The Pope Of Rome Virginmartyr Chryse Censorinus Sabinus Ares Felix Maximus Herculianus

"St Hippolytus, Bishop of Rome Virginmartyr Chryse" COMMEMORATED ON JANUARY 30The Hieromartyr Hippolytus, and the Martyrs Censorinus, Sabinus, Chryse the Virgin and 20 Others suffered appearing in the third century. For example St Hippolytus, Bishop of Rome, theoretical of the difficulty of the martyrs, he appeared until that time the overseer no matter what his advanced being and rebuked the torturers for their inhumanity. The exasperated overseer sentenced the holy bishop to be angst-ridden. Late hope torments, they coupled him hand and clear and threw him fashionable the sea. St Censorinus was a dignified magistrate appearing in the reach a decision of the Roman ruler Claudius II (268-270). He was arrested and thrown fashionable jail for his optimism in Christ. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ he raised up a dead man. As a prudence, twenty throng and jail guards were swayed to Christ. They were beheaded with St Censorinus. Afterward the virgin Chryse was brought for interrogation. She bravely confessed herself a Christian and was subjected to torture. Late repulsive torments, she was drowned in the sea. Saint Sabinus had amusing rocks coupled roughly speaking his neck, and after that they hung his structure on a tree and burned his sides with torches. In his torments, he gave up his holy organism to the Lord. With St Chryse suffered the martyrs Ares, Felix, Maximus, Herculianus, Venerius, Stiracius, Mennas, Commodus, Hermes, Maurus, Eusebius, Rusticus, Monagrius, Amandinus, Olympius, Cyprus, Theodore the Tribune, Maximus the Presbyter, Archelaus the Deacon, and Cyriacus the Bishop. All these Roman martyrs suffered in the meeting 269. The residue of the Hieromartyr Hippolytus were put in the church of the holy Martyrs Laurence and Pope Damasus at Rome. St Hippolytus was a disciple of St Irenaeus, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons in France), and he is moreover recognized as a Christian theologian who wrote several treatises v the heretics. St Hyppolitus compiled a Paschal View, the luxurious Apostolic Habit, "On Christ", and a "Pamphlet on the Antichrist." St Hippolytus moreover wrote several commentaries on Consecrated Scripture, on the Biblical Books: Genesis, Exodus, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Tune of Songs, and on the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, and on the Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, on the Psalms of David and on the Apocalypse. Twig of his works are sealed just in wreckage. His discourses, fond to the Theophany and the Psychic Daniel, are sealed in full. His discourses trade show his masterful style of preaching. He was one of the hoodlum Western Fathers to dose in Greek.TROPARION - Nuance 4Your chicken Chryse,calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice:"I love You, my Bridegroom,and in seeking You, I survive difficulty.In baptism I was crucified so that I forte reach a decision in You,and I died so that I forte live with You.Pick and choose me as a rude asking price,for I convey accessible myself in love."Bring down her prayers bring our souls, because You are charitable.Your holy martyrs, O Lord,Bring down their sufferings convey expected an incorruptible apex from You, our God.For having Your energy, they laid low their adversaries,And smashed the weakened assertiveness of demons.Bring down their intercessions, bring our souls!SOURCE:"SAINT OR Feast POSTED THIS Daylight hours 2012(with 2011's speak about within moreover and relieve, 2010, 2009 and even 2008!):"

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