Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who Is The American Monk Bhikkhu Bodhi

Who Is The American Monk Bhikkhu Bodhi
Editorial staff, Concentration QUARTERLY; BODHIMONASTERY.ORG; Chaung Yen Monastery (BAUS.ORG)BHIKKHU BODHI is an American Theravada Buddhist parson. He was untrained in Brooklyn, New York, in 1944, obtained a BA in philosophy from Brooklyn College (1966), and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Claremont Graduate Hypothetical (1972) in California.He was vivid to Buddhism in his just beginning 20s, so time was implementation his studies he traveled to the ancient Buddhist coral isle of Sri Lanka off the southern tip of India, wherever he customary monastic ordination as a tenderfoot ("samanera") in 1972 and full ordination ("upasampada") in 1973, both under VEN. ANANDA MAITREYA, the leading Sri Lankan scholar-monk of prevailing get older.He was right and proper editor of the BUDDHIST Version Discotheque in 1984 and as its leader in 1988. " Middle Array DISCOURSES OF THE BUDDHA"He has more acute publications to his respect than any other living Buddhist scholar, either as highlighter, translator, or editor, in addition to "THE Middle Array DISCOURSES OF THE BUDDHA "(a translation of the "Majjhima Nikaya" co-translated with Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli (1995) and an exalted anthology fair "IN THE BUDDHA'S Words" (2005).In May 2000 he gave the keynote control at the Linkage Nations on its foundational manager commemoration of the day of the Buddha's birth, summit explanation, and final-nirvana (VESAK). He returned to the U.S. from compound duration in Asia in 2002 and these days resides in upstate New York at the Buddhist Group of the Linkage States' CHUANG YEN MONASTERY (BAUS) and teaches there and at Bodhi Monastery in New Pullover. He is these days the chairman of YIN Shun Powder. Excellent * What IS THE "Straight Wheel" ("DHARMA-CHAKRA")?

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