Saturday, October 9, 2010

Derby Square Lecture Series

Derby Square Lecture Series
We have more new programs to talk about today! (I love this!) Gordon College is ushering in spring with the new Derby Square Lecture Series at Old Town Hall. You may know The Gordon College Institute for Public History for it's award winning production of Cry Innocent: The People Verses Bridget Bishop. Or, perhaps you know their most scary work at Pioneer Village during Haunted Happenings, Spiritways: A Night in Besieged Salem. Now we can add "lecture series" to the list of excellent programming provided by Gordon College.

Here is the spring schedule:

Lecture #1 - March 30, 2010

"God and the Darwin Wars"

Dr. Karl Giberson, VP, BioLogos Foundation, Director of the Forum on Faith and Science at Gordon College

Karl Giberson is the author of four books on the intersection of science and religion including the highly acclaimed Saving Darwin. He was raised in a fundamentalist parsonage to believe the universe was 10,000 years old, evolution was a conspiracy with no scienti c foundation, and Darwin was evil. In "God and the Darwin Wars" Giberson tells the story of his struggle to

make peace with Darwin without losing his faith. Interwoven with his personal journey is the story of a deeply religious America wrestling with a science that is often used as a club to bash religion.

Lecture #2 - April 28, 2010:

"Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future"

Chris Mooney, Knight Fellow in Science Journalism at MIT, author, journalist

Chris Mooney o ers an updated "two cultures" polemic for America in the 21st century. For every ve hours of cable news, less than a minute is devoted to science; 46 percent of Americans reject evolution and think the Earth is less than 10,000 years old; the number of newspapers with weekly science sections has shrunken by two-thirds over the past several decades.

A plea for enhanced scienti c literacy, Mooney urges those who care about the place of science in our society to take unprecedented action. We must begin to train a small army of ambassadors who can translate science's message and make it relevant to the media, to politicians, and to the public in the broadest sense. An impassioned call to arms to reintegrate science into the public discourse--before it's too late.

Lecture #3: - May 19, 2010

A FREE Follow-up Session with local schools and colleges concerning curriculum directions.

Q&A session will follow the 40-minute presentations, and authors will be available for book purchase and signing following the sessions.

Here's the fine print...

* Lectures will be held in the Salem Old Town Hall, Derby Square at 7PM.
* Tickets: 5.00 per lecture, or 8.00 for both. Final session free to all.
* Costs are subsidized by the Gordon College Institute for Public History.

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