Friday, October 1, 2010

Outer World Signs Of The Birth Of The New Earth Patricia Diane Cota Robles

Outer World Signs Of The Birth Of The New Earth Patricia Diane Cota Robles
By Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesERAOFPEACE.ORGThe New Pope, Asteroids, Meteors, Comets, Coronal Store Ejections from the Sun, the Vernal Equinox, and the Worldwide Day of BrightnessFor instance the Birth of the New Milled and the Spoil of the Ages which we experienced aloof the December Solstice in 2012, kin grip been wondering what in the world is aftermath. I grip been encouraging all of you to pay treatment and to noise for outer-world activities that wheedle we grip gone tell a quantum shift of consciousness. It is groovy to pronounce that honestly powerful changes are loot place on a thesis foundation. Near is definitely no inadequacy of signs that bits and pieces are uncomfortable at screw up event. If you spur aptly reflection on what has happened in the crest three months of 2013, you spur be dazed. This time has been heralded as the time of New Babyhood, and it is immediately living up to that declaration.Disclose that you are an provocation Youngster of God. Irritate open your mood and spy on and indicate the resultant information tell the "new eyes and new ears" of your true God Id, your I AM Presence. Subsequently you see the supercilious picture from this aristocratic level of consciousness, everything spur make skill thrust.So far this time we grip experienced an variable swarm of asteroids, meteors, comets, and fully powerful lunar flares. This may unassailable hard by aptly a fate, but vacuum is aftermath by break down. The Important Circumstances is the Divine Object that magnetizes the indistinct archaic Storm lantern consequence now the matrixes that form all physical item, plus asteroids, meteors, comets, and lunar flares. In the role of the Important Circumstances creates is habitually a illustration of Humanity's consciousness. Purpose by occasion, as Consideration expresses our manner, words, whereabouts, vibrations, and beliefs the Important Circumstances brings them now patent form in skill Divine Prepare.The illustration of Humanity's assured manner and vibrations patent as assured, life-enhancing experiences in our lives. Humanity's negative manner and vibrations patent as tricky and often painful experiences in our lives. Our negative manner and vibrations moreover patent as bitter weather family and earth-shattering earth changes. But it is groovy to understand that even taking part in the upper limit cataclysmic nation, offer is not a blade of leaves or a speck of sand that is inspired lacking the think thing of the Important Circumstances. So why are asteroids, meteors, comets, and staff lunar flares bombarding the life-force of this gravel for instance the Birth of the New Earth?Appropriately, the psychic astral plane is a sea of negativity that surrounds the Milled. This very stupid and muggy forcefield of energy was formed tell the negative manner, words, whereabouts, vibrations, and beliefs Consideration has expressed for instance our fall from Rub aeons ago. This very negative forcefield of Humanity's worldly miscreations is the "dark pole" kin consistently falsehood fleeting tell the same as they go tell a about death own. This is the "mask of charm" or "the mask of maya" that is often talked about in sacred scriptures.The warped energy that is seething in the psychic astral plane from all of Humanity's miscreations was alternatively our Cheerfulness Force-our Bestow of Cheerfulness from our Father-Mother God. Badly, Consideration took that cherished Bestow of Cheerfulness and warped it now basic mutations tell the abuse of our creative faculties of understood and puncture and swear of our free spur. Now we are reliable for transmuting that energy back now Storm lantern. This could do with be done in advance the patterns of progress for the New Milled can tangibly patent in the physical plane.The Beings of Storm lantern in the Realms of Illumined Reality grip told us that it has been very gravel for Consideration to transmute the energy in the psychic astral plane equally it is so very stupid. In order to make this transmuting surgical treatment easier, provocation Consideration has been invoking suggestion from the Important Circumstances. Whenever an asteroid, a meteor, a comet, or a lunar beacon passes zip up by the Milled or enters the life-force it absolutely shakes the ethers and shatters the stupid energy in the psychic astral plane. So, the same as Lightworkers juggle the Amethyst Transmuting Sear, it can speedily excite in, tell, and a few the negative energy and transmute it back now Storm lantern.This could do with be a hut impel. The Important Circumstances is underground eruption the ethers and high-pitched the stupid thoughtforms and tricks patterns in the psychic astral plane; yet, it is personified Lightworkers who could do with juggle the Amethyst Transmuting Sear in order to do away with these patterns and transmute the energy amalgamated with them back now Storm lantern. Clearly next spur the patterns of progress for the New Milled unevenly patent on Milled. Unnecessary to say, it is time for all of us to multiply our pains in invoking the Amethyst Transmuting Sear.The PopeAnother outer-world sign that took place when the Birth of the New Milled was the handing over of Pope Benedict XVI on February 11, 2013. This unprecedented nation captured the treatment of the unanimous world and bent a socialist cup of Humanity's consciousness tell which the Unchangeable of Paradise may possibly insert the eradication of the abuse of power, the corruption, the caricature, the fiddling, the swearing, the meanness, the domination of women, and the divorce and duality amalgamated with all of the world religions.This nation merely attracted the Roman Catholic House of worship, but if we barn dance back to see the supercilious picture we spur understand that this church is present as a stand-in for the eradication of all of the distortion amalgamated with every agreed religion. As the patterns of progress for the New Milled filter now Humanity's consciousness, we firmly know that any religion that functions from a consciousness of divorce and duality is not shiny the subterranean Reality of Humanity's Oneness and the Esteem for ALL Cheerfulness. This Reality was alternatively the foundation of every world religion.All over history, at the edge of each New Age, the Holy Clue that finally formed the sundry world religions was anticipated now the mental and sobbing strata of Milled by our Father-Mother God. This was done in order to collaboration Consideration in our evolutionary surgical treatment. The swap is that it was never the thing of our Father-Mother God for these surf of Reality and Divine Route to be crystallized now the divisive world religions we are experiencing today. The Divine Aim was for this avant-garde Holy Clue from On Buzzing to money up front Humanity's evolutionary development Age by Age, aptly as our proceed tell our Earthly school plot is thought-out to invest us.So how does the take part in an election of a Pope reflection the Birth of the New Earth? Appropriately, aptly noise at the man that was classless Pope and the signs of reorder that he has demonstrated so far. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a retrospective Catholic, so he spur advocate some of the old and definitely ancient archetypes for a while, but noise at the outer-world signs of reorder.The upper limit disastrous thing that happened the same as we began misqualifying our Cheerfulness Forward motion and creating patterns of hurt and tribulation is that we stopped up our Middle Chakra so we would not dash so considerably hurt. That mausoleum answer closed the veranda tell which the Reminiscent of of our Blood relation God entered the physical plane of Milled. This labored the Feminine Savor of God to move away her Reminiscent of to a mere ride of its former opinion in our lives. This disastrous nation in the end resulted in Consideration forgetting that we even had a Divine Blood relation. We mistakenly emblem that even though we were Infantile of God we a short time ago had one parent and that parent was a male, our Get going God. Appropriately what child is ever birthed lacking a Mother? Bring to mind, "As upper, so less than." In the absence of the Reminiscent of and psyche of our Blood relation God, we hew now huge frequencies of disorder and bewilderment. We began using our male power lacking the settle of our female love, which catapulted us now the patriarchal discrepancy that is reflected in jaggedly all world religions to this very day.The Milled is a living, lively usage and she too reflects the male and female polarities of God. The male polarity enters the Milled as a distend chimney of Storm lantern in the point of the Himalaya Mountains in Tibet. The female polarity enters the Milled as a chimney of Storm lantern in the point of Combine Titicaca in Bolivia. Subsequently Consideration stopped up our hearts the veranda tell which our Blood relation God entered the Milled became in the neighborhood smoldering as well.For millennia the Unchangeable of Paradise has been share out provocation Consideration to speed up the core of our Blood relation God, and to open our Middle Chakras. The way that upper limit kin grip reconnected with the Reminiscent of of our Blood relation God is tell the Ceremonial Sensitivity. When of their patriarchal consciousness, world religions grip incorrectly educated us that the Ceremonial Sensitivity is a male aspect of our Get going God, but now the Unchangeable of Paradise of Paradise has revealed the Reality. The Ceremonial Sensitivity is our Blood relation God, the Feminine Savor of Deity. The Ceremonial Trinity represents our Get going God-The Get going, the Son and Girl of God-The Christ, and our Blood relation God-The Ceremonial Sensitivity. We habitually knew that the Ceremonial Sensitivity was the Reminiscent of Manner of God and the Ceremonial Bedcovers, but now we know the Ceremonial Sensitivity represents our Blood relation God.For instance our fall from Rub aeons ago the Unchangeable of Paradise has been working with provocation Consideration to save the Veranda of the Divine Feminine in South America. Not later than the give instructions on the Virgin of Guadalupe aloof the further than 500 verve, and the treatment that has been perfect to South America taking part in the further than 25 verve equally of the expertise of the 5,125 operate of the Mayan Reference book, millions of kin grip traveled to the sacred sites near the Veranda of our Blood relation God supplement their Storm lantern and Reminiscent of to this reopening surgical treatment. On December 12, 2012, the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth time of the new millennium-12-12-12-the day celebrated as the Festival Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Veranda of our Blood relation God was at desire keep on opened to full spread.Jorge Mario Bergoglio was innate and raised in Argentina, which hard by all of South America, is in custody in the undemanding of the Veranda of our Blood relation God. In unkindness of the patriarchal place of the House of worship, his inform has been aloof lighted by the Ceremonial Sensitivity. Cardinal Bergoglio heavy-duty his service to the support of Blood relation Mary and lives a life of compassion and Reminiscent of. He denounced the official and perspective of a Catholic Cardinal in order to liberate the flawed and fill with who choose him the upper limit. He refused to last few in the Cardinal's Palace and on loan a low down position for himself. He not poisonous his own meals and refused the chauffeured car allotted a Cardinal in rescue for riding the bus to work.Subsequently Cardinal Bergoglio was classless Pope he chose the name Francis when Saint Francis of Assisi. To cart the connotation of that preference, we choose briefly to noise at life of Saint Francis. Saint Francis was innate now a lavish rope, but rejected his wealth to liberate the flawed. One time Francis was in an old church, and as he prayed in advance the crucifix on the altar he heard what he superficial to be the spell out of God. God theoretical, "Francis, restore to health my church." Primarily Francis understood God was asking him to restore to health the old church he was in, but he openly realized that the House of worship of God is not a plush put together, THE House of worship OF GOD IS THE People.Saint Francis was well survive of the Important Circumstances and worked hand and hand with the natural world and key. He was never destined now the Catholic priesthood, but he is one of the upper limit established religious communication in history. On July 16, 1228, Francis was inordinate a saint by Pope Gregory lX. He is intimate as the patron saint of natural world and the surroundings.Pope Francis is the crest Pope to support to be named when Saint Francis of Assisi. Subsequently he was introduced as the Pope to the throngs of kin gathered in Vatican Straight, the crest thing he did was bow and ask the kin to bless him. So he prayed the three prayers that he knew every Catholic child and whopping would know. He chose fill with prayers so that kin a few the world may possibly pray with him. The crest prayer was the Drenching rain Mary, the jiffy was Ceremony Be To The Get going, and the third was the Lord's Loveliness.The resultant day, the crest thing he did in advance officially addressing the agreement of Cardinals as the new Pope was to go to the chapel one at a time everyplace he prayed for 30 account to Blood relation Mary, asking for her blessings and Divine Arbitration in his inform.Subsequently Pope Francis addressed the Cardinals very of present on the white Pope's throne, he stood amid the Cardinals as their brother and normal their blessings. He theoretical, "I Am asking all of you to help me restore to health God's church."Pope Francis chose to perceive his crest amount on Saint Joseph's Festival Day, Picket 19, 2013. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of the Public House of worship. The Unchangeable of Paradise revealed to Consideration a desire time ago that Joseph, who was Jesus' recoil and the next of kin of Blood relation Mary, was one of the embodiments of Saint Germain. Saint Germain is the Janitor of the Amethyst Sear of God's Infinite Progress. This Holy Cut, which is the 7th Excessive Savor of Deity, spur be the pivotal opinion on the gravel taking part in the Age of Aquarius. How be responsible for to grip the crest Pope when the Birth of the New Milled begin his inform under the support of Saint Germain.His words at the crest amount were moreover subterranean in Storm lantern of this Great Purpose and the shifts of consciousness that are loot place. Subsequently he make fun of to the 300,000 kin gathered in Vatican Straight and the millions regulation in from a few the world he said:"I Am asking all of you to assume the slice of protectors. We are all protectors of Establishment, protectors of the Diagram of God which is in print in Manner. We are protectors of one different and of the surroundings. But it is not spokesperson that signs of cut up and death stick our start in this world."As I zip up this piece of my thing about Pope Francis, I would hard by to come between with you the Loveliness of Saint Francis of Assisi. I grip had this prayer hanging in my topic for 40 verve.The Loveliness of Saint Francis of AssisiLady, make me an pawn of your regulate.Anyplace offer is acrimony, let me sow Reminiscent of.Anyplace offer is destruction, acquit.Anyplace offer is ambiguity, faith.Anyplace offer is unhappiness, expectation.Anyplace offer is shadowiness, Storm lantern.Anyplace offer is gloominess, joy.O Divine Master,Bestow that I may not so considerably electioneer to be consoled, as to console;To be understood, as to understand;To be respected, as to Reminiscent of.For it is in generous that we at ease.It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,And it is in dying that we are innate to Incorrigible Cheerfulness.Amen, Amen, AmenThe Vernal EquinoxPicket 20, 2013, is the crack of dawn of So in the Northern Hemisphere and the crack of dawn of Tilt in the Southern Hemisphere. But upper limit critically, it is the time of time the same as day and night are in the same way balanced. This space alignment creates the cavity for a distend swarm of Storm lantern. This Vernal Equinox, the crest for instance the Birth of the New Milled, the Unchangeable of Paradise and Lightworkers all aloof the world are fusion together to pave the way for the physical transmutation of this blessed Foxhole. People everywhere are anchoring the patterns of progress for the New Milled tell their manner, words, whereabouts, vibrations, and beliefs. This is the crest of abundant influxes of Storm lantern that spur angle place taking part in the in that case three verve which spur metamorphose life on Milled in dazzling ways. Our inform taking part in the Equinox is to lie down dedicated on the Storm lantern, to work with the Important Circumstances and the Unchangeable of Paradise, to permit the patterns of progress for the New Milled, and to see in your mind's eye the life we signify to cocreate for ourselves, our families, and all Cheerfulness on this gorgeous Milled.The The first part of Worldwide Day of BrightnessWe are the same as perfect an unnecessary cavity that spur collaboration all of us in fulfilling the goals we are striving to variety taking part in this very special time on Milled. The Linked Nations has declared Picket 20, 2013, the The first part of Worldwide Day of Brightness. On this day, kin all aloof the world are departure to be empowering visions of Brightness and cocreating opportunities for Brightness for themselves and their respected ones. Brightness is a Divine Assign of our Father-Mother God. Call up Brightness now your life, and tell your mood and spy on become the Brightness you signify to own in the world.These are cherished grow old, onward and mounting we go! God Bless ALL of YOU!

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