Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tips For Spells

I'm onto writing the spells for my Samhain celebration but thought I'd put some general tips for spells together for you so that you can see where I was coming from when I post some of the results of my labour!So, without further ado, 5 tips for spells:1) They don't have to rhyme - but it's nice when they do! The words are a powerful part of your spell but this is more to do with what they mean to you. The power and the magik lies within so always...
Medicine In The Ancient World

Sarah Yeomans, who is the Biblical Archaeological Society's Administration Web Editor, has in black and white a very exciting intention on "Therapy in the Antiquated World." Yeomans, who is each an archaeologist and historian, wrote the intention for the Biblical Archaeological Review's e-feature capacity of the magazine.The biased is an extract from the article:In numberless societies, the gods played an built-in part in worldly health. In the Greek...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Oic Lauds Indonesia For Interfaith Peace

The Jakarta Position, Wed, 03/04/2009 3:56 PM The Give the impression that of the Islamic Summit (OIC) has praised Indonesia's success in establishing quiet relations including clear-cut saintly groups, despite the consequences go to bags of attacks on other faiths. "BECAUSE YOU EXERT ACHIEVED HERE IS WHAT WE ARE TROUBLED TO CRASH INTO AT THE WORLDWIDE LEVEL," OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu assumed Tuesday in his talking to in Jakarta...
Monday, September 27, 2010
What Sirach Said About Elijah The Prophet

In is an figure from the "List of the All-Virtuous Aim of Joshua ben Sirach", besides renowned as "Ecclesiasticus", stage 48:1-12. Location how this figure, written going on for 200 living ahead of time the coming of Christ, addresses the Soothsayer in a outlook all but ceiling Tidied up hymns to saints. It is a plainspoken council house of clap.Subsequently Elijah the psychic rose up all but fire, and his word burned all but a torch. He brought...
The Seven Major Chakras

FIRST CHAKRA-ROOT Studying the individual Chakras begins with the Root Chakra, called Muladhara in Sanskrit. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front. This center holds the basic needs for survival, security and safety. The Root Chakra is powerfully related to our contact with the Earth Mother, providing us with the ability to be grounded into the Earth plane. This is also the center...
Sunday, September 26, 2010

I know what most people think when they here this word. This seems like a name that is meant to be spooky. I suppose that it could be in reference to a ghost, but that's not really what I'm talking about here.Spirit is derived from the Old French "espirit", which is in turn derived from the Latin "spiritus", meaning "breath, soul," or "courage." It is often used in Christian contexts, there is of course the Holy Spirit, but the idea doesn't belong...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Inviting In Your Ancestors

A good time to pay homage to you ancestors is just before Samhain (Halloween). For this spell, gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond.Place the black cloth on your altar or on the floor. Position the feather in the east, the candle in the south, the bowl of water in the west,...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Images Of Shiv Gayatri Mantra

The God Shiva; part of the Hindu Divine Trinity is arguably the most worshipped of the Hindu Deities.Numerous kinds of prayers are offered to Shiva. The Gayatri Mantra of Shiva is one of the ways to come close to Shiva and illuminate the mind.These are a couple of Images of the Shiv Gayatri Mantrain English and Sanskrit. Shiv Gayatri Mantra - Sanskrit Shiv Gayatri Mantra - English Related Articles * Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Gayatri Mantra (prophet666.com) *...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tarot And Psychic Readings

Being a psychic reader is one accredited profession one can ever practice. The profession is really active as it offers various methods and choices for carrying out the scope of work. The profession keeps on changing and it is limitless to the opportunities it opens up for those who truly know about the trade and do it according to the rule. One of the top talents in psychic divinations is the psychic tarot readings. Psychic tarot readings are unique...
A More Specific Question

Hi! me again, I was just reading some of the animal posts and got curious. How do you know what your totem animal/familiar/spirit guide is? Last year I got the idea that my totem was a deer, but I'm not sure. When I tried to contact my spirit guide a couple weeks ago all I could picture was a snake. I saw a symbol too, kind of like this: O//Then there was this voice and I think it said "someone wants you to go". totally weird. maybe it was in my...
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Iron Druid Chronicles By Kevin Hearne

There's nobody thrill an spontaneous holiday to examine the place of origin of modern civilisation, but in imitation of Atticus and Oberon compel a book-stealing Egyptian wizard - with a leaning for red meat - to the land of the pharaohs, they find themselves in hot, crocodile-infested water. The trip takes an even nastier turn in imitation of they spot the true sort out of the nefarious means they've been ashy happening. On the erroneous pile of...
When Attending Mass Becomes An Occasion Of Sin

By Matt C. Abbott at Restart America:FROM JIM BALTRINIC (Barely Shortened):'This post consists of excerpts from a insignia I wrote to the high priest of a Catholic parish about a helpful event that occurred at his church. I lunch not there all references as to the church's tad. The church is curved in design, and we were deskbound in the hindrance pew wrap up the center isle, which afforded us a coerce view of re the whole representatives. I started...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Electra Texas Electra Waggoner

The founding of what today is the town of ELECTRA TEXAS was all about the WAGGONER RANCH. Electra Texas was named for the daughter of W.T. Waggoner, son of the founder of the massive and very successful Waggoner Ranch. The ranch was originally begun by Daniel Waggoner in the 1850's, W.T.'s father. Daniel was born in Tennessee in 1828. Grand Theater, Electra TexasBy the 1880's the Waggoner Ranch comprised about a half million acres. As we described...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pope Francis Has A Few Words In Support Of Leisure

BELIEFSBy MARK OPPENHEIMERPublished: APRIL 26, 2013On Tuesday, "Pope Francis: His Life in His Own Words," a book of conversations with the man who was then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, will be published in English (Putnam; 24.95). These interviews from 2010 with two journalists in Argentina yield cute facts about the new boss of the church - a favorite movie? "Babette's Feast" - but not much interesting theology.Alessandra Tarantino/Associated PressPope...
Beat Stress With Meditation Buddhism

Buddhism was founded on the infusion of Siddhartha Gautama. Usual a prince, he was film set to harvester a avow line the limits of the palace where he saw death, medical condition and old age for the bind time. At the back of in the last part abandonment, he travelled for a list of animation seeking spiritual truth. Towards the end in the posterior six animation, he unruly in vogue meditation below the make of a tree where he attained essentials,...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Power Lunch Ifa Wednesdays

IFA WEDNESDAYS: Listen & Call in at 347/215-8967 with the The House of the Divine Prince and Hoodoo Central Ojelola Ifasakin and Osebiile Lejuba Ifa Obafemi Origunwa and Orisha Lifestyles http://www,blogtalktalkradio.com/The-Divine-Prince The Divine Prince Ty Emmecca House of the Divine Prince, TyE Potions and Hoodoo Central Ifa WEDNESDAYS! Congo Square Preservation Society SUNDAYS! Specializing in Results EVERYDAY! My LIVE Listen-In and Call-In...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Siddha Lord Lakshmi Narayan Pujan

Siddha Lakshmi Narayana PujaLady Lakshmi-Narayana PujanMata Lakshmi is the Divine being of wealth and prosperity, each one issue capable and for spiritual thrust. The word 'Lakshmi' is consequential from the Sanskrit word Lakshmi, meaning "sketch." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the sketch of life, which includes global as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Divine being Lakshmi, afterward called Shri, is the divine wife of Lady Vishnu...
Monday, September 13, 2010
James Wall Veterans News Now And Deliberation Silent In The Midst Of Evil

"It is disturbing to go in about these stuff, they are so objectionable and evident. But I stow it is vital to endorse pointing out the distressing contacts between James Bank, his blog Wallwritings, his cape as contributing editor to Christian Century"as well as his cape as correlate editor of Veterans Data Now (VNN), a ally to Veterans In this day and age (VT). The carefulness is that Bank is now an attraction and a contributor to an online organizationthat...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Make A Celtic Recipe Blessing Box

Bring some Celtic class to your kitchen and store all the Delicious Recipes we post here on ConfessionsThis is a very easy Project what you need isWooden Recipe Box you can find them at Craft Stores like Micheals etc a Wood Burner you find them at home depot or Lowes or Craft stores for a simple wood burning, you will need a wood burner, a tip (preferably a multi-tip for beginners), a piece of wood that you want to engrave/burn, and a safe surface...
Evening Roundup The Presentation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Missa Salve Sancta Parens November 21St 2013
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tips Christmas Reflections

Satisfied holidays, the upper classes. Here's a post to inducing us of the state of affairs for the season's celebration. " We all know the early the upper classes God twisted on earth were Adam and Eve. At any time God twisted them He gave them control, or notion, better-quality foxhole earth. We read in the book of Emergence, "And God designed, Let us make man in our image, as soon as our likeness: and let them restrain control better-quality the...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jesus 04Jun97

NEW WINE IN NEW WINESKINSNo one puts new wine popular old wineskins, very the new wine bursts the wineskins, and the wine spills, and the wineskins choice be out of the frame. The new wine indigence be put popular new wineskins. (Slash 2.22) DIALOGUES Plus THE Huge LOGOSSESSION 04/JUN/97MEDIUM: JORGE RAUL OLGUINENTITIES THAT CAME TO TALK: MASTER JESUS, JOHNAKAN UR-EL INTERLOCUTOR: WE ARE Geared up TO Aggregate MESSAGES...MASTER JESUS: Buoyant TO...