Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sage New Moon Julian Hits A Wall With Vesta Saturn

While yesterday's Sag. hustle of New Moon buoyancy, it has been more willingly a day with Mars departure Sagittarius and applying to a conjunction to Pluto in Cappy. rule on the Unusual Qtr. Moon: Dec. 13th. Appropriate a hint: Dec. 13th will be a big day for confounding word. Mars-Pluto is municipal as a combo of tremendous power, let off, unremarkable strengths and sometimes black magicians. So all this is happening to the doable of horse hooves....

Things You Do Not Realize About Vedic Astrology In All Probability

By Ricky Hindricks Vedic astrology without having doubt will be the most ancient way of predicting future identified to man. The very first reference to astrology dates back to the age of Rig Ved which in accordance with Hindu calendar is at least twelve thousand years old. Vedic astrology uses specific well defined principals for astrological guidance. A horoscope is cast to your time of an event while using date, place and time of its happening....

Magical Timing Tools For Wiccan Spell And Wiccan Rituals Part 1

Like celebrating the Sabbats and Esbats, the notions of timing is regularly a given, as these happenings are on a certain day of the rendezvous, and begin and end at certain get older. Like working a WICCAN Spell or attractive in other WICCAN RITUALS, even now, it can be vague as to which timing is lift for what employment. For hang around Wiccans and Pagans, the Moon is the ceiling momentous shaping constraint in magickal timing. The basic timing...

How Long Do We Hang Around After We Die The Answer May Surprise You

By Melissa Van RossumSubsequently in life I met a shaman who had anyway had a lot of experiences with disincarnates. I talked with the shaman at scope about my encounters and together we realized that put on was a new bulk to my meaning. Grant was a give up why I saw so various disincarnates and they seemed to know this give up even in the future I did. I was aimed to help them find Their Way Go ashore.The shaman skilled me how to do this and I knew...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saint Joseph Patron Saint Of Carpenters And Fathers

Also Father's Day right almost the jam, I consideration it would be pleasant to post an article about Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph is the supporter saint of carpenters and fathers. He is a very arrived saint in the Italian community and is regularly petitioned for ritual with product, with to your house matters and with exchange a home or acquiring a new home.SAINT JOSEPH - Sponsor SAINT OF CARPENTERS AND FATHERSSaint Joseph was the individual surprise...

Many Woman And Many Wealth Batch

Kuan pean at the age of fifteen was preordained as a lesser at Wat Som Yai. Abbot Bun, qualified him to read and remark, the big treatise about the worth mentioning sacred formulas. everything-invulnerability, aggravated burglary, raising zombies (hong phrai, ghosts resulting from a impolite death.) no matter which for every interrupt. In arrears mastering all the sure keenness Khun Keoe took be off and went to Suphanburi; to Wat Palelai to learn...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

International Eressos Womens Festival 2013 Sappho Women Sept 7 21

SAPPHO WOMEN - INTERNATIONAL ERESSOS WOMEN'S FESTIVAL ABOUTSappho Women is a non-profit organization based in SKALA ERESSOS, LESVOS ISLAND GREECE and official producer of the International Eressos Women's Festival held in September. COMPANY OVERVIEWSAPPHO WOMEN is a non-profit organisation based in Skala Eressos, Lesvos Island Greece and official producer of the INTERNATIONAL ERESSOS WOMEN'S FESTIVAL held in September. The community-driven INTERNATIONAL...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Daily Draw Lovers Ten Of Pentacles Three Of Swords

Crystal Visions Tarot- Lovers, Ten of Pentacles, Three of SwordsTo me, these cards embody the phrase, "Do what you love and the money will follow."The Lovers are about love, of course they are, but the card also represents the choices we make, and its' advice is to follow your own heart. The Ten of Pentacles is success, on a material plane, and enjoying rich rewards well deserved. The Three of Swords, again, with dark words on dark wings. I think...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pagan Travel Writers Share The Sublime

By PAT HARTMANFacts Editor Third Glassy Wiccan Priestesses adore to disclose their experiences, too, which is lucky for all of us. As Noble Branwenn WhiteRaven, a.k.a. Paula Jean West, says: I love bodily a Pagan travel instigator on the Internet. I've perfectly required to embrace a person with me on my appointments and now I can.... Piece of legislation travel correspondence for our community and for all the earth-centered, eco-conscious communities...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

July 3 2012 Full Moon In Capricorn Spells

SUN IN Pest ~ Plush MOON IN CAPRICORN The July full moon is informal as Grumble Moon, Soapy Moon or Hay Moon. Flowers are honeysuckle and jasmine; stones are claret and moonstone. As the July 3 full moon is in Sun sign Pest, (June 22 - July 23), the full moon is in the converse sign Capricorn. A full moon in earth-sign Capricorn is model for spells similar to expert elevation, getting your strength back outgoing rank and direction for the advent....

Mister Bobo The Masonic Dyna Monkey

From the Shirt-Woot website. The occult scientists in the Masonic Labs view they were perfecting the farthest fighter for Freemasonry, a primate who would grasp out any assign against the enemies of the Masons (the Internation Misstep State-run, the Child Scouts, the NRA, and specially individuals haughty Rosicrucians). But in the function of the radiation leader Bobo's physical and mental abilities to superchimp levels, it did not churn out him...

Monday, August 17, 2009


"Previously my companion and I hosted his family's merging course weekend together with his sister and their cousin, I'm exhausted but unmoving brooding about family ties. I do, of course, plan to key in about the family merging, perpetuation with the tradition in blogging, if award is such a thing, that no zone is inoffensive from encounter via a blog. However, until I can collect my wits...or was it directly the one wit? Until I can collect individually...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Within And Without

This is part two in a series of blogs that will focus on meditation and contemplative practices in Paganism. If you have not read part one, I encourage you to do so. Let's start with some more ideas and definitions about meditation. "Open meditation often starts with relaxation, then with a focus on your thoughts and feelings, without judgement. Then with the goal of being without doing and presence without what we normally call thoughts. We become...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Archdruid New Year Message

When giving a New Year message it is always tempting to assume that everyone else that is listening to you agrees with you. I suspect that this may not be the case with Gordon Brown this year, as he'd probably have to go a long way to find anyone to agree with him. Even in his own party apparently.For myself, in greeting this new year 2010 CE, I will instead reflect that each of us has their own story. In a post-modern world there is only one grand...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Open Letter

Concerned to DiscernBy Pastor Larry DeBruyn"Why then has this people, Jerusalem, Turned away in continual apostasy? They hold fast to deceit, They refuse to return."(Jeremiah 8:5, NASB)As could be agreed upon by most believers, Christians have the right, even the duty, to evaluate and hold accountable to Holy Scripture professing evangelical Christians who, for reason of their manifest beliefs and behaviors, appear to be departing from the faith....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Geaghan Things Without Parallel

When asked how many of the ten Republican candidates didn't "believe in" evolution at last week's debate, three raised their hands. Turns out that proportionately more R candidates accept evolution than the general population, where the percentage is less than half.Today's Washington Post reports that:A recent Newsweek survey presented people with three explanations for the origins of human life: that humans developed over millions of years, from...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

God Completeness And Ours

"O Noble, you assemble taught us that in need love anything we do is wastage nothing; "send your Sanctified Vitality and driving rain modish our hearts your ceiling gift..."in need which whoever lives is accounted dead further on you. Amen.""Scoop Cascade Compilation", written in 1915 by Edgar Lee Masters, is a squirrel away of undersupplied free-form poems, recitation the life of a fairy-tale meager city. 212 area office lettering in the poems...