Saturday, August 1, 2009

Islamic Renaissance And Iran Green Movement

Islamic Renaissance And Iran Green Movement
The Green Movement, is a new movement within the Islamic regime, that tries to put Islam above Iran's own ten thousand year old culture: a culture rich in morality and philosophy, and non-violence.The advent of Khomeini was a blessing in disguise. It forced Iranians to dig archeologically (in the proper sense of the word) Iran's past. They have found what a glorious past it was, built by people who loved culture and civilization.The true Iranian opposition was inspired from 1979 by the spirit of non-violence and free will, as it is written by books like the Zend-Avesta, which Eclipses the Koran by a long way, in the areas of morality and enlightenment. Many in Iran have kept the truth or Ahuramazda alive in their hearts, and have handed it down verbally for thousands of years (seeneh be seeneh as we Iranians say), to escape the horror of Islam that burnt all our books.Now with the advent of the internet, many Iranians have converted by to the original philosophy of Iran, and the regime is aware of this mass exodus, and can do nothing about it. Islam has lost the hearts and minds of all Iranians. Very few call their new born children Mohammad or FatimaRead the Article at HuffingtonPost

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