Friday, July 24, 2009

Looking Forward Looking Back A Pagan Ritual For Samhein By Magicinlivingroom

Looking Forward Looking Back A Pagan Ritual For Samhein By Magicinlivingroom
3,00 USD

Magic in Your Living Room: Samhain (Halloween) - Looking Forward, Looking Back

Magic in Your Living Room is a series of ready-to-use Pagan rituals, suitable for a small group that will fit in your living room or backyard. They follow the Wiccan calendar of holidays, but are mostly non-denominational and could be used by anyone who feels ritual is an important part of life. The booklet you will receive includes: a description of the ritual, instructions on holding it, a list of the items needed and pages that can be printed and used as a program. It will be sent to you as a PDF.

Looking Forward, Looking Back is a version of the traditional ceremony of the apple and the pomegranate. You will need 4 apples, a pomegranate and 4 cutting boards with knives, along with some other items. A list is included with the documents you receive. It is designed for any number of participants, although it works best with 5 or more.

Difficulty Level: Easy. Minimal setup and few ritual objects


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