Sunday, July 12, 2009

Changing Alchemy Specialization In Cataclysm

Changing Alchemy Specialization In Cataclysm


With the drop in prices of Cataclysm herbs in World of Warcraft, the potion and flask markets have the opportunity to be much more profitable. I myself changed one of my alchemists from transmutation specialization to potion master just yesterday. One thing has changed. There no longer is the Alchemy specialization swapping npc in Shattrath. There used to be an npc in Shatt that you would pay the150g and then pick which specialty branch of alchemy you want to change to. He's gone. It's a lot more tedious now.

In order to change your Alchemy specialty choice, you have to go to the trainer of the original specialization and pay your 150g to unlearn. Then you have to travel across Outlands to the trainer of the new specialty to train the new specialization. It was so much easier when you could just find your way to Shattrath, pay your gold and then chose your new speciality.

So my druid had to fly to Stormspire to pay the 150g to unlearn transmutation spec from the transmutation trainer, then fly to Cenarian Refuge in Zangarmarsh to be trained in potions by the potion master there.

So don't waste your time flying to Shatt to swap out your specialities in Alchemy.


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