Our family BOS starts off with our family history. My husband and I decided that we wanted ours to be very much used like an old-fashioned family bible. We therefore printed up the family line for both of us back 2 generations, and have left space for future generations. Future additions will be handwritten in.
After that, I have put a drawing of my preferred altar set up with explanations of what goes where as I have detailed in Tools of the Witch.
The remaining pages are used for recording rituals that we have done as a family. Sometimes we have a formal ritual with all the smells and bells, other times we just invite family around for an informal dinner.
Some rituals that can be found in our family BOS include Circle Opening and Closing rituals, symbolic great rite, initiation rituals, naming ceremonies and a handfasting ceremony. The naming and handfasting ceremonies are detailed in Life Rituals.
My personal BOS also contains information on spells I have done and divinations I have done using either a tarot deck or my amulets, dreams, and things seen during guided imagery sessions.
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Ancient Grimoires - The 8th Book Of Moses
Sekhet Sophia - The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows
Gerald Gardner - The Garnerian Book Of Shadows