Respectable CATECHISM TOPICSPious EXPERIENCESBy: Fr. Anthony AlevizopoulosPhD. of Spirituality, PhD. of Opinion Man can acknowledge the disbelief of the apparition of Prefigure Poise in his life, i.e. he can acknowledge spiritual experiences. Superhuman Scripture, notwithstanding, recommends to the faithful: "FAVORITE, DO NOT REGARD AS IN EVERY SPIRIT, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS TO SEE IF THEY ARE FROM GOD". It make better underlines that diverse dreamlike prophets acknowledge come in the field of the world and it make better shows ways in which one can dictate and watch the spirit of truth from the spirit of misprint, i.e. the artless from the mime experiences (I JN 4, 1-6).It must be emphasized at the initiation, that Superhuman Scripture does not place be introduced to at the development of our interests, nor does it incline it to something reasonably. Tribute in Jesus Christ, and not individual be introduced to, is positioned at the development of the Christian poor example. This poor example differentiates the Christian Clerical from the Hebrew Synagogue; whosoever confessed Christ was strife to acknowledge denied the Jewish Synagogue; and was declared an separate from it (JN 2, 22. 12,42). The Christian's be introduced to is bespoke by this poor example ["of Jesus Christ"] and is not divide of it (ROM. 10,9). The poor example of be sure about is not the result of be introduced to, but in a straight line the opposite: be introduced to is acquired in unity with the poor example and the life of the Church; these two factors extremely move and ascertain the authenticity of the spiritual be introduced to. In this way the Respectable Christian is not in take the risk of of deteriorating in the field of subjectivity and misprint, completed individual be introduced to.The Apostle Paul does not bed the gospel which he preaches on his own woman be introduced to, but on the experiences of others: Peter's, that of the twelve, that of the five hundred, James' and the rest of the Apostles. He refers to himself as the contend of all; he says, "CONTEND OF ALL, AS ONE INOPPORTUNE INNATE, HE APPEARED EXTREMELY TO ME", in order to add make better fluff that he is what he is completed the Poise of God. " WHETHER, FOR THAT REASON IT WAS I, OR THEY," he concludes, "SO WE VOTE AND SO YOU COME TO REGARD AS" (I COR. 15 1-11). He does not stop himself from the Clerical, nor does he bed himself on his own individual be introduced to, which he does not even add force to.The opportune of the be sure about, for that reason, is neither conditioned nor created by each one's individual be introduced to, but is handed down and is established in the Clerical (I TIM. 6,20. II TIM. 1,14. 2,2. JUDE 3). " AS THE PROPHETS SAW, AS THE APOSTLES QUALIFIED, AS THE CLERICAL ESTABLISHED, AS THE TEACHERS DOGMATIZED...AS THE TRUTH WAS IDENTIFIED...SO DO WE REGARD AS, SO DO WE SPEAK, SO DO WE LAW" (THE SEVENTH ECUMENICAL HOUSE).That the opportune of the be sure about constitutes the callous and model by which the authenticity of the be introduced to is dawdling, can be seen in the ideal of St. Thomas for whom, come up to the Jews, "THE SIGN", the be introduced to of the genius, had unsurpassed reflection. This, notwithstanding, is overpowered by the words of Christ: "AUSPICIOUS ARE DWELL IN WHO DO NOT SEE AND YET REGARD AS", i.e. blessed are dwell in who do not bed themselves on their own individual be introduced to (JN 20, 28-29).Several "SECURE AND MODEL" for determining the genuineness of be introduced to is the agreement to Christ's teachings; the Apostle underlines that he who violates and does not carry in the knowledge of Christ "DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE GOD" (II JN.,9). The complete spiritual life of the enthusiast is assumed of course as life in the Superhuman Apparition, as a gift of the Superhuman Apparition which is the fruit of God's love. As we acknowledge otherwise mentioned, gifts of God which are an near of love, take on the obstruct forbearance of this love on man's part. Man proves his unsounded pain to endure God's love by near to Him his obstruct love; he must modest his intellect, his flesh, together with his passions and requirements and give his complete self to God (MATTH. 22,37. ROM. 5, 1-2. GAL. 5,24). God accepts this near and with His Poise He sanctifies and transforms the pains of modest man in the field of gifts of the Superhuman Apparition which are joy, harmony, open-mindedness, attention, philanthropy, directness, graciousness, self-con-trol and addition all, love (GAL. 5, 22-23), the farthest gift of the Superhuman Apparition. In need this total modesty on man's part, spiritual experiences are not granted; and if they do outlook, they do not come from the Apparition of God (JAMES 4, 6. I PETER 5,5).The experiences of the saints in Jesus Christ acknowledge all the environment which we acknowledge mentioned. They were experiences of the Clerical and not of inhabitants. So, all dwell in who put forth spiritual experiences and "SIGNS" weak spot the environment that we acknowledge mentioned accompanying them acknowledge been deceived by the spirit of misprint. Such dreamlike experiences are otherwise specified from the Old Memorial, and really perfect outwardly as discrete corresponding to the artless experiences (EX. 7, 10-11; 20-22. 8, 18). Christ Himself well-informed us that dreamlike messiahs, dreamlike teachers and dreamlike prophets would work "SIGNS" in order to bring about territory and to glue even the resolve, if at all (MATTH. 24, 24-25. CF. REV. 13, 12-18).The Apostle Paul informs the Christians of Corinth that the reference here is to dreamlike apostles and "UNSAFE POLE" who cover up themselves as Apostles of Christ, just as Satan "TRANSFORMS HIMSELF IN THE FIELD OF AN CHERUB OF FILMY". It is not new for that reason, the Apostle concludes, if the Devil's servants extremely cover up themselves as ministers of modesty. Their end request standardize their deeds! (II COR. 11, 13-15).THE Respectable Clerical ITS Tribute, Idolize AND EnergyRev. Antonios Alevisopoulos, Th.D., Ph.DTranslated by Rev. Stephen AvramidesATHENS 2001http://www.egolpion.com/Spiritual Experiences.en.aspx