Brothers Mark Tabbert ("American Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building Communities") and S. Brent Morris ("The Complete Idiot's Guide To Freemasonry") were also interviewed, along with Richard Brookhiser ("Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington"), Steven Bullock ("Revolutionary Brotherhood"), Robert Hieronimus ("Founding Fathers, Secret Societies"), and many others. I have not seen the edited program, and so I can make no promises of how the final product turned out. We shot at Lafayette Park, in front of the Capitol. in Alexandria at Gatsby's Tavern, at the site of the original cornerstone of the Federal City, and in front of the House of the Temple. The production company spent time in Philadelphia and traveled to England, as well.
I noticed today it has appeared on the History Channel schedule for Monday, June 29th at 8PM, and will rerun again at midnight, EST.
Here, then, is the official listing:
Secrets of the Founding Fathers Monday, June 29th 08:00 PM Tuesday, June 30th 12:00 AM
Investigates the history and symbology so prominent in the creation of the United States, and traces the intricate connections of the Founders with Freemasonry, other secret organizations and between each other. How did the trademarks of the highly secretive Masons become integrated into the Great Seal, and on the dollar bill containing the All-Seeing Eye? Did the grid design of the nation's capital--commissioned by George Washington and completed by Pierre L'Enfant--contain occult symbols embraced by the Illuminati in 1776? Did Benjamin Franklin and George Washington deliberately enlist 33 Freemason generals from France to grow the fraternal brotherhood among Masonic nations? Explore the secret (and secretly dark) sides of the men responsible for laying the foundation of the United States.
As I said, I make no promises. I'll be as surprised as you are.
The full broadcast schedule is:
Mon 6/29 8:00-10:00pm
Tue 6/30 12:00-2:00am
Fri 7/3 8:00-10:00pm
Sat 7/4 12:00-2:00am
Sun 7/5 2:00-4:00pm
Origin: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com