Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Luang Phor Thong Wat Shampochey

Luang Phor Thong (Archan Thong) - Wat ShamPoChey practice Vipasana meditation and can foresee people's future, cure black magic, business prediction and many unforseen power.Luang Phor Thong's (AC Thong) Tarkut B.E 2545 for KongKraPan In B.E 2527, he started to make Tarkut for devotees who came to the temple to pray or made donations. Miraculously in many cases, the takruts protected the wearers from harm, accidents (kongKraPan) and for metta (for...

Religion And Spirituality Open Question What If A Blind Man Ruled

"A sun shelter man may with all righteousness game reserve that light does not be present. Men who can see light specter maybe praise the righteousness of the sun shelter man, but they specter wish that he were additional apprehensive with the truth about the soul of light. He authorization order aware look at, report his blindness as the unexpected of the fact that he does not suppose in the soul of light."Raine: "Also you are asking him to be the...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Seax Wicca

Seax Wica es una tradici'on de la Wicca, una religi'on neo-pagana. Esta tradici'on tiene una basis anglosajona. La Seax Wica no pretende ser una reconstrucci'on del paganismo saj'on essential." HISTORIA" En 1973, Raymond Buckland, un autor y practicante de la Wicca gardneriana cre'o una nueva tradici'on dentro de la Wicca llamada Seax Wica. Con esto, Buckland no rompi'o su juramento en la Wicca gardneriana ya que no incluy'o en la nueva tradici'on...

Good News The Healing That Only God Can Bring

An stimulating lie from www.ucg.org about healing as a gift from God. This follows this post about evolution's fallacies. For a free magazine subscription or to get this book for free click HERE! or call 1-888-886-8632.Truthful News! The Patch up That Particular God Can Bring!A comment by Randy D'Alessandro The world is full of sickness and malignant cells - both physical and mental and too sensitive. Though assorted of mankind's EP thinkers work...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thank You Alton Lemon 1928 2013

In 1968, the authorization of Pennsylvania enacted a law that subsidized secret clerical schools with taxpayer dollars. The afterward year, a civil citizenship earthly with degrees in sums and expansive work, Alton Lemon, tied a court case callous that appear in for violating the Constitution's banning on the induction of religion. In 1971, the Stereotype Quad heard the example ("Lemon v. Kurtzman") and struck down the law, establishing what became...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Anthropology Of Religion Albinos Taste The Best Or So I Hear

Sometimes the headlines I read make me thing the world is way out. But as a consequence I become skilled at it's the citizens who are way out. High-class to the intent, it's the dedicated citizens who are way out. Theme this relate about albinos fearing for their lives so internal witchdoctors have started to use albino form parts in dedicated rituals. 40 albinos have been killed to the same degree 2007. It's way out. "In the earlier, albinos had...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kirlian Photography

KIRLIAN Film makingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaKirlian illustrate of two variation KIRLIAN Film making is a variety of photographic techniques recycled to capture the awe of electrical coronal discharges. It is named as Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939 at random open that if an affirm on a photographic appearance is associated to a high-voltage satisfactory, an image is formed on the photographic appearance. The lane has been variously highly...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday February 26 2013 The X Zone Radiotv Show With Rob Mcconnell

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2013: THE 'X' ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW WITH ROB MCCONNELLTODAY'S BROADCAST SCHEDULESEGMENT 1 - E. P. GRONDINE - Update: Close Encounters with Comets, Meteorites and Asteroids - Click Here To ListenSEGMENT 2 - DR JOHN E BRANDENBURG - Asteroid 20-2012 - Click Here To ListenSEGMENT 3 - JOHN KACHUBA - Ghost and Hauntings! - Click Here To ListenSEGMENT 4 - STEPHEN YULISH - Behold Azazel: the Extraterrestrial-Revisited - Click Here To ListenSEGMENT...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Militant Buddhist Extremists Threaten To Destroy The Western Way Of Life

Militant Buddhist Extremist"WASHINGTON-In a 45-minute video posted on Tibetan websites Thursday, Tsuglag Rinpoche, leader of the Buddhist extremist group Kammahana, threatened to soon inflict a wave of peace and tranquility on the West.Speaking in front of a nondescript altar surrounded by candles, burning sticks of incense, and a small golden statue of the Buddha, Rinpoche did not specify when or where an assault of profound inner stillness would...

November Full Moon Prayer

The moon is associated with consciousnessparticularly with the right brain.Each phase of the moon carries its own special energy.The full moon represents enlightenment,which is the full flowering of consciousnessIt is a special time where I believe~our prayers are amplified without limit~It is always one of my favorite times to pray~So as I prepare to pray and perform ceremony~to the Grandmother Moon~I wanted to share a few of my thoughts and prayersI...

Mind And Emergence From Quantum To Consciousness By Philip Clayton

Strong claims have been made for emergence as a new paradigm for understanding science, consciousness, and religion. Tracing the past history and current definitions of the concept, Clayton assesses the case for emergent phenomena in the natural world and their significance for philosophy and theology. Complex emergent phenomena require irreducible levels of explanation in physics, chemistry and biology. This pattern of emergence suggests a new approach...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sri Ambal Temple Kuala Lukut Negeri Sembilan

The Sri Ambal temple in Kuala Lukut was started in the early 1890's by establishing a shrine at an 'Arasamaram' (neem tree). It was frequented by Indian plantation workers that were residing in nearby plantations. As these workers faced numerous problems such as diseases, financial constraints and social isolation, they prayed to Goddess Ambal for spiritual relieve. After the First World War, the rubber prices had risen. Therefore many devotees...

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Goddess And The Bird

The Goddess has been associated with the bird since the beginning of time. In Paleolithic and Neolithic times, there were many known bird Goddesses. It seems the bird may have been an especially revered animal. In the ancient city of Catal Huyuk, the vulture was said to be a powerful and spiritual creature. Wall paintings from some of the houses suggest possible excarnation, although it is said no actual evidence of this practice has been found....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Two Scottish Bishops Excellent Pre Election Pastoral Letters

H/T to the Sisters of the Gospel of Life for this one.Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow points out the problem of finding a party that Catholics can support and asks the people of his diocese to vote for the candidate, not the party. He writes:no mainstream party is ready to uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. None wants to stand up unambiguously for the marriage-based family as the essential building brick of society...

Plantinga Is Grossly Monumentally Massively Wrong

Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga defends exclusivism by arguing that it "need not involve either epistemic or moral failure, and that furthermore something like it is wholly unavoidable, given our human condition." He tells us there are three alternatives to religious diversity, (1) to continue believing, (2) to withhold belief, or (3) to deny one's belief. Against (2) withholding belief, he argues "there is no safe haven here, no way to avoid...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sky God

"I incessantly ridicule the sky God picture of a "GOD" dominant in the relationships of humans [" as some religions teach"] as if some super particular in the sky, some anthropomorphic super man, with hands and feet, is equitably now on a throne and "GUIDING" this irrational fear we unassailable " THIS WORLDS LIFE" to some such end.""Inhabitants ridicule special effects they don't understand" comes to goal... Specified quote put "BRAKE" head of government,...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hi Im Very New To The Wiccan Religion And I Was Wondering If You Could Help Me Noting To In Depth Just Like How To Find My Element My Goddess Things Like That

Hello there, I am sorry that you don't have anyone to talk to about these things, I know it can feel quite lonely. I'm going through similar circumstances and sorta wishing that I could lead a coven again. Bleh. Sorry, this is about you. Let's move on. While the questions you ask appear, at a glance, to be simple in nature...they aren't. Let me take them one at a time and I ask for forgiveness now for the long darn post I am about to impart. YOUR...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Garbha Raksha Stotram Prayer For Safe Delivery