particularly with the right brain.
Each phase of the moon carries its own special energy.
The full moon represents enlightenment,
which is the full flowering of consciousness
It is a special time where I believe~
our prayers are amplified without limit~
It is always one of my favorite times to pray~
So as I prepare to pray and perform ceremony~
to the Grandmother Moon~
I wanted to share a few of my thoughts and prayers
I hope that you will join me for a moment in time~
The act of meditation or prayer ~
helps to connect you to yourself
and that part of Creation and God that is inside of you~
The act of prayer helps you to connect with your inner truth ~
It is by spiritually connecting with all creation
and the One Creator, the Great Mystery
that we shall find hope, courage and strength~
There is only one way to know and understand
the ancient wisdom of our ancestors~ -
to truly understand one must connect with the truth
that is within one's own heart
It is by sharing this hope
that we may pass along to future generations
the great mysteries of our ancestors~
If we hold our truth inside us
It means nothing~
Honoring the Grandmother Moon
is a time of honoring your own Divinity -
honoring your part in Creation
and your responsibility for everyday,
every minute, every thought,
and every word that you speak
We are living in time frame
where the amnesia is lifting
and the remembrance is beginning.
The old framework based in fear,
limitation, unworthiness and hatred is dying.
People are awakening everywhere
and starting to create miracles in their life's
that gives them purpose and meaning.
Let us commit ourselves to care for all the gifts of Creation~
Let us commit ourselves to explore
and to understand environmental issues and concerns~
Let us commit to ourselves to explore and know
our ancestral wisdom~
Our ancestors lived sacred and holy ways~
they honored the earth mother, father sky, grandmother moon~
they honored the animal, plant and mineral kingdom~
They only took what they needed
and they considered themselves~
caretakers of the beloved Mother Earth~
In the way of our grandfathers,
there are many things we should not speak out loud
and there is only one way to know and understand
the ancient wisdom of our ancestors~ -
to truly understand one must connect with the truth
that is within one's own heart
It is thru our hope and our dreams
that we will one day pass along
the great mysteries of our ancestors~
to future generations to come~
Humanity is finally waking up,
and there are and will be many changes that will happen
upon our Beloved Earth Mother~
Never before in the history of mankind,
has our energy been needed more than ever before~
How we live, the choices we make,
the gifts that we finally embrace and develop,
and our love and honor for all life ~
is how we will choose to participate
in the healing that is needed at this point in history.
We are the keepers of the Earth~
We need to realize, honor and respect
our creative force and realize we are creators.
When we truly honor ourselves
and our awesome creative power
we will again live in a sacred way where we honor all life.
When we can begin to honor
the essence and spirit of all living things
only then can we begin to heal this world and all our relations~
Our Power songs of long ago~
hold many keys for enlightenment and awakening~
Embrace your culture~ it is unique and special~
Embrace your ancestral ceremonies and prayers
they are unique and hold a great power~
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo ~~
Waniwacin yelo Omakiyayo help me I want to live
Let us come together
as One Tribe~~ One Earth~~ One Heart~ One People~
Stop looking for excuses~
and begin to live and speak your truth~
Time is running out~ and our Earth Mother needs our Prayers~
Wiconi Yawaste Wana ho hay Teshko Oyata
(( We are here to bless of all life)
Pray in your own way~ to what feels right to you~
It has come time to lay down our shields of separation~
that have been in place for far to long~
Let us come together
as One Tribe~~ One Earth~~ One Heart~ One People~
Stop looking for excuses~ and begin to live and speak your truth~
Time is running out~ and our Earth Mother needs our Prayers~
Wiconi Yawaste Wana ho hay Teshko Oyata
(( We are here to bless of all life)
Your thoughts may just join with me in prayer~
I will be talking to the Grandmother Moon tonight~~
Talking to the Spirits~ and as you read my words~
you are invited to join with me in thought and prayers~
It is the time of year where the season of fall is upon us~
a time of dreaming the future~
So tonight for those night owls ~
who are looking for something to do~
Join with me in my prayers~
sit and read my words of prayer slowly~
If you get a chance tonight~
go outside and sit in silent contemplation
to the full moon energy~
It will be a good night to pray~~
or even just visit the Grandmother Moon t
onight for a few minutes~
Go for a walk~ sing your sounds~
or play your instruments~
Grandmothers visible symbol shines bright in the sky~
open your heart~open your mind~ open your intuition~
If you have any desires or needs~ go out and tell her
If you know someone who needs healing~
send out some healing from your heart~
Hold intention and focus in your heart~
If you desire to play a part in creating
a new world of love & light
send forth your intention and start manifesting
a new world of love ">
Reference: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com