Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Pope App And Jack Chick Latest Tract

The Pope App And Jack Chick Latest Tract
Great news for Catholic iPhone users! The Vatican has just released an app that will allow us to keep in touch with events at the Vatican as well as any news releases regarding Pope Benedict, including recent statements, travel itinerary, etc. There is also a feature that will allow the user to view six webcams that will give live real time images from the Eternal City. There is even alerts that can be enabled that will come across your screen on your phone with the latest news from the Vatican. Just think, when the pope declares a new dogma, you will be the first to know!I am excited that our Holy Father has chosen to engage the world through all aspects of the new digital media that is now available. Wouldn't Saint Peter and his successors have loved this! Actually they are well aware already but I digress.

Yet I can see Jack Chick and his coreligionists seeing a conspiracy in all of this. Remember Jack Chick believes that the Vatican has a super-computer with the names of all the protestants on it, run by the evil Jesuits. Yikes! Now the pope and his power-hungry curia can send out their missives to the mindless Catholic automatons who have ship-wrecked their faith to follow a false gospel. The Vatican can now directly communicate with every Catholic in real time. Assuming of course that every Catholic has an iPhone (the Droid version won't be out till February) I was able to get a pre-release copy of Chick's upcoming tract here:

But seriously, Let us give thanks to the Lord that the pope is taking full advantage of the latest in social media and mobile digital platforms to promote the gospel and keep Jack and folks like him in your prayers. Saint Francis DeSales pray for them!


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