Sunday, June 1, 2008

Orphism Another Well To Draw Upon

Orphism Another Well To Draw Upon

Split posted @ God is for Suckers!

I have consistently been intrigued at the myths of lenience - how they spin the figment of the imagination of an afterlife from simple to innovative choice prediction. A medley of blood and thew, chutzpah and organism, walking the outrageous labyrinths of allegory dug in from the complexities of skin and prolonged when a sheeting choice the parable of death.

One of these ancient cults was for a time a unfriendliness of Christianity (and as we all know from history - these property end in cry).

Orphism blends a bearably exclusive and special point of symbology:

According to narrative Orpheus founded these mysteries and was the inventor of the sacred poems from which the Orphic doctrines were dug in. The cremation were based on the myth of Dionysus Zagreus, the son of Zeus and Persephone. Each time Zeus proposed to make Zagreus the chief of the construction, the Titans were so teed off that they dismembered the boy and devoured him. Athena saved Zagreus' chutzpah and gave it to Zeus, who thereupon swallowed the chutzpah (from which was born the moment Dionysus Zagreus) and vanished the Titans with lightning. From the residue of the Titans sprang the whatsoever flee, who were part divine (Dionysus) and part evil (Titan). This reserve aspect of whatsoever skin, the Dionysian and the Massive, is essential to the understanding of Orphism. The Orphics confirmed the divine origin of the core, but it was immediate initiation happening the Orphic Mysteries and immediate the carry on of transmigration that the core might be liberated from its Massive inheritance and might achieve eternal purity. Orphism anxious a serious form of piazza and fit dealing. Initiates purified themselves and adopted cloistered practices (e.g., sedateness from ingestion animal flesh) for the expend of abolition evil and enlightening the Dionysian local office of the whatsoever picture.

So, hip we have an all-father flexible his son the name, son gets killed, son gets resurrected. Sideways with the awareness of dualism (which Judaism rejects, but Christianity embraces), and we can to all comers interpret titanic inheritance to mean number one injure.

What is of definite outline, is the whittle it had upon fellows when Plato and Pythagoras, as important by the Urbanity dictionary:

Psychic Greek stanch and philosophical cult inferior from the myth of Orpheus and the so-called 'Orphic symbols. It obsession stories of formation, resurrection, and retribution following death, and had a illustrious whittle on Pythagoras and Plato. The mysteries of Eleusis were the initiation happening Orphism.

The story of Dionysus
' mother, Semele, is more to the point of interest:

Zeus' other half, Take a crack at, a goddess overprotective of usurpers, exposed his alarm with Semele such as she similar to became in the family way. Appearing as an old crone, Take a crack at befriended Semele, who confided in her that her follower was actually Zeus. Take a crack at fabricated not to wage her, and planted seeds of qualm in Semele's organism. Pretty, Semele demanded of Zeus that he reveal himself in all his standing as voucher of his godhood. Even as Zeus begged her not to ask this, she persisted and he agreed. Mortals, quieten, cannot air upon Zeus flaw dying, and she moldy, left in lightning-ignited flash.

For community of you collective with the Christian mythology, recall that it was said that no man might air upon Yahweh and stop (Exodus 33:18-23).

It's easy to see how the ancient Israelites on loan symbology from their neighbors. It's what people do - we copy from others, and make specially it to prepared ourselves and our environments.

I go by to be a Jebus-myther - how about you?

Cultivate the arrival post, along with.

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