A great team does not depend on wearing matching tee's to the client's home. They have steps they go through before ever doing an investigation including having the client keep a log of activity, meeting the client away from the home in order to get a pre-interview in and check the mental status and earnestness of the client's story before entering their home. They also have the client sign a release before they set up equipment and invade their space. These are protections for the team and for the client, as well.
A great team has an online platform for their team to write up their reports and a deadline to put them up on their private network, to have evidence reviewed so the client can be updated as soon as possible.
You will never see a great team asking the clients to have the children at home or use the children as bait for ghosts. They will not dive into spiritual forms of healing upon the first meeting. In fact, they will offer other options first like opening an Bible, playing happy soft music in the home, and clearing up clutter and letting in sunlight, as well as collectively asking the spirits to leave. They do not jump to prayer, holy water, saging and such until other methods have not been helpful.
A great team does its research on the clients as well as the property. They do not discuss with clients, what they feel, sense, or "read" about the investigation as they undertaking it. They do not perform Ouija or seances or blessings of any kind without the owner's permission. They also do not go in assuming the place is haunted or taking the owner's reaction as a sign of the legitimacy of the claims. They debunk, look for incidents and situations in which things can be misinterpreted. It takes a good deal to impress a great team. Real hauntings are so very rare and giving that label to a homeowner just because of superficial evidence or "feelings" is dangerous.
A great team has disagreements, but they voice those in private and they go by consensus when making decisions. If a leader is too controlling and has a personal agenda, such as wanting a TV show or having people buy equipment for him, or only bringing in new members who are buddies or love interests, then the team is not a great team. It's likely a failing one.
It goes without saying, a great team does not charge for services.
Lastly, a great team allows for growth, introduction of new techniques, concepts, ways of doing things. They occasionally do studies in sites that are not client-based, like public sites where they can try some new methods rather than experimenting in a client's home.
I hope this has helped to clarify what makes a group great, but also for the client to know what to expect from a team when calling on them.
Origin: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com