* Plant aloe vera on the grqavesite in order to soothe the deceased, ease any sense of loneliness or abandonment, and prevent their longing for the living.
* A carpet of chamomile planted over a grave encourages the deat to sleep and also eases their passage to the next realm.
* Cover graves with a carpet of daisies and blue bells to bring peace to the deceased and joy to the bereaved, and to invite the presence of benevolent guardian spirits.
* Plant rowan trees in the cemetery, especially overlooking graves, to watch over the spirits of the dead.
* To encourage the dead to sleep peacefully and deeply, strew wild poppy seeds throughout the cenetery.
* Asphodel is allegedly among the favored foods of the dead. Asphodel is sometimes planted on graves, however the legend is also taken literally. Prepare asphodel - it's typically roasted - and leave it atop a grave to comfort and satisfy the deceased within.
* Tansy is described as an herb of life everlasting. It allegedly comforts the bereaved while assuring the dead that they will not be forgotten.
Keywords: poppet magic history dolls play rune magicians peaceful spell work jesuits picatrix goal magic magic groups warfare reality conflict earth air fire
Source: spellscasting.blogspot.com