out on paper.
2. Gather together all the items you will need for your spell, such as
candles, herbs, gemstones, athame, cup, etc. and empower these items.
3. Decide on your words of power, and create an appropriate chant if so
desired. It is helpful to memorize these, so as not to interrupt the flow
of energy while trying to remember what you are going to say next.
4. If you will be invoking a particular Deity, decide on who and write out
and memorize any special prayers and invocations that you will use.
5. Plan how you will visualize your goal...this is very important!
6. Decide when and where you will work your spell.
7. At the appropriate time, gather what you will use and go to the place
where you will perform the spell.
8. Cast your circle, or create your Sacred Space.
9. Invite whatever elementals, faeries, spirits, or Deities you wish to
have present as you work.
10. Clear your mind and begin visualizing your goal.
11. Raise energy within yourself and pour it into your magickal objects.
12. Use your words of power, light your candles, charge your stones, dance
or sing. Do whatever you have decided to do to focus your attention and
raise energy.
13. When you feel that you have put as much energy into your spell as you
possibly can, send the energy out to do your will. Relax, throw up your
arms, raise a tool, kneel, or do whatever else makes you feel the energy
being sent.
14. Finish your spell with words such as "So Mote It Be". It is a statement
of completion and an affirmation that you know your magick is successful.
15. When you are ready, close your circle and thank the elementals,
faeries, Deities, etc. who have been with you to help.
16. Ground your energy -- see it dissipate and return to the earth.
17. Record the ritual in your Book of Shadows.
Source: spellscasting.blogspot.com