Thursday, September 22, 2011

He Didnt Have It Made

He Didnt Have It Made
These thoughts are added to each day. Scroll down and read previous One A Days.)(Use in your personal or church newsletters) (365 stories a yearHe was an unlikely candidate for fame for many reasons. He had a big nose, a small body and his skin was pale as death itself.A woman fell in love with him from reading and singing the hymns he wrote but when she met him, his appearance was so unsettling there was no place for her love to go but away. Confused and saddened she said, "I only wish I could admire the casket (jewelry box) as much as I admire the jewel."Then this hymn writer suffered a stroke that left him with the ability to speak but took away his ability to write. Bedridden, sick and on the edge of depression he rode the enemy of his illness like a knight going into battle. He hired a secretary and dictated his hymns. Adversity was a word he could easily define but he would not be ruled by it.His breaths may well have been short but the drive of his faith was long and strong. Poems and books poured from this shriveling and sickened frame. The little man was a giant of courage.When Isacc Watts died in 1748 he had written 600 hymns, books on grammar, astronomy, philosophy and geography. He was prolific for his Lord and his hymns are a long line of gentle persuasion.You may well have sung many of them many, many times. I know I have and because of it, we both are blessed."When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Joy to the World From All That Dwell Below the Skies O God Our Help in Ages Past" Think back on all the times you sung these words. A small country church, a large city congregation, by yourself just driving down the road.So it was with this man who took the brawn and beauty of his brain, immersed it in the sweet and glorious power of his Savior and was able to write these hymns that have changed the lives of millions.His life could have been one long litany of complaint and self pity. He could have wrapped himself in regrets and cursed the God who made him so. Instead he chose to remember that it is the rocks in the river that make the river sing."...fear not, for I am with you;be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you,I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10Below are recent Titles on my other blog. To view them go to Google and where it says "Google Search" type in "Wyrick's Writings"Or type in the URL 29 HAVE YOU GRADED YOUR VALUE SYSTEM RECENTLY?Dec 20 DO YOU TOLERATE TOLERANCE?Dec 17 BE A REACHABLE!Dec 10 TAKE TWO ASPIRIN AND PUNTDec 3 GOD HAD A DREAMDec 1...THE SECRET POWER OF THE SECOND MILENOV 25...ARE YOU A SPIRITUAL ANOREXIC? ARE YOU READY WITH READINESS?Nov 11 LIFE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FOREVER,Nov 4...AN UNEXPECTED HIGHWAY TO SUCCESSNov 1...ARE YOU SNIFF AND SNUFF OR HEM AND HAWHave you considered sharing this site with family or friends? Just have them go to Google Search and type in "Neil Spiritual Vitamins".Or type in the URL, yes, maybe they will back track a few weeks to read other of my musings.DO YOU HAVE A BLOG OR FACEBOOK? IF YOU ENJOY THESE WRITINGS COULD YOU CALL ATTENTION TO THIS BLOG? IF YOU DO, THANKS IN ADVANCE.

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