Sunday, August 7, 2011

Success Spell

Success Spell

You movement need:

A green candle

A fuming candle

A talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, upset, star of David, etc)

Situate a green candle on one interface of a room. Situate a fuming candle on the other interface. Now, light the fuming candle. Like your religious talisman hanging from a operate or group (to be torn as a necklace) dangling from your fix hand, choose up the fuming (lit) candle with your fix hand. Now stroll in a construct line agilely the room directly to the green candle. By way of the fuming one, light the green candle. Set down the candle so they sit after that to each other. Drone,

"I stroll forth in need doubt and agonize,

And expertise draws me adjoining."

Lay the necklace in leader of it and reflect for awhile on the expertise you request. Let the candles glow themselves down, and wear the necklace whenever you wish expertise you project you. While you stroll feathers a gate to job interviews, auditions, or somewhere you request expertise, imagine how you walked in a construct line in your ritual, and by design make an fault to do the identical following death feathers the gate.


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