Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taking What Is And Seeing It As It Is

Last fall, I wrote here about Jan Vermeer's "The Milkmaid", which at the time was enjoying a bit of limelight as the centerpiece of a show at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Since then, the painting has been the desktop for one of my laptops. Here is a detail: this stocky, sensible young woman, who has been studiously ignoring me every day as I write. (Click the image to enlarge.)Who was she? How long was she required to pose, holding the...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Blessed Virgin Mary Alert Level Green

We've had a distrust from a reader that I am in seventh heaven to conversation seeing that it gives me the top to lips about one of my number one subjects, the Scapular!HERE'S THE QUESTION: Do you suppose that if a faithful Catholic (OR IN ALL PROBABILITY ESPECIALLY THAN ONE) is praying implacably for a non-Catholic who is sincerely Christian and truth-seeking, that swap to Catholicism is inevitable?Anyway, do you diagram non-Catholics who are faithful...

The Icon Of St Sisoes The Great

Indoors the icon of St. Sisoes staring boring the dead bones of Alexander the Unqualified, we do not know for sure if this depicts a what went before confrontation. We do not bring into being a what went before collection of what the icon describes until its class fundamental starts appearing in monasteries in Greece bearing in mind the Error of Constantinople in 1453.The copy on the icon reads:SISOES, THE Unqualified Frugal, As a result of THE Tomb...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pancake Day

Today is Shrove Tuesday, what we call Pancake Day in England. In other countries it is Carnival or Mardi Gras. Whether you are eating up the last of the sugar and butter or getting dressed up for a masked ball, it is a day for having a party before the austerities of Lent.Lent, of course, is a Christian tradition, a time of abstinence before Easter, and you might wonder why a pagan is mentioning it. Well, I am happy to honour pretty much anyone's...

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Tree Of Enchantment

A spiritual pathway is shown to us by Orion Foxwood a well renowned Faery seer who has drunk from many a well of wisdom. The path to enlightenment lies within, as does your journey through the tree of enchantment. Before you begin your journey you must first have self understanding. You have three different souls and one spirit.Your consciousness is able to move from one to the other, with proper training. The first soul is your surface walker. This...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Time To Rehash

by GADI ADELMAN September 14, 2012 A recent article in Frontpagemag, "Muslims Have More DNC Delegates than Montana, Utah and Oklahoma Put Together" listed some very interesting stats: Number of delegates for the Great State of Oklahoma - 50 Number of delegates for the Great State of Utah - 34 Number of delegates for the Great State of Montana- 31 Number of delegates for the Great State of Vermont - 27 Number of delegates for the Great State of Nevada...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Spells To Find A New Job

A friend who was made redundant last year and is desperately looking for work asked me if I knew a spell to help her find a job.She certainly isn't alone in being out of work. Around 2 million people are currently unemployed in the UK, and that figure is expected to rise this year. With more people looking for jobs than there are vacancies, anyone looking for work needs all the help they can get.A short positive affirmation meditation before writing...

My Working Philosphy Of Education

I be marked with simply begun my journey as an instructor, which affords me the select of role decent unworldly. At the same time as I be marked with read and heard sad stories from America's education history, I be marked with yet to be mixed by the produce in person (luxury so I was home schooled for greatest of my education). I will fastening full pleasant of that durable optimism in hopes that if I build it up as a supporter now it will stand...

Qu No Es Una Bruja

?QU'e NO ES UNA BRUJA?Pregunta interesante, aunque es mejor explicar que no es una bruja. No es una viejecita sobre una escoba, no es una/o que para el tiempo o va a caza de demonios, no es un ser ben'efico ni tampoco una persona que recibe dinero a cambio de sus favores?QU'e ES UNA BRUJA?La bruja es una/un pagana/o, que sigue y practica la brujer'ia, pero cuidado: todas las brujas son paganas, pero no todos los paganos son brujas.Es una persona...

The Magic Pyramid

Of the Magician's Pyramid, the tip of the pyramid is the work performed and the power hand-me-down, and the four corners of the podium, the four sources of that power. They are, in the same way as and in no order, Imagination, Command, Plan, and Secrecy.Imagination (Air): You prerequisite be able not righteous to cook up vigorous ways to obtain your aims, but more to the point to visualise or feel the energies you are working with and the fight...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spiritual Wheel

THE SPIRITUAL WHEEL: In many religions and spiritual cultures, there exists the concept of the spiritual circle. It has many different names: the Circle of Life, the Medicine Wheel, the Wheel of the Eight directions, the Powers of the Four Winds, the Earth Web or the Wheel of the year. There are as many names for the wheel as there are cultures that utilize one. But the basic purpose and use of the wheel is similar throughout them all. Each belief...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Start Your Satanic Coven

Have you have found the benefits of Satanism and Satanic magic? If so, you are probably progressing in your new-found art almost daily and Satan is greatly blessing you for your time, diligence and tenacity. You are probably performing rituals and magical workings in the privacy of your newly formed ritual sanctum, whether large and well furnished or small, intimate and humble. At a certain point in your pursuit of all things evil, you will probably...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lunar Love

Merry Meet :)))))) Many of you who have been with me for awhile and even some of you who have just joined know that I absolutely love art. It's a huge part of me. For as long as I can remember, I've always been participating in one form of art or another be it singing, drawing, writing, painting and so on. :)))) It's a creative outlet for me and helps to keep me grounded and in tune with the world around me. 2013 honestly went by in a complete whirlwind...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Imbolc The Kitchen Mysteries Celebration

Chill seems to be the time for carousing. All numb the world, staff preside over on festivities encompassing both the Chill Solstice and also the Put out Equinox. These are the carousing of the Awe-inspiring Mysteries - the coming of the Rational, the ordinary of Diety, vast miracles, overcoming death - that make the grade in the realms spare our traditional right mind, in the climax foundation, as we judgment from beneath in awe and admiration....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Red Ice Creations Paul Levy Awaken In The Dream

as earlier discussed, I've always had vivid dreams that are easy to remember, catalogue. Recently, the dreams have still been there, I'm aware of having dreamt them, but they 'disappeared' too quickly. Like they were hiding.Yesterday, I...thought about how the French, then the Russians, first brought their aborigianl 'shamanism' to what we call America (using the Atlantic and the Pacific 'ice bridges', respectively) during the Free Planet of our...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dead Sea Scrolls

"Juma was beginning to get nervous. Some of his goats were climbing too high up the cliffs. He decided to climb the face of the cliff himself to bring them back. Little did Juma realize as he began his climb on that January day in 1947 that those straying goats would eventually involve him in "the greatest archaeological discovery in the twentieth century." Such thoughts were far from his mind when he saw two small openings to one of the thousands...