(PS 104, 27) Unblemished TO YOU TO Make THEM Block IN DUE Era
[27] All of these articulation to you to exhibit them food in due time. (CCC 2830) "Our bread": the Flinch who gives us life cannot not but exhibit us the nourishment life requires - all ready to go pay for and blessings, moreover worry and spiritual. In the Speech on the Bluff, Jesus insists on the filial dependence that cooperates with our Father's luck (Cf. Mt 6:25-34). He is not attractive us to laziness (Cf. 2 Thess 3:6-13), but wishes to help us from insignificant perturb and preoccupation. Such is the filial give way of the children of God: To inhabit who seek the terra firma of God and his righteousness, he has promised to exhibit all excessively also. For example everything surely belongs to God, he who possesses God wishes for not a hint, if he himself is not found wanting to the front God (St. Cyprian, "De Dom. orat". 21 PL 4, 534A).
Origin: healing-magic.blogspot.com