Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2012 A Magical Year Of Focus And Change

2012 A Magical Year Of Focus And Change
I don't know about you, but I've "sensed" that 2012 will bring something wonderful and magical for all of us. The changes, I feel, will at first seem terrifying, forever and dramatically disrupting our ways of life, comfort zones and belief systems as we currently know them. As we absorb information and adjust, however, I "feel "that (for those of us brave enough to evolve and accept change and enlightenment) there will be personal and spiritual rewards without measure - mysterious questions clearly answered - and personal abilities tuned and refined. Crazy? Perhaps. What are YOUR "feelings" about events and their effects which may unfold in 2012?

More than usual, I feel a strong pull to focus on myself and my own growth for 2012. Some of the early things I am doing "FOR ME" this year include the following (not in any particular order):

* Finally choosing attire for my wardrobe that reflects my Witchy passions! Other than my pentacle necklace, I've kept "visual aids" into my spiritual passions rather obscure. I can't wait until the tax refund arrives so I can place the order for the clothing I've been drooling over at THE PYRAMID COLLECTION! This IS who I am, and I intend to fully and finally embrace my identity publicly, whether they like it or not. No more days of just boring jeans, tennis shoes and blah tops.
* Improving my relationships with my children and imparting as much wisdom and experience as I can to my kids and grandkids. Teaching, more than usual, through modeling, family time and sharing, how to thrive and excel (with or without my continued guidance) in a difficult world.
* Tripling my attention toward continued learning and growth as it relates to psychic development, my craft, and training/practices in occult realms. Part of this goal is finishing the classes I have begun with MAGICKA SCHOOL which are: "Beginner's Tarot; Spell Crafting; Magical Herbal Compleat; "and" Wicca Revealed", and enrolling in more training as well. Another part of continued learning will be practicing my skills in precognition and remote viewing. (This reminds me, I have a REMOTE VIEWING CHALLENGE FOR ALL OF YOU: Can you help me locate this missing coin?). I am also taking part in two exciting WITCHY READING CHALLENGES FOR 2012. Check them out on my sidebar or by clicking the links below:

Here is my (subject to change) list for these reading challenges:

Click Image to Enlarge

OOH, I nearly forgot...I am also working to improve my skills with Graphics Creation! I have created three templates I would like to share (including the one above with my list typed onto it) with others to be used for their Books of Shadows and so on. I hope I get this "preparing" and "uploading" part right so that you can use them. In my next post, I will (hopefully have figured out) supply you with the raw images for printing and handwriting on (or using in scrapbooks) AS WELL AS Open Office Templates so that you will have the option of typing onto them directly in your word processor before printing.

"Known in the Pagan Community as the "Green Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her writing talents to bring you PAGAN BY DESIGN BLOG and MESSAGE BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and links shown here must be included."


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