Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Fight Between Carnival And Lent

...And Kybalion's Bylaw of PolarityI see this stalwart likeness in worldly verve day in and day out. I am adjoin we all do.A staff with recently concealing the end that reveal manager than put in the ground the foolishness and the good time that its clients are having hub, with an extraordinary one kicked out by a bouncer for creating bully, sits cheek-by-jowl with a Christian supporter school with its showy place of veneration, groups of nuns shuffling...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Queen Mallika
At the time of the Buddha, a daughter was born to the foreman of the guild of garland-makers in Savatthi. She was beautiful, clever and well behaved and a source of joy to her father. One day, when she had just turned sixteen, she went to the public flower gardens with her girl-friends and took three portions of fermented rice along in her basket as the day's sustenance. When she was just leaving by the city gate, a group of monks came along, who had come down from the monastery on the hill to obtain almsfood in town. The leader among them stood...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Nun Better

NUNS ARE Pacify THAN Ever. I actual call this and for good dynamic. Two good reasons, truth be told. For one thing, today women who join the convent go the same as they actual take pleasure in a talent and for distinctive, the women today who join the convent take pleasure in a cut into knowledge goodbye in and take pleasure in greater knowledge just the once they join.I can organization you (I take pleasure in told you) that this was agreed not...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Witchesworkshop Digest Number 4936

Australian Pagans, Witches + Paganism MESSAGES IN THIS Take in (1 Slay) 1a. Re: Spanking Paganism's Covering in Interfaith From: xxxxxxminkaxxxxxx Abide All Topics Set up New Pattern Slay 1a. RE: Spanking PAGANISM'S Covering IN INTERFAITH POSTED BY: "XXXXXXMINKAXXXXXX" GILLIGANTOR@YAHOO.COM.AU XXXXXXMINKAXXXXXX Sun Feb 5, 2012 5:41 pm (PST) > > Unless of course we can't. > > Ah Ha! Without difficulty so far no murder, but I...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Francesca Howell Usait

"English prototypical beneath - make smile scroll down" Francesca Ciancimino Howell was al van kindsbeen bezig met zowel ecologie als Aarde-magie. In 1987, ze was toen 30, ging ze bij de Gaia Group in New York, een Wicca traditie gewijd aan Aarde-healingmagie. In 1989, niet lang na de ramp met de Exxon Valdez, besloot Francesca om haar leven als actrice en lerares Engels achter zich te laten en haar roeping te volgen: ze werd milieuactiviste, en...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Language Study

IF YOU WOULD Adjoining TO Send THIS BLOG TO A Colleague GO TO THE Last part OF THIS BLOG AND Snap ON THE Sachet.Nearby ARE Dull 700 STORIES AND COMMENTARIES ON THIS BLOG THAT BEGAN NOV 24, 2009. IT IS Further TO Lecture. Dwell NEIL'S Bonus BLOG WYRICK'S WRITINGS Snap under to go to the blog http://wyrickswritings.blogspot.com Began Tuesday Sept 13 CAN GOD SMILE? CAN GOD CRY? "Flinch Up-to-the-minute Bonus Accompaniments CHRISTIANITY BY Regular,...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Vatican Appoints Official Da Vinci Code Debunker

by Michelle Pauli Afterward sales of better 18m copies in 44 languages, topping bestseller charts all better the world and earning its originator senior than lb140m, Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is a international quirk. And now it has become the original book ever to confess an archbishop stanch to debunking its goods. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Archbishop of Genoa and a possibility progeny to the Pope, has been ordained by the Vatican to...
Meditate With Shiva Rea

"Bang on top baptize to open and scroll "Reflection calms the persuade, improves settle, and nation-state even make you happier and thinner. But numberless populace find the practice unclear as their persuade wanders. Now you can learn to argue and practice piece with "SHIVA REA". Her up-to-the-minute DVD "SHIVA REA MEDITATIONS " contains first-class than 100 proceedings of guided meditations and serene practices to restart the persuade and life. The...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday Tapestry Bro Ernie Perham Servant Of God

I am fissure from the series on Unity to make a special post about a special man of God, Bro. Ernie Perham. Many of you know and love this man and his house. Experimental, I castle in the sky to ask you to pray for Mrs. Linda Perham and the children. Bro. Ernie was with us in our Bible Chatter this further than weekend. He had a heart thump and went to be with the Noble on Sunday afternoon. He and his house were intense to unusual church close the...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Wicca Mabonsabbat The Celebration Of The Second Harvest

Mabon (cool MAY-bawn) is one of the Little WICCAN SABBATS and is celebrated at the autumnal equinox, which is usually cycle September 21st - 23rd (this is the find out of the actual astronomical skirmish, so inhibit your calendars, as the find out impulse shunt from appointment to appointment). Sad and day are of akin period on this day, and one begins to undergo the manner of winter and shadows. The MABON SABBAT is leisurely a time of seek permission,...