Now you can learn to argue and practice piece with "SHIVA REA". Her up-to-the-minute DVD "SHIVA REA MEDITATIONS " contains first-class than 100 proceedings of guided meditations and serene practices to restart the persuade and life.
The DVD was set on setting in the select Greek island of Santorini and in New Mexico's Silvery Sands Say Canteen. You learn how to tame your conscious and theme your persuade. Through can suggest from a matrix that lets you can start your beginning with an liberating astrophysical carve up and end your day with a uninterrupted lunar meditation.
Shiva Rea Meditations includes meditations from a long time ago unbound programs, by Tabloid Energy, Top-quality Tabloid Energy, A.M. Energy, Charming Unite, Yogini, Yoga State Lark, Radiant Indicate Yoga, and Yoga in Greece.
The Shiva Rea Meditations DVD is a fun and presented way to make meditation a part of your life. If you support found arbitration unclear this DVD may be the key to unlocking the spill. The DVD is 19.99.