Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mushroom Mythologies

Mushroom Mythologies
Donate possess been oodles mythological increase heroes overfriendly all through history. Perseus was an ancient increase icon, founder and King of the city-state of Mycenae (Mildew Town). Perseus flew round about on winged sandals making "Perseia" a magical herb, escalation everyplace he dropped the chape of his casing. Wherever Perseus dropped his cap, "myces," mushrooms would blossom problem. Libertus is numerous increase icon whose see can be found atop the US Capitol get-together of all seats. Libertus wears a Scope Cap (or Phrygian Cap) which is shaped like and named behind schedule the Scope Cap increase. This is everyplace we get the put up of a "principles cap" equally having the status of you ingest the cap you are teleported inside an introspective, wondrous exploit. The Phrygian/Liberty Cap was tough by Masonic revolutionaries all through the French and American revolutions as well as by Perseus, Mithra, Santa, Elves, and the Smurfs. It is else tough as a "night cap," a alternate entendre which at the moment fashion having an fascinating mouthful yet to be bed. The primeval put up of a night cap, but, was having the status of Mithraic/Mystery school initiates would eat a widespread increase cap moreover lay in hot tubs and astrally divide out of presume.Special increase icon was King Arthur of Camelot. Arthur pulled the Sword from the Jewel, founded the Knights of the Round Table and prepared the Track for the Untouchable Grail. All three of these myths actually consign to stages of the increase. The increase begins like an egg or a reduced-size white stone which pushes and wiggles upwards like a blustery weather. This is the Sword in the Jewel quantity (Sword is "S-word," snakes/serpents, in the stone). Then the increase cap opens up and flattens out making a echo circle like a firm upland top - the Round Table quantity. Irrevocably the edges of the increase perfection collecting the increase juices and dew, the clean "blood of the gods." This is called the Untouchable Grail quantity and looks/acts in words of one syllable like a cup."In its offspring (replace) get ready, the muscaria" resembles a reduced-size white stone. The pulling of the" sword from the stone (a symbol of wielding the power), is numerous Arthurian slogan concerning the increase to the myth. The chase for the" Grail itself is the chase for the knowledge of the increase. The Parcival myth depicts paths "(traditions), which are to be explored (but not" adhered to), in order to present the chase. This chase is described in the myths as a rule inside" the forest (the world) and finding paths (systems) which one may preparation, for a time, but principally one condition give somebody the pink slip his/her own hint in order to realistically control the endure stage, the Untouchable Grail (the catch and construct of the increase). The go through for the Untouchable Grail is a mythology that has become, along alteration, a part of the story of the Crucifixion. One of the stories supply a cup which was cast-off to tab some of the graceful blood of Jesus as he died on the encompass. This cup, like oodles other carcass, "was thereby purpose to possess magical powers. Historically, the "increase has been the sachet for the juice of the 'elixir of immortality', or the 'blood of Holy being, in oodles myths. The "endure change of the "muscaria, with its upside down cap, is the occurrence "that the" cup/fountain/grail symbology is cast-off in the stories. King Arthur, as a child, gained his authentic place as King by "pulling the sword from the stone. This is symbolic for wielding the power of the increase. The stone is a symbol for the increase, and" pulling the sword from it is symbolic of individuality dexterous to break the dogma and possess the p"ower of the magical hedge plant. In arrears Arthur took ill (in his then years) he was told that he condition nose about and find the Untouchable Grail to restart his strength and re-acquire his power." -James Arthur, "Mushrooms and Mankind" (14-15)The Kundalini serpent (explained in dot then) is held to pause curled three and a part era round about the scrabble chakra. With awakened the serpent energy climbs up from the root/stone and round about the spike, the Tree of Formation. This explain is equivalent to the incident of a increase which begins looking like a stone moreover wriggles increasing like a blustery weather. The scrabble chakra serpent energy rises to the excel chakra which is on the whole symbolized by an eagle or other enormous bird. You will recurrently see spiritual symbology connecting snakes feud eagles. This is else why Egyptian Pharaoh's head-dresses had snakes/birds coming out from the third-eye rank. "Transforming out of the button/egg youthful get ready, the mushroom's air becomes even more like that of a "blustery weather. With the increase has at great length off, regretful, and dissolved it leaves late a hole. This is due to it's pushing the Sulk needles or earth ostensible, as it "expands. Huskily the hole is a white flaky size, actually the oodles spores it departed late. This hole resembles a snake's hole, or spend time, which is numerous considered opinion for the mushroom's individuality symbolized as a blustery weather. Highest truly, the see of the blustery weather, in the garden of Eden, which revealed to humans secret" knowledge that the fruit of the tree would make them as god, is a elevated myth on the road to this demand." -James Arthur, "Mushrooms and Mankind" (55)"The plain ideal of the associate "between the serpent and the increase is, of course, in the Gardens of Eden story of the Old Testament. The cunning reptile prevails upon Eve and her partner to eat of the tree, whose fruit prepared them as gods, mature good and mess (Gen 3:4). The whole Eden story is mushroom-based mythology, not lowest possible in the neighborhood of the 'tree' as" the sacred mold, as we shall see. In line as belatedly as the thirteenth-century some acknowledgment of the old tradition was overfriendly by means of Christians, to referee from a wall painting dyed on the wall of a planed church in Plaincourault" in France. Donate the "Amanita muscaria "is victoriously portrayed, entwined with a serpent, whereas Eve stan"ds by holding her abdomen." -John Allegro, "The Holy Mildew and the Sideways" (48)This is why Medusa's serpent hair turns men to stone. This is why Mithra, the ancient increase icon is depicted rising from a stone entwined in snakes. Mithra, one of the 15 pre-Christian gods with truly the extremely story as Jesus, was in actual fact a increase god. Newly as Christians confound communion, Mithraic initiates ate increase sacraments as part of their exalt. Newly as Christians line up in Church to own the presume and blood of Christ, so did initiates in the Mithraeum line up to own the presume and blood of Mithra. "Mithra initiates would partake of a Holy Spread in their ceremonies, invoking The Out Of Put up exploit. A ritually intended sacramental, Shamanistic, and collective Gnosis. The Mithraic temples of exalt, overfriendly as Mithraeum, are intended like few other temples on earth. In general at home the place of exalt would be rows of bathtubs (tubs) put aside the two" nearby walls, or tiled in two raze to the ground rows from the develop wall to the face of the essential room. Transport seats everyplace oodles initiates may well lie down all through ceremonies. The tubs were tools in the workings of producing a collective "exploit. The last part individuality, the unification together of the minds of the participants with the joint spirit. The then phase individuality, to unwind the" gravel (physical realm) in a spiritual flight to the universe (stars). This is a strong vision to make a distinction, let individually one you can exchange someone they possess had, particularly if behind schedule the procedure they possess not. Full with salt water these tubs would become update sensory-deprivation-tanks. Considerably like family depicted in the movie changed States'... The" religion of Mithra centered round about the initiate's capability to together, astral-travel. Of course the out-of-body exploit was facilitated along the using up of the sacred spread. In arrears deployment, the initiates may well crisscross the galaxies, witnessing, as the ancient Egyptians," main hand, the fact that the spirit of the mortal individuality is not certain to the physical place, or the physical presume for that mistrust. This is the true forethought of the immortality of the verve, or at lowest possible the deed of such. This cosmos is so minute to the Egyptian initiatory cremation that it is fleshy residue some of the clandestine traditions of the ancients did migrate inside then incarnations of more or less priestly guidelines." -James Arthur, "Mushrooms and Mankind" (56-58)Buy The Atlantean Knowledge Now


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