Friday, May 17, 2013

How Does Prayers For Pets Work

How Does Prayers For Pets Work
I occasionally see stories like this one. Dozens of pets given prayers of hope. I don't understand why Christians do this? In Christian theology, do dogs have souls? I know cats don't, and if they did I think their alignment may fall with Satan.

"Sunday was the exception at Trinity Episcopal Church in Wetumpka where more than a dozen pets were accompanied by their owners for the annual celebration of the feast of St. Francis with the blessing of the animals."

"Trinity's rector Ben Alford was on hand to personally bless dogs and cats, alike, in the yard behind the church."

But... why? I have a dog named Thor. He's dumb but lovable and a loyal companion. I just took him for a long walk. I love my dog. But he's a dog. There is nothing behind those eyes even remotely human. So what's the point of a prayer or a blessing if they are lower animals? Is God the God of dogs too? Wait a minute... god-dog-god-dog... I think I'm on to something here. Technorati Tags: Prayer
