Buddhists go for administration to the times of yore Buddha, the Dharma he completed unquestionable, and the [magnificent] Sangha, the community of end practitioners. But that does not bolt participation and order of other spiritual traditions. With the arrival of Kopimism, the world's most up-to-date religion, conveyance is an attractive option.
Come out Me-ism: the world's most up-to-date religion explained
Alison George (New Scientist, Jan. 6, 2012)
Isak Gerson is spiritual exceptional of the world's most up-to-date religion, Kopimism, over-enthusiastic to file-sharing. On 5 January the Church of Kopimism was distantly assured as a religion by the Swedish track.
Make known me about this new file-sharing religion, Kopimism.
We were founded about 15 months ago and we acquire that information is holy and that the act of lifting is holy.
Why make a religion out of file-sharing? Why not fair be an repeated thrash not up to standard important yourselves as life a serious community?
What we see ourselves as a serious group, a church seems akin a good way of organizing ourselves.
Was it unsteady to become an suitable religion?
We personal had this chance for many natural life and one day we study, why not try and get it registered? It was sooner decaying. The enterprise were sooner strict with their formalities. It took us three tries and higher than a blind date to get assured.
Patrician Falun Gong is as well a given away and maltreated spiritual practice in Porcelain.
Because criteria do you personal to pronounced to become an suitable religion?
The law states that to be a religion you personal to be an android that practices moments of prayer or meditation in your rituals.
Because are the Kopimist prayers and meditations?
We personal a part of our serious practices anywhere we worship the detail of information by lifting it.
You honor this "kopyacting." Do you actually pronounced up in a constitution, akin a church, to have potential these rituals?
We do pronounced up, but it doesn't personal to be a physical room. It may well be a server or a Web page too.
I understand that convinced symbols personal special awareness in Kopimism.
Yes. Hand over is the "kopimi" pattern, which is a K in print behind bars a pyramid a symbol hand-me-down online to show how something works you vote for to be pretend. But present-day are as well symbols that propose and increase lifting, for case, "CTRL+V" and "CTRL+C." Advance
* Sweden recognizes new file-sharing religion Kopimism
* Sweden recognizes file-sharing as a religion
* Russian cults coming out of the woodwork
* Sweden recognizes digital piracy religion: Kopimism
* House distribution "Church of Kopimism" becomes suitable