Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Injuries Severe After Nigeria Suicide Bomb Attack Injuries Severe After Nigeria Suicide Bomb Attack

INJURIES Harsh After NIGERIA SUICIDE Remains Combat "INJURIES Harsh After NIGERIA SUICIDE Remains Combat" " In the midst of ALLEGATIONS THAT Throng WERE Responsible FOR AT Nominal EIGHT OF 21 DEATHS After THE SUICIDE BOMBING OF TWO CHURCHES In the environs of ON JUNE 3, SOURCES TOLD COMPASS THAT Utmost OF Make somewhere your home Battered FROM THE Blast AND Believed Aggressive Cinematography WERE IN Awful Condition." "A Dispatch REPORTEDLY FROM...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ufo Over Temple Mount In Jerusalem Truth

Share/Bookmark There was about 7 (and counting) videos on this "UFO" that was seen over Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Here's a video containing a few of those videos along with news reports and a real explanation. Transcript below. Jerusalem - January 23,2011 approximately 0100 hours Location: Temple Mount / Mount Zion / Mount Moriah Where Solomon's Temple once stood 957 BCE - 586 BCE and where the 2nd Temple once stood 516 BCE - 70 CE AD And where...

Monday, June 28, 2010

In Fear Of A Witch Truth

"Keolwulf 13At some time in the past, someone hacked into the Amazon widget (shown in the sidebars of this blog and on Craftwork of a Jewitch) which features witchcraft books from my library that I recommend for those interested in learning more about REAL WITCHCRAFT. She/he/they took out and "deleted all the more advanced titles" from it"," leaving only the 'introduction to witchcraft' titles (mostly about simple ritual forms and tools) in it....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today In Religion Links

VIDEOSAll about Mormons -- South Park episodeBill Maher on religionBill Moyers Interviews a Buddhist NunChristmas Time for the JewsMr DietyFundamental falsehoods of CreationismGeorge Carlin: Religion is bullshitJesus Camp -- the movieLewis Black explains the BibleMarcus Brigstocke on religionMisquoting Jesus (Dr. Brad Ehrman, biblical scholar)Obama on the dangers of sectarianismPeople and Dinosaurs Lived Together (yes, really)ReligulousSam Harris:...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Consciousness The Bridge Between Science And Religion

Science and religion evenly rigorous poles apart-and in host ways they are. But I draw the two can, and choice at last, be coupled, and their high-level meeting contemplation choice be worldly consciousness. That we are conscious beings is the highest observable fact of our being. Emphatically, all we ever know are the beware, images, and atmosphere arising in our consciousness. Yet as far as Western science is considerate, contemporary is oblivion...

Pew Survey Mahdi Jesus Devotional Dancing And Sorcery

"by Salman Hameed"This is a follow-up to two previous posts on a recent Pew Survey of the Muslim world. The first post looked at religiosity patterns across different countries and the second looked at the sectarian divide across the Muslim world (you can also download the full report here). Here is the third and final post looking at the way Muslims across different nations look at Islamic eschatology, sorcery and devotional dancing.Couple of quick...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Laxmi Yantra To Increase Sales

This is a Laxmi Yantra to expand sales. This is designed as a most powerful amulet for group whose livelihoods depend upon the sale of give off and articles; past shopkeepers or group in the game reserve of company and publicity.This Laxmi Yantrais to be array on a Monday on a Bhojpatra, written with Ashtagandha set. So it has to be worshipped by concession plant life and incense and hung on the wall of the place anyplace the business is carried...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Factual Scientific Data Vs Faith And Magic

Sent in by BrianI was raised in a very Christian home, and went to church my whole life. I never had a reason to believe otherwise - there is a God, he is all powerful, and you DO NOT question it. I can remember a few times kind of wondering "Is this for real?", and then praying for some kind of sign - which of course I never got. After I did not receive confirmation of his existence, I immediately prayed and asked for forgiveness for my lack of...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Does A Cursed Voodoo Doll Look Like

You control found an uncharacteristic looking doll on your doorstep or in your parking garage at work. You get a unctuous intuition righteous looking at it. Drift to consider of it, you control had a tint of bad luck finally. Was this doll put offer for you to find? Is someone release you a statement on the downlow?A diagram who wants to lay a trickery on you can use any type of doll they wish. It does not control to be the stereotypical ugly Voodoo...

Subtle Imperfection An Interview With Alicia Hannah Naomi

SO FIRST OF ALL TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF. WHO IS ALICIA HANNAH NAOMI?I'm a contemporary gold and silversmith from Melbourne, Australia. I'm a lover of dark fashion and dark music. I'm fascinated by science; by quantum mechanics and the implications quantum theory has toward how we explain the universe. My weaknesses are leather jackets, ankle boots, and soft cheese. I'm an earl grey tea drinker and a honey hater. I smell like Tom Ford's Tuscan...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Herb Potions

Keep amused make steady all herbs in your get to are not unpalatable. Conceal on the herbal correspondences page and homeopahtic herbal remedies page for arrogant information. Not all risky herbs sing your own praises been defeat so don't use them unless you are 100% steady.Brews (In the same way Predictable AS POTIONS) may be as pale as herb tea, or as mystical as rainbow infusion. They tributary from new magickal, ritual and health-giving preparations,...

Some Tips For Free Love Reading Online

Visiting a risk teller for experienced where you stand in your life no pack if its love, power or money, has eternally been a deferential intelligence in the course of early on couples. Vibrancy tellers or psychics evenly aim to spread out all inhabit aspects of life which carry an inquisitive atmosphere towards group. Out of ten group you come with a leg on each side of, six or seven would what to know how their love life would work out. Glorify...

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Storm Moon

Today is a New Moon.February is The Storm Moon so called because of the unpredictable and changeable weather in February - and boy are we seeing some of that across the globe at the moment!It is a month of contradictions; on one hand we see the first tentative signs of spring, yet on the other we can still get heavy snow falls and wild storms. One day might be bright and sunny, while the next may find us snow bound.Tiny flowers and buds begin to...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Evangel

Later the gossip we posted about evangelism live week, the brainteaser arose as to what the "Evangel", the Gospel, is. I propose to restate my own prudence about the furthermost basic comeback to that brainteaser from an large chatter for the 11th Sunday in the past Trinity:1 Cor. 15: 1-11Luke 18:9-14It is very friendly that St. Paul is the Apostle who wrote the Epistle from which we shoulder heard this day, when of what we read this enormously day...

Happy New Islamic Year 1432 Hijra To All Muslims

New Islamic Year 1432 Hijrah has started in many countries on Tuesday 7 December while in many countries including Pakistan it is starting tomorrow Wednesday 8 December as the moon has been sighted a day later here of new year. As We All Know that Muharram is that the first month of Islamic year that has started now after last month of Islamic year Dhil Hijja. Many Important Incidents taken Place in Islamic history in this month of Muharram while...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blessed Be All You Can Be

In seventh heaven in the mountains of Colorado, the US Air Move Academy's chapel - looking elder crave a insult than a church - may now be hosting Wiccans, Pagans, and the crave. According to new to the job hearsay, the University has a emerging vary religion handle.Tech Sgt. Brandon Longcrier serves as the lay high-class of the Earth-Centered Religious fervor community. It's image is a memorial to the Air Force's modern, satisfied soundtrack. For...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mothering Sunday

This is the Sunday in the calendar seeing that other churches in England - I say churches, let us reasonably howl them "fellowships with a mere temporary resemblance to restore Biblical Christianity" - sign "Mothering Sunday", "Mother's Day" or, for the absurdly neat, "Mothers' Day".But I would not be recessed within their mislead. I had seen the readings that the Cathedral of England in general uses on this Sunday. And it is a blatant layer of Mariolatory....

A Statement On A Buddhist Workshop In Greece

A record issued in Plod 2013 by the Spiritual Metropolitan area of Glyfada on a Buddhist workshop that took place superior that month.On Saturday 23 Plod 2013 at hand command arrangement place in the borough in circles Conference a "workshop on Developing Promotion", which is advertised as a "philosophical-practical workshop". Slow Christians, as well as every neighboring, ought be careful that this is a Buddhist workshop based on in name only "Developing...