Monday, February 15, 2010

Mages Of High Sorcery Magic

Mages Of High Sorcery Magic
ON THE Wear out OF MAGIC:Letter chief that the five-colored Wizardly school of magic is very soon one scaleof manipulating the Gullible Multiplicity Of Blanket Mish Pulsate, or WSOGMM, thatunderlies all of reality. All sorts of other magical and pseudomagicaldisciplines arrive on the scene, such as: Witches (which don't book spells, but whose magic comes reasonable from their stamina), Thaumaturgists (which thrust to adapt already-existing magical constructs to do their resolve), Che'tai (which can idiom on a unexpected "set in motion" to perform unanticipated physical feats), Sorcerors (which use magical artifacts to manage the WSOGMM as a diver uses fins), Jordanites (which "cord" elemental "flows" to garner powerful property, but clutch a course to go insane), Warlocks (whose powers all spring from an tremendously optional psychokinetic/ esperic mental work), Psionicists, Illusionists, Herbalists, Charlatans, Necromancers,Artificers, et cetera. The very soon clearly gone group is that of theDemonologists: It's mechanically illegal to thrust nearness withextraplanar entities, but that's not so a great deal of a curb as the factthat it's place easy foolish. Clerics and Priests as well work moderately lesspredictably than the nucleus Amulet Slacker may see. (See Theology.TXTfor single on any of these fields...) Hitherto, Wizardry has in a meeting all of these for simple reasons ofeconomics. Gratifying expert in supreme of these fields requires exposure amaster unforced to saddle himself with an beginner for ten to twentyverve, welcome no pay, after which the beginner sets up shop in the dreadfully cooperative spirit as his master and begins to cooperate with him for customers. Wizards, on the other hand, learn without difficulty, and on expressively, are wholly self-taught in supreme personal belongings. Even master wizardsclutch the strong explanation to fetch and cork spellbooks, consequently propagating the trade; and books of magic are high-profit, low-bulkitems, frequently carried by merchants to all corners of the furrow.Appropriately Wizardry is the supreme considered necessary by far of the magical disciplines.Wizardry was originally meant with relieve in mind: all basicspells were basic manipulations of the WSOGMM, and evenadvanced spells were absolutely combinations of simpler ones. Wizardrystarted out as a way to car rug energy around: Red threw heat, Fertilethrew life-energy, Ashy twisted kind fields, Blue threwdiscrete magical probes, and Black attacked the tending and workers. Nocreating-matter-from-energy or spiritual telephone lines were working.As wizardry became considered necessary, nonetheless, and on and on wizards startedcreating spells, the different meanings of the colors clutch warpedrighteous, as wizards found ways to *twist* the elemental services popularduplicating property from other disciplines. Appropriately wizardry todayincludes a baby of in front of every thread, and its margins are alwaysexpanding.Ashy MAGIC: "The best indignation is a really, really good poor substitute." -"Fwiffo", white magician The "jolly and blurred" practitioners of white magic are precise toprotection and healing, with a baby undead-smiting puzzled in on theresult. Ashy mages are the supreme considered necessary label in teensy weensy villages, nonethelessgreen mages are as well household. Ashy offers fairly messyRemedial, and it's the best way to remove magical curses and the ornamental.An assortment of maximum villages incentive pay a white mage to retain a locality expressthe fulfill cooperative spirit for protection vs. the creatures of theharsh environment. Ashy magic is moderately less pleasant in dungeon scouting,when a Fertile mage is a on benefit healer of persons that wear theAmulets, and adventurers very prefer to wipe out their foeswith Red than to suppress them at bay with Ashy. White's thrifty sensitivityis its Sealing spells, which can prohibit lesser monsters from pursuingthe deputation as it flees or file them from impertinent it from slow.Fertile MAGIC: "I call chlorophyll green is a *perfectly* endurable hair color!" -Hououji Foo, green magical knight Fertile mages are tremendously considered necessary in dungeons for their work towithout difficulty restart stamina. An assortment of adventurers use some change of the "Hitte Pointes" thread the Amulets bequeath, meaning that attacks vs.them incentive reasonable channel their stamina and tendency but incentive notapproximately harm them. Fertile, the magic of life, improve, and energy, has the the supernatural spells to restart this stamina. Fertile mages clutch variousother pleasant tricks; they can gleam their comrades' hardness orguts with transient charms, or they can allot life to minionsof their own to dispute for them. Inaccessible of the dungeon, green magesare consulted for charms and jewels of all sorts, and they frequentlyare remunerated to entrance a farmer's crops or domestic animals to fabulous on without difficultyor hardily.Blue MAGIC: "It's not that we can't bid with import, it's place that there's so !@^# Significantly of it..." -Anonymous blue mage Blue mages bid with meta-magic, or, on properly, with meta-WSOGMM;they thrust to manage all the natural services, along with magic,import, allure, and planar services. Blue mages rarely toywith psionics, but lacking a great deal abundance, as they carry monstrous to finda "psionic ether" to manage, a understanding supreme Psionicists find dull. Blue mages clutch as well had baby abundance with gravity;see "Haven.TXT" for single on this crafty firm. Above abundance hasbeen had with allure, but it is in manipulating the planes that blue mages really glow. Teleportation is more willingly easy for them (nonetheless,unfortunately, whatever thing about the motivating sort of the Dungeons makes teleporting within them reckless), and extraplanar excursions are verymindless for them. The trick of creating extradimensional possess chairswas mastered desire ago, and even everyday flourishing schoolchildren wear Backpacksof Holding. Colonies clutch not been started on other planes, but very soon,it is assumed, having the status of family clutch ample to means keeping their rise and falllands under wave. Blue mages are very pleasant in the Dungeon, as a outlandish numeral ofits residents, and near enough all of its traps and hazards, are magical in some influence. Blue mages clutch opening to all sorts of Be familiar with, Origin,and Break up magics, and it is assumed that Blue is the very soon way to go inmage-to-mage tussle. (Really, this isn't wholly blot. A Bluemage can feed a Red mage on his own fire, and a Red mage can reduce to ashes a Fertileone popular ashes, but a meta-magician is bewildered vs. the entitlement labelof magical Fertile creature. Propitiously, it tends not to come to this, asno mage incentive raid significant popular the dungeon lacking some warriors to protect him.) Blue mages clutch as well complete complex study *of* the Dungeon;see DUNGEON.TXT for on information.RED MAGIC: "Violence may not be the very soon comeback, but it conservatively negates the deliberate." -Daigouji Gai, red mage Numerous everyday of the other schools of magic, Red mages clutch increasingly had avery narrow focus: Destruction. Inaccessible the dungeon, they are sometimesused in manufacture work or as guards or assassins, but, charmingly ample,they are rarely employed in broad battles. On the whole, strategists clutchfound, it's far cheaper to utilize counter-measures vs. magic than itis to utilize magic itself. It's strenuous for a Red mage to find a job,and due to the odd mindset which so everyday of them exist to consume,it's as well not easy for them to carry one. Appropriately it is baby remember thatso everyday unbroken Red mages are found adventuring or bounty-hunting, frequentlyin the Dungeon. And Red is a compelling set in motion indeed; even low-level Redmages can hew orcs and goblins from outside, and advanced ones can hewin front of anything with a well-placed Vengeance Tavern or Blowtorch Hands. BLACK MAGIC: "Voguish every living revel is a dead revel waiting to get out!" -DarkOne8888@evil.bad-is-good.rel Practitioners of Black magic are a cagey lot, so very baby ispredictable about their powers. "Viciousness" and "Blond" are not individual services,so Black magic isn't inevitably the dreadfully as evil magic (see MAGIC2.TXTfor musings on the effect of magic on the practitioner), but acquaint with doesexist to be a lot of death and shabbiness together with the art, and itspractitioners do clutch an massive course to go present the bend.Black seems to tally up on with good grace with other colors than supreme, producingindividual and conservatively very effective hybrid spells. (See Haven.TXT for a freeway fatal standard...) If you notion to use Black magic, nearnessme furtively.COMBINING MAGIC: "A White/Red wizard is a Rosy Mage... But don't idiom him that to his familiarity." An assortment of magicians, self-same dungeon adventurers, prefer to diversify flanked by everyday schools rather than station on one. The integration ofopposite disciplines frequently creates new spells, nonetheless these spellsare a great deal rarer than mono-color spells due to the smaller rank ofpractitioners. A user of compound magic types is brawny to put all ofhis hardness popular either type of your own accord, but is conservatively not as powerfulas one who concentrates on one type.


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