Saturday, November 14, 2009

Killing Christians In The Name Of The Prophet

Killing Christians In The Name Of The Prophet
Christian persecution is on the rise big time in the nations of the Muslim world, and you hardly hear a word of it from the Western media or a word of condemnation from the liberal protestant old-line churches. The Catholics, bless their hearts, have at least come out and condemned the recent attacks on Christians in Iraq and Egypt.So why is this? Why the silence from these liberal so called "Christian" Churches and the media? Please read this excellent article exposing the Muslim persecution of Christian and Jews as well as the reasons to the silence in the West. Also, please watch the CBN news video."YOU MUST BE ON YOUR GUARD. YOU WILL BE HANDED OVER TO THE LOCAL COUNCILS AND FLOGGED IN THE SYNAGOGUES. ON ACCOUNT OF ME YOU WILL STAND BEFORE GOVERNORS AND KINGS AS WITNESSES TO THEM. MARK 13:9 NIV"From the article:"And here lies one of the main reasons why there is so little international anger within, for example, the labour movement, social activists and liberal churches in particular over the way Christians are treated in Islamic states. "TO CRITICIZE AN ARAB GOVERNMENT, TO CONDEMN THE ACTIONS OF MUSLIMS, TO SIDE WITH SUFFERING CHRISTIANS, IS SEEN AS PLAYING INTO THE HANDS OF THE UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL. IT'S A DISTORTED AND DISTURBED LOGIC, BUT IT'S EXTRAORDINARILY INFLUENTIAL. Added to this is the neurotic smugness of a post-Christian society that sees Christianity as the religion of mum and dad, power elites and conservatives. Such people cannot, in the eyes of the typical secular and radicalized North American, be victims. It simply doesn't fit. "KILLING CHRISTIANS, IN THE NAME OF THE PROPHET NATIONS DOMINATE CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION LIST

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