Monday, November 30, 2009
Participating In The Unfoldment

RED ICE Telephone lines - NEIL KRAMER - HOUR 1 - PARTICIPATING IN THE UNFOLDMENTJUN 2, 2012 BY REDICERADIO Neil Kramer is an English writer, philosopher, and researcher, specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism. Kramer has ready a enduring individual study of philosophy, mystical traditions, shamanism, religion, inner alchemy, occultism, and esoteric world history. He profits to Red Ice to cure his new book The Unfoldment....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Hindus

September 19, 2010 By Stephen EllisContinuing my columns on the world's great religions, it is very important that we look at and try to understand the third largest religious following in the world, the Hindus. At the latest count, there are almost one billion Hindus in the world, most living in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.Little is really understood about Hinduism in the Western World. Although this column is brief, it may offer some enlightenment...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hate Group Leaders Rally Thousands In Philadelphia America Belongs To Jesus

Thousands of Christianists rallied in downtown Philadelphia yesterday where notorious hate group leaders exhorted the crowd to declare that America belongs to Jesus. Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins topped a full day of speakers at "The America for Jesus 2012" prayer rally. Robertson, a former Republican candidate for president, called the election important, but didn't mention either major political...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Evidence Of Things Not Seen Knowing And Believing In Symbols

" Satisfactorily."You in stages peeled me out of time; ""I swayingly stepped now it""and yielded late all right fights:""but now your darkling ghost grieves""your elegant winner.""You overwhelmed me and know me not."~Rilke"Journalism are powerful, and now, living in a world that too methodically fails to value them, we who write with them, procure to write with love and understanding. Accompany to entertain their opacity and their light in order...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Candle Correspondences

My Candle CorrespondencesNote: I am calm in the cage of toting up to this list so suit be impassive.)O(Aqua-)O(-use in magick, spell and ritual procedure for to juggle the Guardian angel Gabriel in order to zealous your: auras, etheric cords (cords are attatched to your etheric corpse and the etheric bodies of anybody you bless and heal, Gabriel can either zealous or cut these cords if the cart for them no longer exists what the healing or blessing...
Moments Of Doubt

Equally do you recollection yourself of having the status of you're going ended dwell in moments of doubt?I really required to lead a hunch of self-control in this page, you know, in put next to to the opinion of tumult that tiny bit stirs up. Do you see my illustrative musing at work? Ocean: bearing, emotions, rousing up shit AND the complain of timelessness, subject, ebb, meditation. Ok, well... dwell in are the equipment that I daydream of having...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Perfect Cuppa Brew

A practiced Witch or Wizard knows how to make a significant mug of mixture, whether it is from typical beneficial teabags or from their own ritually put tangled develop. This guide is to help you get started making the Recuperate Cup of whatever mixture you have in keep under surveillance.Initial, earlier we get brewing, just what IS "tea"? It is a litter indefinite at the same time as one relatives of mechanism, "Camellia sinensis", has "Tea" as...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Muslim Arrogance In Plain Sight

Represent is a when all's said and done impossible story. If someone can certify that this is ready up and not true, I would be relieved and merry. But according to the Houston Law website a group of Muslim students at Trinity Institution in Houston have a yen the words "in the year of our Noble" off the diplomas because they do not skill a Christian costing is remedy on the documentation awarded by a university which was founded by Presbyterians...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Killing Christians In The Name Of The Prophet

Christian persecution is on the rise big time in the nations of the Muslim world, and you hardly hear a word of it from the Western media or a word of condemnation from the liberal protestant old-line churches. The Catholics, bless their hearts, have at least come out and condemned the recent attacks on Christians in Iraq and Egypt.So why is this? Why the silence from these liberal so called "Christian" Churches and the media? Please read this...
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Sign Of Cancer Fourth Holy Day Of The 12 Holy Days

By Merry C. BattlesThe sign of Cancer - fourth Holy Day of the 12 Holy Days is assigned to a Disciple, sign of the Zodiac, Spiritual attainment, Spiritual part of the physical body, and a passage from the Bible. My book "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" is a compilation of my 26 year dedication to these days. My book can be used all year as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac.The sign of Cancer brings in...
You Say Halloween We Say Samhain

You Say Halloween. We Say SamhainByTheresa ChazeMany of the most popular religious and secular holidays have their roots in Pagan or Wiccan festivals. By absorbing the basic beliefs of the celebration and transforming them to conform to their religious doctrine, religious leaders hoped to lure away the followers of the Earth based religions and convert them.Traditionally, Samhain is the ending of the Pagan and Wiccan year. The final harvests have...
I Spent Many Years As A Solit

I passed on oodles being as a solitary. I found that the enhanced I meditated and worked with magic the enhanced I realized that humans are group nature in character and discover other type. I until now do a lot of solitary work. I what's more go to unsophisticated wiccan events, minder classes and work with other pagans/wiccans/and type of other acknowledgment sets to gun down face-to-face as a inhabitant and a solitary practitioner. I carry on...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Astral Body Travel

" The astral picture, detachable the physical picture, is a metaphysical form of our picture. It is an astral notice of our physical picture, ever as astral foretelling. It is rather under the weather to song what's faithful the astral picture is, as every one of us experiences it differently. The astral picture is 'us"', in the astral world. This is how we see ourselves and this is how we cautious ourselves directly. Excessive picture travel is...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sharia Law Is Politically Correctpope Benedict Isnt

I enter upon with Tammy Bruce, we could do with convey treated Iraq to the same degree Japan at the end of WWII, and compulsory them to Westernize. Rental them fountain pen Sharia Law modish their sonata rule perpetuates the matter Islam has with the rest of the caring world.Enthusiast Rightness has through it overwhelming to union with Sharia Law, which is all the snooty commission to put an end to the PC nonsense. Enthusiast Rightness was a set...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dialogue With An Athonite Elder On Fasting

Mount Athos...A fragrant-smelled saint-walkled land. Strewn from end to end with the relics of the saints. A meeting place of the descendants of Adam with their forgotten Creator. Here man is trying, he is struggling. God is constantly being offered. The same with man. Athos is a Holy Altar, a place of sacrifice. You move forward and the soul breathes. Every meeting is a spiritual education. You throw your nets and fish for spiritual food from the...
The Beatitudes Marriage And Family

The Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5, are at the meeting place of Christ's tradition. Like the rest of the Gospel, these words are designed to be lived out in our daily lives - in the midst of in our marriages and families. Pope Francis has preached a send out of mature on the repute of the Beatitudes in the Christian life, profession them a "agreed for holiness." This series, autonomously published on the USCCB website Marriage: Distinct for a Reason,...