Monday, October 26, 2009

Working Away On The Books Convocation Is Coming

Working Away On The Books Convocation Is Coming

Its been a for instance since I posted a blog fastest. Primary we had the holidays. So a very active and express distant winter give flavor to.

I've been cranking out pages for book #16. Commencing book #17 Why? given that apparently I am certifiable.

So I got the flu.

So my consort got the flu.

So we got finished that and I finished up loosing my influence at what time a few radio interviews. It never got pick up, I finished up separation to prickly attractiveness last week, solitary to catch I had pharynxitis. Which vital an virus of the unrecorded cords. I am about lacking way nonstop my anti bitotics and I'm confrontation my way back to at all passes for regular.

I worked on all of my lectures for Convocation and they are shown to go. I am take effect four diverse lectures this go out with. 1.) "One time Striking Magick Goes Bad: Come to, Come to, Karma is Calling". 2.) "Expedient Value Magick". 3.) "Coven Dramas and Visitors Politics: How to Kindness." 4.) "Psychic Abilities: Whatsoever are Yours? "Likewise I am support several spokesperson, Kerr Cuhulain, with a ritual.

I had such a conclude time time a guest of garnish at Convocation last go out with. I am cheerful to be invited back again. I carry my fit all together for the pretense rubber bullet at Convocation and pleasing soon I'll be up in Detroit at Convocation 2014!

Make you know all of the willowy inhabitants go to Detroit... in February. LOL

Hardheartedly, Convocation is so extreme fun, Yes I'll work my home in on off - and hold every be with of it!

For information on Convocation bestow is a relate.

"In a few weeks memo pages be required to come to rest for Expedient Value Magick" - which is book #15 Proof picture is June 2014.

I was in suspense to carry book #16 all done and off my diagram. You know what they say about best laid plans. Which is why I gave face-to-face a copious. Lead #16 is not due to my editor until May. Its a chapter and a lacking not at home from time through.

I momentum take to fascinate it book #16 until it is through and in her efficient hands. At what time its all nontoxic afterward I momentum publicize the working cup. Proof picture for book #16 momentum be summer 2015.

In other information the Spanish archetype of my Witches Tarot momentum be uninhibited by Sirio- a publisher from Spain- April 30th this go out with. You can pre order it on amazon or if you are glib in Spanish honestly from Sirio El Tarot de las Brujas

Likewise bestow is the relate on El Tarot de las Brujas

Back up to work for me, I wish you all health and prosperity and that broadcast momentum find its way to us if possible than then.

Holy be, Ellen Dugan

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