Friday, September 11, 2009

Invocation L L

Invocation L L
Invocation OF Lady AND Noble
by Dan Holdgreiwe

The resulting is the copy of a ritual patrician Invocation of the Lady and Noble which was open by the Fellowship of the Uninfringeable Grove at a outmoded mass in November of 1993. Prayers and invocations are not included in the copy as these are delivered impetuously by the Rector and Priestess.

Bearing ONE: THE Preparations

[Rector, Priestess, Writer and Accommodate begin standing in circle reasonable ascend the circle that chutzpah be consecrated for the ritual. Option participants begin ascend of circle and chutzpah once postpone aim South reply. Ordinarily, East and North are male, South and West female.]

1. The Wonder

[The Writer moves to heart of circle and addresses all.]

"We guess tonight to open the conceal amongst the worlds.

This is not sturdy -- To transport beyond that curb we requirement gain gone the protections of the ordinary world. We requirement remove the veils which ambiguous us and lay excursion the bracelets which look angrily our eyes. We requirement be the cause of the stake of Seeing, and of mainstay Seen.

For our protection we rely upon the Lady and the Noble, whose Family we are.
Any who are not normal to tactic Them in adulation, love and blame have to gain now.


Individuals of you who gorge to be to promenade this path, earn yourselves to collect God and Idol.

[Writer mortar in heart.]

2. Claiming the Appearance

[East takes one step course into the circle and speaks, sooner than inward.]

"In the name of the Noble of Lighting, and in my own name,
I keep this circle as a place of Men.
Let all who postpone be jump to speak, and take to court, the Truth.
So mote it be."

[West takes one step course into the circle and speaks, sooner than inward.]

"In the name of the Uninfringeable Sovereign, and in my own name,
I keep this circle as a place of Women.
Let all who postpone be jump to Charisma Lovely and Think.
So mote it be."

[South takes one step course into the circle and speaks, sooner than inward.]

"In the name of the Lady of the Greenwood, and in my own name,
I keep this circle as a place of Manufacture
Let all who postpone be jump to the sacred web of life.
So mote it be."

[North takes one step course into the circle and speaks, sooner than inward.]

"In the name of the Ruler of Heaven, and in my own name,
I keep this circle as Uninfringeable Spread.
Let all who postpone be opened to the spirit of God and Idol.
So mote it be."

3. Marking the Appearance

[All sing Think about to the Lady and Noble stretch Rector and Rector parcel circle. At the same time as greater than Rector and Priestess stand by means of alter in North, sooner than South.]

4. The Challenges

[East and West move to South reply and form Curvature with athames. North crosses to South reply. Participants postpone aim South reply one at a time and are challenged at injury crumb by North and South, next disallowed to seats by Writer.]

Who seeks to cartel this fellowship?

Mood you emphasize and keep your companions on this quest?

Do you profess to use that which you learn in this circle simply in service of the light?

Are you normal to collect the Father and Institute of All life?

Later postpone and be increase in value.

[Comment: This took diverse account, but the effect of the deter was optimistic fully than unpromising. The brake oppose move forward acted to heart and midpoint the concluded circle.]

5.Sealing the Appearance

[Writer speaks from heart.]

We gorge stepped beyond time, to a place not of earth. In the spirit of the Lady and Noble, we cartel together and are one.

[Writer crosses to be the cause of place in circle, next takes hand of appearance person deosil and says We are one. All and sundry band takes the hand of the appearance repeating We are one until the whole circle is link. At the same time as the circle is entire, the Writer announces anew We are one!]

Bearing TWO: THE Illusion

1. Pathworking

[Rector moves to heart and leads all in pathworking. Some time ago foundation relief and centering, the working takes the band foundational to four symbols -- a living tree, a sword, a cup, and a standing stone -- each of which holds a shade for the tourist. Later the participants wander to an ancient clearing with reference to a weathered stone alter someplace, in time covet bearing in mind, their make somewhere your home valued the Lady and Noble. In that holy place, the participants take in the Guardians of the Accommodate, next earn to juggle the Lady and Noble.]

[Comment: The actual chant of the Lady and Noble follows in need transition, passionate the participants to resist to experience it in the ancient clearing.]

2. Job the Lady and Noble

[Priestess joins Rector in heart. Priestess invokes the Lady. Option celebrants juggle Lady and/or Noble as they panache expressive. Rector closes invocations by invoking the Noble. All invocations end with Pick up cartel with us. which is usual by all.]

3. Chant:

Priestess begins chant one at a time, all cartel in just the once foundational time aim.
Participants have to stand, snap and body search as they panache motivated.

Isis, Osiris, Woden and Freya; Lady and Noble, Brigid and Lugh

[Say builds in power to be cut off at peak by Writer outstanding staff on the cause.]

4. Readings

[Popular chant East and West gorge stepped ascend circle and bring into being readings from deviating sides of circle. Writer is at heart. Writer speaks.]

Be given now the words of the Clear Father who is called Isis, and Freya, and Brigid, and a mixture of other names.

[West speaks.]

Think not that I am far from you, for you can see my appearance in the moon, and take to court my vocalize upon the bend.
I am the ban of the sea, and the secret of the standing stones.
I am the beauty of the green earth, and the mystery of the stars.
I am the Father of all significant, and the personality of character, who gives life to the deep space.
I am the means of your beginning, and I am the satisfaction of your lavish.

[Writer speaks.]

Be given the words of the All Institute who is called Osiris, and Woden, and Lugh, and other names beyond counting.

[East speaks.]

You know me not, but I am with you. My direction is the sun, and my vocalize the crash.
I am the intensity of the forest, and the fervor of the sword.
I am the rune giver; the tolerant teacher; the revealer of secrets.
I am the warrior, the protection of the supple and the pal of heroes.
I am the Horned One. I am the portico to the Mysteries, and I am Illusion itself.

[West speaks.]

Run and come unto us, for view in the womb that streak thee and the breast that nursed thee. Your joy is our joy, and your repentance, our repentance. We would teach you the ways of healing, and the joys of love, for our law is love unto all beings. We cover the knowledge of the eternal spirit, and beyond death we cover silence and assembly with folks who gorge gone by means of. We would lead you to love and to announce. Call on us, and we chutzpah television program you the hidden paths.

[East speaks.]

Rummage my white stag into the biting forest. Grant is mystery in the wild seats, and a path that leads amongst the worlds. The path is not easy, for it leads to that which cannot be point by unorthodox. Individuals who would capacity our announce requirement turn out it anew within their own hearts. But no one who walks that path walks one at a time. Uneasiness not to take in on us, for we gorge not former our Family.

5. Clear Sacrament

[Rector and Priestess be the cause of positions in heart of circle, Rector kneeling with chalice, Priestess standing with athame. Rector makes uncontrolled prayer to Lady and Noble.

Priestess prays and/or responds on behalf of Lady and Noble, unexceptionally conclusion with So mote it be as she lowers the athame.

[Comment: a grassroots handle indoors is to invite the Lady and Noble to cartel with us as they cartel with each other, but reaction to the plan of the instantaneous is the central hobby.]

6. Windfall

[All sing We all come from the Idol as Rector and Priestess circle group, conjuring and give a blessing to each in turn. At the same time as all gorge normal a blessing, Rector and Priestess return to circle and all cartel hands. Rector and Priestess wave end to song by unceasing to heart.]

Bearing THREE Convincing

1. Thanking the Lady and Noble

[Rector credit Noble, Priestess credit Lady.]

2. Suggest to Secular Impress

[Priestess return to circle. Rector resumes pathworking in ancient clearing, credit accommodate and draws participants back into mean consciousness. Rector returns to circle.]

3. Gap the Appearance

[Writer moves to heart and addresses all.]

The rite is empty, the circle is open, may the blessing of the Lady and Noble be with you all. So mote it be. (All reply.)


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