Saturday, March 28, 2015
History Mystery Did A Historical Jesus Exist Part I

Today all most every one of us in the world believes that Jesus Christ was a real personality. Perhaps he may not be the son of god or perhaps he may not be the real Messiah. The belief, Jesus as a human being came out as Eucharist ritual and theology concept of flesh and blood. Then what is the basis for the claim that "Jesus ever existed"?There are two views we are going to analyze here. The first one is the Biblical or the religious view that...
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Festival Of Mater Matuta

"COLOR OF THE DAY: Green "INCENSE OF THE DAY: "Clove "June 11 is the Festival of Mater Matuta, an old Italian goddess of the dawn whom the Romans eventually made equivalent to the dawn goddess Aurora, and the Greek goddess Eos. Aurora, known among the Greeks as Eos, is honored on this day. It is she who opens the gates of heaven each day so that Helios may ride his chariot across the skies. Her tears create the morning dew. Try greeting Aurora today...
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Saint Andrew Love Divinations

The following love divinations for Saint Andrew's Feast are from pages 42 to 43 of Curiosities of Popular Customs and of Rites, Ceremonies, Observances, and Miscellaneous Antiquities by William S. Walsh (1925). Saint Andrew's feast is celebrated on November 30th of each year.Luther in his "Table Talk" describes how on the evening of the feast of St. Andrew the young maidsin Germany would strip themselves naked and utter the following prayer: "Deus,...
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Illustrated World Religions A Guide To Our Wisdom Traditions

BOOK: THE ILLUSTRATED WORLD RELIGIONS A GUIDE TO OUR WISDOM TRADITIONS BY HUSTON SMITHThis book has deep respect for the wisdom traditions and Huston Smith has lived this. A practicing Methodist, Smith had discussions with the Vendanta Society, does Hatha Yoga, and prays five times a day like the Muslims. His perspective is not one looking for divisions within a religion, but as an outsider wanting to understand the experiences. For example, in...
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Mantra To Remove Stomach Pain

This is a Health Mantra which is said to remove stomach pain; even that of the most chronic type. The Siddhi [mastery over the mantra] has to acquired by chanting the mantra 12,500 times.The to use it on a patient or yourself you have to take some water in a small utensil and recite this Mantra 21 times while holding the utensil in your hand. This will bind the water with the mantra. It is said that drinking this water will remove the stomach pain...
Monday, February 16, 2015
The Hillary Raimo Show

"HILLARY RAIMO " renowned expert on Multi-dimensional Healing. An Internationally known Clairvoyant, Hillary specializes in communicating how the healing process frees consciousness from the 3D of physical reality and enables the energy body to transcend dis-ease. Read more about Hillary'"Hillary Raimo is a unique combination of healer, journalist, and spiritual leader. She has the pitch-perfect combination of left brain intellect and right brain...
Monday, February 9, 2015
Review Goddess Girls Athena The Brain And Persephone The Phony By Joan Holub And Suzanne Williams
Publisher: AladdinFormat: PaperbackReleased: April 6th, 2010Grade rating: BAmazon summary:Athena has always been above average. She's never quite fit in at Triton Junior High, but who would've guessed that Athena is actually a "goddess?" Principal Zeus's daughter, to be exact. When she's summoned to Mount Olympus Academy, Athena thinks she might actually fit in for the first time in her life. But in some ways, school on Mount Olympus is not that different from down on Earth, and Athena is going to have to deal with the baddest mean girl in history...