Thursday, January 31, 2013



Templar Kormac

"I donate never give in to your evil."

The templar are holy warriors, prosecution for justice and eschewing the dangers that lead to cultism and demonic occupancy by espousing asceticism. They do not single pay lip service to caring the realm - they are battle-trained and accomplished to a man, and the in a funk, muscular Kormac is a paragon amid them.

Kormac came to the order as a childlike man, and was cleansing molded here the daydream templar, adapting fluently to an severe way of life. His sanctity is specifically obstinate, even for one of his order, and, anyhow his scrutinize for struggle prowess, his have nothing to do with for dwell in who don't cause a rift his high very soon principles is widely see-through.

Bit Kormac's ways donate not unfailingly be your own, your aims and goals appoint, and so he donate row versus you to suppression the world of the evil murk that would overpower from the light of Heaven.

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Gangster Lyndon

"Nearby are an assortment of ways to open a bragging. I come into sight to know peak of them."

Somewhere strife festers, opportunists are on the odd occasion far astern. A land immovable between the High Song and the Burning Hells overflows with rogues and rakes, and every one of dwell in words definitely see in your mind's eye Lyndon.

The tide existence of his cyclone lasting grasp been deceased respectable from place to place, conning locals, seducing ladies, and relieving the unwitting of their put down and money. The danger of imprisonment or an armed deposit has never dissuaded Lyndon from living a life of housebreak.

Dedicating himself to a be dissimilar chary an perpetual track of hardhearted demons and rampaging beasts seems out of person for a man so outwardly vivid and gladly egocentric. Nearby prerequisite be high-class to Lyndon than his ache for wine, women and wealth. Mustn't there?

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Enchantress Eirena

"I grasp not here everything astern... really dig guides me now."

Eirena's mastery of enchantments and unbending audacity in struggle belie her juvenile - but the truth of her origin reconciles these character.

Eirena hails from the distant era of the Mage Clique Wars, wherever she was part of a veiled sisterhood of magic-users acknowledged as the Appendage of the Minister. What the higher of the sisterhood, the eponymous Minister, foresaw a robust misfortune that would occur fifteen hundred existence in the return, Eirena and her sisters pledged their lives to preventing the misery. The sisters' pledges were far from sea words, and the Minister placed the amount to sisterhood in a magical siesta to keep on them until the owing time.

Specifically, Eirena awoke to find herself in a world of portents and disappointment, a land extraordinarily untouched from the one she remembers. Her sisters are dead, and the Minister is nowhere to be found.

Anyhow the shock of her work, Eirena's signify is clear: she has inclined herself condescending to a new age in the hopes that she donate undertake its helping hand. Might her sundry magic approve to be the key that donate help you eject demonkind from Sanctuary?

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Gang Consistently Asked Questions
