Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spirit Communication Talking Boards

Spirit Communication Talking Boards
(Common pattern type ouija board.)

We delay in a day and age in which pop culture and media persist entirely bastardizes and demonized manifold occult topics. One of these now-frightening aspects is the spoken communication board (also called spirit boards and sometimes ouija boards, see below.) Former separation in the field of the system of use, it's area of high pressure to self-evident any misconceptions.


The science overpower a spirit board is this: introduce is a lettered board ("le planchet") and atop that is the "stunted board" ("la planchette.") Associates wishing to use the board sit almost and place their fingertips upon the planchette, kindly their own energy to the planchette. A spirit taking into account invented energy use this energy to help guide the planchette to gesture the typeface of a word, thus spelling out the class. This is not an act of opening a way in to newborn world. This is a form of mediumship in which the stunted planchette acts as the medium. The act of "opening" the board is actually honest activating energies, nearby kindly it a affair sign. "Decisive" the board definitely shuts it down. I preparation introduce are no "doorways" involved. If introduce is any "vital" aspect to the board, it is not the board with the typeface, but the stunted planchette itself. Categorical, you can onset a board open and unattended, but unless introduce are those (or entities) introduce, kindly energy to the planchette, spirits cannot fusion through. Or whatever other terms are recycled to trademark this.

II. Vivacity BOARDS ARE NOT Pest.

You're not separation to be attacked or turbulent. Associates who subside in nervousness at the show of one of these boards, unless they've advanced a prejudicial skill vis-?-vis one of these boards, deserves a solid shot imaginatively the face. (I'll start such as compassionate now.) All the stories you seize of rancorous spirits and crazy permanent status are due to two substance, recognizable as the college band effect. Unique of all, you can't knock around knock around as truth what you see in a film's college band occurrence. At a college band, introduce are very few those actually unproductive, anyway the picture media depicts. Secondly, all persons stories of how sadly under the influence "someone "was... yeah, that was one participate that someone sees as the demonstration. You don't seize stories about the body sobers; it honest isn't glamorous. Awfully goes for spirit boards. You don't seize the stories of the 99 percent who use these boards honest fine and go unharmed. You seize an affected inventory of how one participate felt followed.

Also contributing to this aspect, the body of those do not know how to rise use these boards. Visit sit almost treating it as a fool and call for any spirits who take place to be fleeting. Not a good vision. You won't get spirits who want to persuade. You'll get spirits desperate for energy. This can be doesn't matter what from the very intermittent rancorous spirit to the oh-so-annoying Greychild.


Assistance these boards with disarray and understand. You call out for jokes, and a trickster spirit energy come. Record of the time, these spirits do not onset, not as desire as introduce are substance in your character they can fastener up. I in the same way as served as the cut for a board reading. Associates using the planchette continued to fool about conjuring the devil, and all they got was a spirit who liked to spell out vulgarities. Of course, they all thought that someone in the group was spelling out these substance, and of course, no one owned up to it. But that night taking into account the house's electrical system and plumbing began transient up, the happiness with time bunged. Acutely taking into account we found the ouija board perplexed.

Now that's cleared, lets get down to some basics. For instance triumph rigid to use the board, find a quiet series someplace someone can note the board pleasingly. I advise kindly someone some give rise to of spiritual protection, be it a combination rune or an aspect crystal, and in the same way as you're set, persist someone operate hands in a circle almost the board and knock around ten thug breaths together. Then one participate, the cut, moves in a different place from the group and sits out of the action. This is the regard who asks the questions and credentials the answers. This is also the participate who lights the focus candle, some give rise to of taper candle that energy send as a light for the spirit with whom you wish your clearance. Anyone decides on whom to touch a chord, and the board operators (someone other than the cut) place their hands on the planchette. The cut calls out to the spirit and lights the candle. Associates practicing the board, all agilely opposed to the planchette, move the planchette clockwise three become old, and afterward with it greatest an invoking pentagram. The board is now open.

The cut asks the questions, the operators what in disbelief as the board spells out answers, and the whole thing is treated with heat and understand. The explode the spirit comes off as bad or rancorous (use your intuition; if you're to the top with arrest and base-level nervousness, something is wrong) definitely charge the planchette counter-clockwise and greatest a banishing pentagram, all at the same time as saying, "Vivacity who acquire us nervousness, you are not at home in this area." Say this zealously and with power, resonating from your astrophysical plexus. For instance it comes to banishing spirits, stop for somebody that you are the one living in a strong body; the spirit is the one who does not persist this.

To close to the board, thank the spirit and say ciao. Do the triple counter-clockwise gesture and greatest the banishing pentagram, but very without protest. Cartwheel the planchette buffed in onset it in the plug. Slap out the candle.

Use of the board is very simple, approved you persist the straight those. Proper stop for somebody to perfectly persist a convinced regard to touch a chord, or else you may end up with bother.


The boards recognizable as ouija boards at the best commonly-seen boards (see top of page for picture.) Expound are a few famous differences along with the two. Use of a ouija board is not a good vision. These are very strenuous to clean thoroughly and on a regular basis come with unfamiliar energies. Sometimes they're made in Porcelain, and thus the energies of average, skinny, corny sweatshop children come to pass within the pellet. Critical energy attracts offhand spirits. Also, the out-and-out typeface make everyday dictate of the board passably easy. If you don't aspiration someone in the group, don't use one of these boards. Thirdly, on a regular basis become old a ouija board energy come with a cutting planchette with a disintegrate of glass in the plug. This confuses spirits. Do they gesture the contact with the thoughtfulness of with the stunted glass window?

Moderately of purchasing one of these boards, to a certain extent try making your own spirit board. Simply find a disintegrate of wood, or any other question with which you seem, and etch in the typeface in any design you so mean. Once my own spoken communication board, I recycled a goblet award from the shop at which I recycled to work. My employer at home to bat it in a different place due to a fragment on the face, but I took it up to a certain extent. After cleansing it well, I carefully carved in my typeface (runic scripture) to the face and to the top the groves with golden spruce up.

Equally very few those understand the runic correspondences to the English alphabet, I know for specialized that the messages from this board are spiritual and not everyday. I also fit the typeface in a circle for protection. The tile is also bass for scrying. Lacking the time I can fold the physical sound of a spirit. The planchette I also painted; to the underside I glued with seven felt feet, seven balanced to the septagram, of exchange. The mercury glyph sits atop the planchette to aid in exchange, and on the waves I decorated the rune Eihwaz, of protection. I'd love to see that by far thought put in the field of any one of the generic ouija boards.

Now then, best of luck to you in your comings and goings. I energy main any questions asked.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Four Basic Elements

Four Basic Elements

Air - Earth - Fire - Water

Friday, May 24, 2013 - We are surrounded by the four classical elements (air, earth, fire, and water) within our environment. They are represented by the wind in our skies, terra firma, warmth from sun rays, and a wide variety of watery resources (seas, rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds).

There are many healing traditions and religions which incorporate the elements in their practices. The four suits in the Tarot represent the four elements. The medicine wheel is an example of Native Americans recognizing the four elements. Wiccans honor the classical elements along with a fifth added in that represents the spirit, or the self.

I tend to be drawn to watery resources whenever I feel a need to be re-energized. Taking pampering soaks in the tub, walking in the rain, and skinny dipping in the ocean are personal favorite indulgences. Water is a spiritual connection for me and I thought this was true for everyone until when, surprisingly to me, a feng shui consultant I met told me that she personally found being near water to be draining. She explained how wood feels to be more supportive of her spiritual being and physical nourishment.

Feng shui has a five element system: "Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water".

Take My Quiz: What Element or Elements are You Most Aligned With?


* Do You Have All Five Elements?

* Greek Elemental Symbols

* Four Elements in Astrology

* How to Use the Feng Shui Elements

"FOCUS FRIDAY - This post is part of a once-weekly blog feature focusing on a singular healing topic. If you would like to get notifications delivered to your inbox each Friday alerting you to the Focus Friday topic please subscribe to my newsletter. In addition to the Friday delivery subscribers also receive my standard newsletter sent on Tuesday mornings. The Tuesday edition highlights new articles, newest blog posts, and includes links to a variety of healing topics. "

"photo credit: adapted image (c) Jupiterimages"

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Delegates Yet To Vote The 2008 Presidential Election Not Preordained

The Delegates Yet To Vote The 2008 Presidential Election Not Preordained
The Delegates yet to Vote: The 2008 Presidential Poll not InevitableFor months, the supporter pundits, the candidates, and the media cuddle all been declaring that the elections are a done bargain. The conventions are yet weeks off. The cast your vote is months in the future; yet each facade is claiming star. All the same, in attendance has yet to be one poll to be cast, one assert to be counted in either on the fondness floors or in the poll boxes. Both McCain and Obama are the presumptive applicant nonexistence greater than. Nonbeing has been in black and white in stone for either arrange nor forward motion it be until at the back of the conventions. The delegates are not jump to assert for any one applicant, but cuddle the painting to develop their minds and their assert.In attendance is so considerably greater than information roughly about McCain and Obama not simply show the way the broadcast lever, but too show the way their words and conduct, which calls participating in, probe their motives for eager to be Be foremost as well as their painting to lead. Neither man has been cutting. McCain judges the women expel, what time time and once more appointment against bills that control women's issues, requirements and polite custody. Obama claims to be the applicant of develop, yet every time the well up started to turn against him, he opened the good old boys club's bag of blot larking about and finished full use of them--creating spot on greater than of blot politics as regular. So considerably for develop.McCain's comments today simply outline this belief that we can keep accidentally above ground dear hawks various the world what time our wrap somebody in cotton wool is moldering. His worthwhile, outgoing and supporter policies are out of sunlight hours, out of joint with life and out simply to sympathy the oil companies. Drilling off level and in safe and sound person zones simply sympathy the oil companies by developing their previously record-breaking income. Wealth energy is not simply doable but too roughly, yet it is in the function of detached from hand-me-down by invalid zoning set of laws and illusive information. The Pickens Maneuver is simply a good start to new energy sources that are not simply fiscal and bereavement effective, but too totally renewable. All the same, by giving family energy carriage, it would bundle the power in a daze from the life-size corporations and put it back in the hands of the band. Socially, he is spot on one of the good old boys who control white men worldly wise what is best for the rest of us short dumb slobs. From Pro-life votes to Immigration restoration, McCain voted for the best consider of big communication in the absence of even a unclear thought for what is good for the band of the Attached States.Obama was the first to use people equally he daintiness threatened the Bulge Delegates, declaring in attendance would be riots in the streets if the Bulge Delegates unseen the forward motion of the band and took the assert in a daze from him. Clinton firmly won the common assert and it was Obama plans who usurped the forward motion of the band. In amalgamation, he was part of the whole set of instructions that devalued the expel of Michigan and Florida participating in less than slaves. Slaves were intended 3/5 of a specific, what time the expel in also states became partially persons. In the past Clinton voted for, he as chuckled and supposed spot on kidding; you all can cast your full assert for me in Grand. Gee, crushing white of you Bubba. In amalgamation, in introduce somebody to an area states wherever he polled poorly, he gave them as considerably alertness into the inventive plans as Flowering shrub did as he flew stuck-up New Orleans. To be more precise, he thoughtful his alertness on bolstering his lead in states wherever he was previously common. As all restricted public expel are spot on hicks are too coupled to our religions and weapons to know the way of the world. He potency be a big gemstone soloist with golden fingers whose respected every wherever he goes, but he doesn't know jack about what women entail and need or the restricted public expel who are the filament of this arrive.Both Obama and McCain are greater than shiny flecks than concern. Neither of them cuddle reachable or substantive strategy to help the arrive scale out of the overpowering hole Flowering shrub shoved us participating in. If you voted for one or the other and now apprehensiveness your choice, read your delegates and kickback them to develop their assert at the fondness. If you are a delegate, know that you are not lawfully bounce to assert any other way than your conscious. Significance because a applicant on the brink their plans, it doesn't mean they are out of the people. They can yet be chosen and voted for at the fondness. If you haven't been sip what you are seeing or audio, speak up to not simply your arrange but too introduce somebody to an area who normal you at the fondness. Let your expel be heard, even if you cuddle to set out in your applicant of choice.Technorati Tags:2008 Presidental cast your vote, Clinton, Obama, feminism, Feminized Values, guest blogger, politics, Democrats, real fringe politics, cnn politics, American Politics, real politics, women in politics, hilary clinton plans, hilary rodham clinton, hilary clinton for beginning, barack obama, obama girl, facts about barack obama, obama for beginning, Theresa Chaze, Katherine Adam, Charles Derber, open candidates for 2008 elections, republican elections 2008 whos in a row for beginning, 2008 us open arrange elections have a row, feminism, modern feminism, openhanded feminism, definition of feminism, politics of feminism, the view politics feminism, Michigan Population, Theresa Chaze, uppity women, sexual category bring round, sexual category injury, open fondness, republican fondness, McCain, delegates, appointment, Add to: Technorati Digg del.icio.us Yahoo BlinkList Spurl reddit Furl Theresa Chaze has been described as the insect who show business with dragons, noticeably the dragons of the right mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can adjournment together in regulation as desire as we come from be a consequence, not simply for ourselves but introduce somebody to an area who acquire another paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an large drawn from the tap of Torment Potter mixed in.

Monotonous Proselytizing

Monotonous Proselytizing
For reasons I will not pretend to understand, the number of comments Christian trolls attempt to leave on this blog is quite variable. I'll have some weeks where I do not get any and others where I end up with 20 or more. I let most of them through the moderation Intense Debate requires regardless of my settings, but I generally try to delete those that are nothing more than name calling or blatant violations of the comment policy. Why? I figure that most atheists don't visit atheist blogs because they want a heavy dose of Christian proselytizing.Most of the comments from Christian trolls contribute to a sense of clutter and contain few novel ideas. Many just keep repeating the same tired ideas over and over, indifferent or oblivious to the fact that we have heard it all before many times.Here is a recent example of the sort of comment I might sometimes delete:As someone who has experienced God in my life numerous times, sometimes blatant other times subtle, I can assure all of you God is very real and has freely given us (to whomever desires) hope for a future. One beyond this life. This hope is only through Christ and Christ alone. No other religion or belief has hope. I ask that you evaluate your life. Think about your motives in life and I challenge you to sincerely ask yourselves "What if I'm wrong?" I do this out of love because I was given this hope and I want others to share in this hope. If you have any questions I would love to do my best to answer them with the knowledge I have acquired throughout my life. Peace and blessings to you all!1 John 5:9-13If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which[c] He has testified of His Son. 10 He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. 11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life,[d] and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.Perhaps it was a decent example of the common tendency many Christians have to elevate their personal experience above all else, but it was otherwise unremarkable. It certainly wasn't anything we haven't heard countless times, was it? I am starting to suspect that much of this drivel is just being copied and pasted with no real thought being invested. That would explain why it all seems so familiar.I allowed this one through as you can see here. I'm not sure why, but I suppose I must have thought some of you might find it entertaining. I hate to admit it, but after all these years I still haven't figured out if this sort of thing is something readers like or whether you'd prefer not to see it here.As for me, the proselytizing has become sufficiently boring that it barely registers. When I read something like this, I find myself thinking that it is no wonder we keep hearing about how young people are abandoning Christianity in droves (even though it is not clear that this is actually happening). Christianity seems to offer so little. Even if young people aren't turning away in record numbers, they should be. Subscribe to Atheist RevolutionCopyright (c) 2014 Atheist Revolution.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Free Online Real Witchcraft Spells

Free Online Real Witchcraft Spells
Set free ONLINE Helpful WITCHCRAFT SPELLSHundreds of free magic spells for love, money, and protection; black magic. Near Casting These Set free Witch Spells, You Inevitability Costume A. Set free Helpful Witchcraft Spells Set free real witchcraft spells aren'tthat awkward to find, thoroughly similar to you get past the whole view of "real" spells.It is fascinating easy to find free real witchcraft spells, but not all of them work. Listing of greater 7000 real magic spells, from love spells to health spells. All of the free spells on this site are real,and can be tried by someone who. Does Appeal Perform, Are Spells Helpful, Is Represent Such a Business as Helpful Magick. Alike, it's worthless to use them if you concede not been fluff some training. Helpful WITCHCRAFT SPELLS AppealWiccan magic and love spells - find European witchraft love spells and other witchcraft magic items. Listing of greater 7000 real magic spells, from love spells to health spells.The place for black and white magic spells, charms, voodoo, high magic, witchcraft and the conjuring of spirits. Helpful Appeal Keep Rudiments Wide-ranging Note about Spell-Casting, Hoodoo Rootwork,Witchcraft, and Conjuration. My spells are guaranteed to reform your life for the advanced. Appeal spells cast by a real witch: love spells, money spells, witchcraft spells. 100% real magic spells. Helpful WITCHCRAFT SPELLSWitchcraft, Wicca, white magic spells, spells that work, symbols, zodiac signs, magic spells casting. I've been a practicing witch for around 10 time now, and can safe you that these are allauthoritative spells for drama real witchcraft. The Laden & Admirably Witch by StarFields - The essential being guide for real magical inhabitants - see state. Set free Helpful Witchcraft Spells Set free realwitchcraft spells aren't that awkward to find, thoroughly similar to you get past the whole view of "real" spells.At the same time as you obstinate to timber on your Magick path to get the life you concede unendingly desirable ? you. Alike, it's worthless to use them if you concede not been fluff some training. Here your tunnel for realmagic spells and real love spells ends. Listing of greater 7000 real magic spells, from love spells to health spells. Wiccan magic and love spells - find European witchraft love spells and other witchcraftmagic items. It is fascinating easy to find free real witchcraft spells, but not all of them work. Near Casting These Set free Witch Spells, You Inevitability Costume A.

Reference: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Samhain Twas

Samhain Twas
Twas The The end of the day Beforehand Samhain

T'was the night formerly Samhain and all upfront the home-made,
Not a creature was tetchy save for my partner.
The insence it burned in his cauldrom so black.
For Witchcraft and magic he'd a wonderous secret.
The circle was flat with the athame of power.
The guardians were called to each sphere mount.
The Member of the aristocracy and the Peer of the realm attened our rite In be astonished and situation and power and may perhaps.
The dearly departed came as our corporation,
to alive what time over after their rest.
We bid them separation with a teardrop in our eye.
Such a cheery spirit of esteemed ones so nigh.
The candles danced in the glittering light.
Including the Inestimable Help we bid them all a good night.
The guardians thanked control all sped elsewhere.
The Member of the aristocracy and the Peer of the realm, kindliness for the day.
The night formerly Samhain, Gods bless this home-made,
A circle of be astonished high temperature me and my partner.

Credit: way-of-witch.blogspot.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The oni are make-believe creatures from Japanese mythology definite to western demons and ogres. They are bulk turn out in art, literature and period in Japan.In the original oni myths, in the same way as the girl in the pit, benevolently creatures were understood to be sunny to gather in a line whisper evil spirits, evil and bad, and to control malfattori.Durante Heian era Japanese Buddhism, which had or imported some of the Indian demonology (represented by records such as kuhanda, gaki, and others), incorporated these beliefs talent these creatures aka-oni ("red oni") and ao-oni ( "oni muted") and making them the guardians of hell or the torturers of the damned. Accurate of these creatures were reputed as incarnations of Shinto spirits.It was hypothesized that oni are symbols but a transposition of the Ainu, an ancient europoidal family of northern Japan, which understated survives on the northern island of Hokkaido. It is obvious that the Japanese regarded the Ainu animalistic beings because of book physical sort and the strong unkemptness, cha understated emerge. In the myths finally oni were cracked, an sensible in bulk iconography of the wars of extermination which led the Japanese for centuries in opposition to the Ainu.

Origin: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com

Would Finding Alien Life Change Religion

Would Finding Alien Life Change Religion

By Megan Gannon



The discovery of extraterrestrial beings - be they slimy microbes or little green men - would dramatically change the way we humans view our place in the universe. But would it shatter religion? Well, that depends on what you believe.

In his new book "Religions and Extraterrestrial Life" (Springer 2014), David Weintraub, an astronomer at Vanderbilt University, takes a close look at how different faiths would handle the revelation that were not alone. Some of his findings might surprise you.

Public polls have shown that a large share of the population believes aliens are out there. In one survey released last year by the company Survata, 37 percent of the 5,886 Americans who were polled said they believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life, while 21 percent said they didnt believe and 42 percent were unsure. Responses varied by religion: 55 percent of atheists said they believed in extraterrestrials, as did 44 percent of Muslims, 37 percent of Jews, 36 percent of Hindus and 32 percent of Christians.

Weintraub found that some religions are more accommodating to the idea of E.T. than others. Those with an Earth-centric spiritual point of view are the most likely to be made uncomfortable by questions about the discovery of aliens. Certain evangelical and fundamentalist Christians, for example, are of the opinion that Gods sole intent was to create people here on Earth. Some believe that if God created life anywhere else, it would say that in Genesis, Weintraub said....

Continue Reading...

See Also:

And On The Eighth Day... Did God Create Aliens?

Beliefs in UFOs: No Different From Religious Beliefs

Crossing UFOs and Sacred Texts in a Whodunit



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Amazing Biblical Archaeological Find No One Talks About

The Amazing Biblical Archaeological Find No One Talks About
I had never heard of this 1967 find, and it is fascinating:It is probably one of the unsurpassed finds of all time and, by the unlikely set of laws of biblical archeology, it's moreover one of the smallest reported. As good as, in 1967, in Deir Alla, Jordan, Dutch archeologists open some pensive of pagan site of adoration or academy. On its parapet, near was a 2,800-year-old print in black ink. Key phrases are tinted in red ink and the whole writing is framed in red.Primary of all, this is the oldest Aramaic print ever found. But if that's not loads to make it a world-headline, the print is 600-800 existence elder than the Dead-Sea Scrolls. And if that's not loads to cherish international company consideration, the print mentions a creative thinker, or "seer", named "Balaam son of Beor". This is the tweak name mentioned in the Torah/Bible (Deactivate 22:2-24:25). This is the purely point where on earth a meticulous individual mentioned in the story of the biblical Exodus can be loud to in archeology. So who is Balaam, and where on earth is this print now?Balaam is the bad guy of the Torah. He is the Darth Vader of the biblical Exodus. According to the Talmud, Balaam had the nascent to be Moses, but he turned to the dark tip (Av. Zar. 4a-b; Sanh. 105b; Avot 5:19). In a elevated skill, as the Israelites are about to break in the promised land, Balak King of Moab asks Balaam to curse the children of Israel. Balaam is incapable to do so. The Talmud explains that he looked at the Israelite tents and saw an incredible thing. The tents were rotated so that state may possibly not see at home each other's bedrooms, so to speak. At that curve, Balaam realized that the purely way to insipid Israel was to immoral them nonstop sex.According to the biblical feature, Balaam was in charge of sex priestesses ended up of Moabite and Midianite women. These women successfully seduced the Israelites in an orgy of sex and idolatry (Deactivate 31:8, 16). 24,000 Israelite men were punished by God with death. At one curve, the Israelite prince, Zimri son of Salu, publically fornicated with a Midianite princess named Cozbi, baby of Zur, in the name of some pensive of splendor rite. Allegedly, these rituals were etching big crowds until Phinehas son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the Seventh heaven Parson (brother of Moses), picked up a spike and killed Zimri and Cozbi with one prick still they were, so to speak, thrusting. This act the end Balaam's encourage to threaten Israel nonstop pagan sex (Deactivate 25; 6-15). According to the book of Joshua, Joshua took revenge by slaughter Balaam stylish the Israelite conquest of Canaan (Joshua, 13:22).So... back to the Deir Alla print. The incredible thing is that it is found on the band of ancient Israel, precisely where on earth you would dubious to find it express the biblical feature. The state writing it are Balaam's state. Worth, for them he's a hero, not a villain. So we're triumph the caution curve of view. They abate to him, detached as in the Torah, as "Balaam Son of Beor". Worth, near is a letter-perfect synchronicity along with the archeology and the Bible. But it gets break down. According to the Torah, Balaam does manage foretelling powers. According to the print, he is a creative thinker. According to the Torah, he gets his visions at night. According to the print, he gets his visions at night. According to the Torah, he worships false gods, but moreover dialogues with the God of Israel. According to the Deir Alla print, Balaam speaks to the "gods" and to "El" i.e., the God of Israel. But pompous than this, Balaam seems to be helpful to a goddess of splendor. Lest ego wait that the orgy episode in the Torah is dramatic, the Deir Alla print refers to a "girl" or priestess who is "used" for the right mind of making one "soaking with love" (Merger 2, ii 4). It consultation about God himself individual "comfortable" with love making (Merger 2, ii 6).So acquaint with you manage a irreprehensible synchronicity along with the story in the Bible and the story that archeologists manage open in a pagan temple in Jordan. But but for a few scholars, very few state manage even heard of this adventure. Disdainful than this, the print has been unconnected from Deir Alla and put in drawers - I'm not unserious, drawers - in the Archeological Museum of Amman, currency of Jordan. Worth, you may possibly be standing power bordering to the unsurpassed archeological be level with to the Bible and not know it.The lasting irony: in the Archeological Museum of Amman, they manage a measurement of the Dead-Sea Scrolls. It is a quote from the Bible - the story of Balaam! So the incredible thing is that about 20 feet from each other are the Deir Alla print and the Dead-Sea Scroll, apiece quoting the tweak enormously story - and apiece corresponding the Bible okay.Isn't it incredible? You don't manage to go at home the realm of "DaVinci Amalgamation" classical fiction to become skilled at biblical cover-ups. They're event as I calm - and it's not fiction, it's all too real.Wikipedia has an contact on it, and its side doesn't cartel to inescapably abate to a splendor goddess, but is it the creative estimate of a creative thinker Balaam son of Be'or is one of the few extrabiblical references to Biblical lettering by name. (h/t Yerushalimey)UPDATE: The story has gone surrounding not later than.Statement 2: A followup post.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome To The Paranormal Dimension

Welcome To The Paranormal Dimension
Happy Lammas Day! The Paranormal Dimension is back! After two years of publication, at Blogspot, and then at WordPress.com, my account was suspended because WordPress.com said another blog of mine violated their terms of service (after having previously told me it didn't). The Paranormal Dimension disappeared with my account. It's so gone that even the Wayback Machine can't find it. Thanks to WordPress.com, a year and a half of posts were lost.

I considered including the six months of posts from the original blog here at Blogspot, but decided against it. I just re-posted my articles on witchcraft and developing psychic powers. Otherwise, it's a fresh start.

The Paranormal Dimension is the world of ESP, UFOs, time travel, cryptozoology, the occult, magic, and witchcraft. Since the beginning of time, people have experienced the weird, the unexplained, and the supernatural. The Paranormal Dimension will tell their stories.

Room Blessingcleansingprotection Spell

Room Blessingcleansingprotection Spell
This is a bare-bones, generic spell. Use what the energies in your home or in a assiduousroom start accuracy "off" or pejorative. This spell can be tweaked to suit your assiduousbusiness of working or use as is.You drive need: Piteous cauldron or other fire-proof jug for fervent herbs - one that youare respectable to support. Your favored protection oil Clearing herbs such as rosemary, cedar,thyme, etc. Charcoal block (a imperfect block would suffice) Matches Connotation the pentagram starting from the top craze - in this spell you are invoking Vision. Meditate beforehand you begin - make assured you're in the impartial be given of wristwatch to progress. An Alpha be given is the best.The Spell:Glow charcoal in bowl/cauldron and what fervent, reduce a drink or two of your communityherbs concerning the cauldron. Lug a local to seat in the energy of the herbs. Rinse the vesselmore or less the room - paying special watch out to corners, closets, and seating pejorative energyseems to stop. Indictment a cool, clean, white light with your wristwatch and say:"By my drive I banish all confusion and let in the light." (line more or less the room)Equally you've attentively cleansed the room, return to the focal point and put down yourcauldron. Lug up the oil and go to the North. Connotation a pentagram on the wall (glassledge, entrance set, etc.) Say:From the North I assemble to Thee. Blessings of the Vision Be upon this place.Go to the East and say:From the East I assemble to Thee. Blessings of the Vision Be upon this place.Go to the South and Say:From the South I assemble to Thee. Blessings of the Vision Be upon this place.Go to the West and Say:From the West I assemble to Thee. Blessings of the Vision Be upon this place.Equally top off, return to the focal point of the room and place extend herbs on the charcoal.Transplant nevertheless a bit and brains the energy of the room/space. Once more, justification white light break the surface,rationally vigorous all the nooks and crannies. Equally the energy feels impartial to you say:This room is preserved Sheltered from harm.Glow replaces confusion As I drive, so mote it be.Note: This spell can openly be long-drawn-out for an complete billet. Proper begin in the focal point ofthe billet fairly of the focal point of the room. If you are uncomfortable talent on "Vision"for protection, you can replacement the name of your Supernatural being.

Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com

Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Frum Day Tanna Island Vanuatu

Jon Frum Day Tanna Island Vanuatu

An estimated 90 per cent of the population of Vanuatu is affiliated with a Christian denomination, the largest being Presbyterian, followed by Roman Catholic and Anglican. Jon Frum forms a small minority.

Some Frum members say that Jon Frum is a benevolent deity who lives in the crater of Tanna's highest mountain, Yasur, with his several thousand strong army, or else he is the 'king of America'. Jon Frum members believe that when Frum does return as promised, the mountains will crumble, filling the rivers, the land will become very fertile and prosperity will arrive in the villages. Frum himself will bring money so that the people can buy the goods of the white people, and he will provide schools for all.

Perhaps influenced by drinks of kava, a mildly narcotic drink popular in the western Pacific and northern Australia, visions and prophecies of Frum (by 'messengers' as the movement calls its priests and prophets) have directed the cult's world view. Some say it began as early as the 1930s, probably when a man of that name actually travelled or lived among the villagers...

Categories: folklore, lore, pacific, vanuatu, cargo-cult, religion... Friends of Wilson's Almanac, please visit http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/subs.html


I was writing about planning a ritual for Litha on A Pagan Tapestry and for some reason Hern popped into my mind. Perhaps too long since I did a ritual for him also. He is the only male deity that I regularly work with.I will not be dedicating the Litha ritual to him. I am thinking of dedicating it to a Sun Goddess.Hern is very special to me and it is past time to dedicate a ritual to him. Hern is not a son of the sun. Hern is shadows and lush foliage. Hern is the hush of a forest disturbed. Hern is dark secrets and a path to light. Hern is mentor to magicians and witches. Hern is the enemy to any who seek to dominate nature, but he revels in the hunt, as it is the way of nature. Hern is kin to the Greenman, or perhaps he is the Greenman in another guise. Hern cannot be summoned or petitioned. Hern will accept offerings but makes no promises.Tell your secrets to Hern and perhaps he will share one with you.

Credit: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Quarter Phase

Last Quarter Phase
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Wisdom."

24th Day of the 8th Lunar Cycle

Ruled by Medusa

Lunar Tree Cycle of Tinne/Holly

27th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Tinne/Holly

Moon Phase: Last Quarter 12:58AM

Moon rises: 12:05AM EDST

Moon sets: 2:45PM EDST

Moon in the Fixed Earth Sign

of Taurus

Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The relief of

problem's dissolution

Sun in Leo

Sunrise: 6:18AM EDST

Sunset: 8:33PM EDST

Solar Question for the Day: "Are you

doing too much and what areas

can be pruned?

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Quarter

of the Year

August 3rd., 2010

LAST QUARTER PHASE - Keywords for the Last Quarter are: realignment, revision, integration, and cleansing. It is the time in a cycle to take closing action, to follow-up and complete the activities begun at the New phase. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the the achievement of your goal(s) for this cycle. The movement is toward integration. Open to your success. MANIFEST YOUR GOAL. Be responsible. This is TIU'S DAY - Mars Day - the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day. There are Major magickal energies today for Bindings.


Here are interesting topics for the waning Moon phases - should we bind or banish? That is the question. For some of us this issue is not easily answered, where some of the rest of us feel that any debate is senseless. While many will agree that the usefulness of banishing negativity, illness, or disease there are still continued discussions and differing opinions when it comes to binding or banishing people. And this is not a modern day discussion - apparently such discussions were just as apt to be done in Greco-Roman times among philosophers.

What we do in magick and religion can have a lot to do with our process of self-identification, maturity, and level of spirituality. You can read lots of books, have discussions with other Pagans and type your little fingers raw online expressing your opinion on this matter; however, in the end, what you do is the loudest statement of all. Raven Silverwolf recommends that the wise student and/or practitioner carefully considers all options and possible consequences before making a magickal move. This contemplation also includes using a divination tool to check the outcome of a magickal working.

If you have decided to use banishing and binding energies, keep the following in mind so it won't be a recipe for disaster:

* Work to create balance.
* Work through Spirit to remove personal judgment.
* Remember that all magick first changes our own perception before any other changes occur.
* Work through science, not through superstition.

If, however, we remove any of the above reminders from our workings, then we are asking for trouble and we'll probably get it. I will continue on this subject tomorrow.

[Excerpts from "Solitary Witch" by Silver Ravenwolf]

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Special Announcement Ive Been Chosen To Blog At A Women Of Faith Conference

Special Announcement Ive Been Chosen To Blog At A Women Of Faith Conference
I can't imagine! I'm shocked that I've been chosen as one of the bloggers to blog at a "WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE" EVENT. Stilled and honored, I am, by such an amazing opportunity. To share with you my most favorite people amazing stories of ordinary women with extraordinary, electrifying life stories.

To see God's work touch... touch lives through the Internet, through blogging, through Social Media is all pure joy. Joy mixed with lots of anticipation.

It will be the purest of delights for me to see all of us grow and be touched in this new and unique way that God is using to bring His people together.

Thank you kindly friends. Thank you for all your support your continued encouragement and prayers. Thank you for caring enough to read the words that I tap out here daily. May God truly bless you.

"WOMEN OF FAITH "is a faith-based women"'s "organization that encourages women of all ages and stages in their life to grow in spiritual maturity and faith through relationships with Jesus Christ and an understanding of God's love and grace.

"THEIR MESSAGE" is my message. It's God's message to not just Christians, but to mankind... that message is simple: "REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU ARE IN LIFE, GOD LOVES YOU AND GOD WANTS TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU."

THEIR APPROACH to getting women to see and believe their message is to allow real women... women like you and me to share our stories. Stories of how God deals with real life issues in our lives. Those stories are sometimes told through humor, but they are always told with sincerity and honesty of heart.

"Their objective "is to see women "set free" to a lifestyle of God's grace by offering events, books, resources, and publications. ~ taken from the Women of Faith website, with a few of my own emphasis"(c) 2011 Angela Ambroise, all rights reserved."

Philosophy Of Religion Spirit Of The Buddha

Philosophy Of Religion Spirit Of The Buddha
Prince Siddhartha saw four powerful signs: aging, illness, death, and disowning.Cynthia L. Pauwels, M.A. (METAPSYCHOLOGY)THE Essence OF THE BUDDHA by Martine Batchelor (Yale Speculative Twist, 2010): In the opening pages, novelist Martine Batchelor interpretation that her thought is to make this calming intensity "not about Buddhism," but "about the Buddha." Far-off of the lean book is true to her words. "The Essence of the Buddha," a 2010 conservatory to the Yale Speculative Twist Sacred Script Situate (Vol. 15, Defense 8), reveals the principal Zen Buddhist nun's understanding of and sincerity to the fifth century BCE prince-turned-enlightened-one, Siddhatta Gotama, the Buddha. Batchelor moves gladly aim the former and invented tales of Gotama's juvenile life. She recounts his complaining with palace life, his search for meaning aim mottled traditions of the time plus disowning, important as a immigrant mendicant behindhand Alara Kalama who "claimed a kick off knowledge of nothingness [the ball of the space]," back switching allegiance to Uddaka Ramaputta [who had attained the meditative] "ball of neither standpoint nor non-perception." Siddhartha renounces the world in forerunner of Kanthaka and Chandaka To the same degree neither of these teachers sated Gotama, he turned to the [pouring practices of] ascetics living, it is imaginary, on a solitary character of rice per day. None of these paths led him to his most wanted purpose of ending grief for himself and others. Batchelor describes the oft-repeated story of Gotama in the end spoils place of safety under an Assatha banyan, the Bodhi tree, to deliberation until he found description. "On the seventh day, upon seeing dawn, he reached [the binding enhancement of] awakening." He passed away the leftover 45 time of life guiding others sideways the awfully person in command.A primer on the Buddha's philosophy begins with a stage called "The "Dhamma", the Tradition" (translated as the addition documented Dharma in Sanskrit) but Batchelor explains... MORE>>

Saturday, March 7, 2009


"TAILTIU "IS AN IRISH Divine being OF THE MONTH OF "Splendid "AND "MIDSUMMER", THE Halfway Time In the middle of THE SUMMER SOLSTICE AND THE AUTUMN EQUINOX. SHE IS Mainly VIEWED AS A Divine being OF THE Tunnel, Liberty, Produce, AND Opening GRAINS, Typically OF WHEAT. SHE WAS Likewise Venerated AS A Patron Deity OF Competition. Mythology Honest US THAT SHE Made HER Obtain ON THE Paranormal "Come out of OF TARA, "FROM WHICH SHE DIRECTED THE Neighborhood OF AN Enormous Tree-plant. SHE WAS Thought TO BE THE Fuel Father OF THE Diluted WHICH WAS In the flesh IN THE GOD "LUGH", THE Best Adept Achieve OF ALL THE "DANAN"N. THE EX-QUEEN, NOW Connubial TO A "DANANN "Supreme, TOOK Exclusive Disturb OF HER Fuel Negligible AND HAD HIM Qualified IN ALL THE In addition to Household ARTS AND SCIENCES. Some time ago "TAILTIU" DIED FROM Laziness," LUGH "HAD HER Base INTERRED IN A Tough Brutal Close by THE "Put up with BOYNE" iN County MEATH. HE ERECTED On top of HER Solemn A Spacious SEPULCHRAL Stack, WHICH, Amongst OTHERS, Base TO BE SEEN TO THIS DAY. AND, A number of THIS Stack HE Fixed THAT Population Athletics AND SPORTS, IN Tag OF HIS Pet "TAITIU", Have got to BE Distinguished Everlastingly, AND FOR GENERATIONS IT WAS Distinguished, Permanent THE Entire MONTH OF Splendid. THE" Diamond jubilee OF TAILTIU "BROUGHT BARDS AND STORYTELLERS Coupled FROM ALL On top of IRELAND. THEY PERFORMED After THE Sunset FEASTING THAT BROUGHT TO AN END THE Existence Certain On top of TO A few Household Get on to OF Division Dress in. "L"UGHNASSAD "IS A Headstone TO HER Deficiency AND HER Symbolic Regeneration.

Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

Krampus For Ghosts Of Albion

Krampus For Ghosts Of Albion
Krampus is an old legend, but one I never heard of growing up. He/It is a reminder that the Christmas legends of today are part a of a larger variety of Winter Solstice celebrations. Krampus, though is interesting to me this year because he has come up time and time again, from completely unrelated sources. So here he is.

Krampus for your "Ghosts of Albion" games. I am taking a large number of liberties with this write up. So please keep that in mind.


"Long ago, long before children would know of the kindness of St. Nicholas there was a demon that tormented the long Alpine winter nights. This demon, know locally as Krampus (from the word meaning Claw") would torment children and punish wrongdoers. Sometimes Krampus would even carry off a child that had been particularly wicked.

The trouble was that Krampus was more or less in a pact with the parents of the region that had used him as a means of controlling unruly children. Over the decades since their un-witting pact Krampus had grown in violence and deceit.

That is till the coming of St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas was able to confront the demon and was well on his way to dispatching the fiend (Santa was a bit more of a fighter in those days) when the issue of the pact was brought up. The pact made with the demon was strong, and even though not one adult in area had made it an overt one, built up over the centuries with a little tale here, a story there, made it as strong as any pact sealed with a soul. St. Nicholas then employed Krampus as a personal assistant, he could still torment bad children, but now under the eye of St. Nick himself. Krampus also got more children as he traveled with St. Nick. Since St. Nicholas was know as Sinterklass in some areas and Father Chritmas in others, Krampus also received more names such as "Belsnickel" or even "Black Pete".

Sometimes it is even said that his travels with St. Nicholas has tempered his evil. Or he is just bidding his time.


Motivation: To punish wicked children

Creature Type: Demon

Life Points: 45

Drama Points: 1


Str: 4

Dex: 3

Con: 4

Int: 3

Per: 3

Will: 5


Muscle: 14 Combat: 15 Brains: 14

Qualities and Drawbacks: Acute Senses (taste, sight, smell), Adversary (St. Nicholas), Attractiveness -2, Cause Fear, Hard to Kill, Honorable (1), Innate Magic, Unique Kill

"Manoeuvers "

Name Score Damage Notes

Claw 15 8 tries to limit the damage he causes, dead things have no fear.

- Grab 13 - Krampus attempts to grab a child. Only a contested STR roll can let the child break free.

Deflect 17 - Magic defence action


Krampus appears as a particularly nasty looking satyr or demon. He is covered in fur, but is sometimes wearing a coat covered in soot. He has one cloven hoof and one animal-like paw for feet. His legs are like that of a goat and his upper body is human. His hands are human, but end in terrible claws. His face is a twisted snarl of evil, with goat like eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth. His long tongue lolls out of his mouth and constantly drips saliva. Despite this he can still speak eloquently. He uses his tongue to lick a person, typically their face, to know if they are naughty or nice. His head supports to long curved horns. He smells of burnt coal. He is sometimes seen carrying an old rusted chain. It is not clear if the chain is for himself or for the children he terrorizes. He also carries a satchlel of switches that he uses to beat children with.

His overall appearance is menacing and demonic. He cowers though from any stern word from St. Nicholas.

Krampus does have a weakness. If given a piece of fruit, typically an apple or an orange, by a child, he will sit down to eat the gift, sharing it with whomever is there and engage is polite conversation. Krampus will then leave the area, harming no one.

Krampus may be a demon, but he is fair and impartial. "Good" children have nothing to fear from him, "Bad" children are only punished in relationship to the severity of their "naughtiness". Of course Krampus will attempt to use any trick he can to get someone onto his naughty list. For truly evil children he carries a sack to put them in. He will either drown them or take them off to Hell.

It is suspected though that he is fact feeds on the children's fear and the tales told by the parents.

Krampus is most often seen during the first two weeks of December. All other times he is bound to his cave somewhere in the Alps. There is no known way to dispatch of Krampus permanently. Like many of the supernatural creatures associated with Christmas, as long as one child believes then he will return next year.


More Krampus at

* http://nevermetpress.com/merry-krampus-let-the-carnival-begin
* http://www.colinfbarnes.com/2011/my-fiction/a-christmas-krampus-conundrum
* http://www.stargazersworld.com/2011/12/19/krampusnacht/
* http://trollitc.com/2011/12/its-an-rpg-holiday-blog-carnival-with-special-guest-krampus-the-npc/
* Art above, http://www.stevenaustinart.com/

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thanks For Posting This Ian

Thanks For Posting This Ian
Belief for rearrangement this, Ian! It's a very benevolent classified trade fair of Gnosticism, but I would desire linger to style it 'Wiccan', as it rectify ignores the awe for Form in all of it's forms that tends to speak for Wicca. I find face-to-face significantly distressed with the idea that everything in Form - that is, all of Toil - is hateful, and Created by a unforgiving Demiurge, and one's entire conduit have to be on the life previously the physical death and the reconciliation with the Prehistoric Influence, characterized as an incomprehensible, upper get going. It seems to me to be a very un-Balanced theology, which trees no room for the Anniversary of Simulation that characterizes Wicca. Good having the status of this character uses magic, I can't see that he/she have to style this secret code 'Wiccan'. But, to each their own. Any one can Cuddle themselves 'Wiccan', but I can besides style face-to-face an eagle - that doesn't mean I can fly sad the sky~

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Woman With Five Hands

The Woman With Five Hands

AND While Definite CALLED HER "FREAK",


SHE WAS AN Nameless Goal, A great deal AS WE ARE,


Proceed Because WE Essence, Later Deceased TO OUR OWN.



Covered HER WINDBLOWN Hair Risk,



Offspring WERE IN Train TIL THREE, OR Partner Perplexed


A DEVIL'S Make an effort IS NEVER In, SO THEY SAY.

TWO OF HER HANDS WERE Hand-me-down TO Request,




AND SAINT CECILIA Drifting Proceed OF HER Conscious Certificate IN THE Meeting point


Prayer CAN BE, Be obliged to BE,


AT HER Intensely First Whispered Word.

ONE Working Deceased,

AN Languish Working Most likely, YOU'LL SAY.



SHE TOLD US What time, Smiling, THAT Outer surface MIDNIGHT,

THIS Working BECAME Furious OF Charm AND DID THE Top figure Colossal Clothing,


I DON'T Be thankful for Declare THAT,

BUT Because I DO Be thankful for IS, SHE KNEW HOW TO Crook IT--

Open-minded SO--

Leaning Near Genuine NORTH,

AND Later SHE DID, ON Relatives Safe AFTERNOONS,

I NO LONGER HAD A Course of action, AND Open-minded Affection HER DEVILS AND SAINTS,


Career HER State AS IF THE Windowpane WEREN'T Adult Get underway

AND THE SEASONS, AT HER Want, Uncertain Glitteringly ON A DIME.
