Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jesus As The Sun Throughout History

Jesus As The Sun Throughout History
I thought many folks here would appreciate this article:Jesus as the Sun throughout History "From the earliest times of Christian history, Jesus Christ has been identified with the sun. This fact is readily demonstrated through the study of ancient texts, including the Bible and works of the early Church fathers, as well as Christian traditions, rituals, architecture and artifacts. From a wide variety of sources, it is clear that associating, identifying and equating Christ with the sun began in ancient times and has continued abundantly over the many centuries since then. Includes many primary sources and quotes from credentialed authorities.The 37-page ebook available for instant download and printing. Be sure to check out the long excerpt!"http://www.stellarhousepublishing.com/jesusasthesun.htmlBe sure to check out the long excerpt!http://www.stellarhousepublishing.com/jesussunexcerpt.html; posted in The Pagan Village Tribe - 10 replies