Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mormon Feminism Is Back

Mormon Feminism Is Back
From the Salt Basin Tribune:A new way of feminism seems to be unwrap across Mormonism.LDS women are flanked by on the Internet, exploring women's issues, debating theology and rupture their group joys and agonies in the arms of their male-run church. Happy-go-lucky about liable annoyance - and even pilot hints of collaboration in sermons - the faith's "slam better part" is reaching out to appreciate its stories in new ways and new seating to new audiences.A blatant British official statement, the Minder, published an paper this week by LDS blogger Tresa Edmunds, who unabashedly explained her cooperative nature as a Mormon and a feminist. Similarly this week, Newsweek featured Neylan McBaine, founder of a website that profiles sparkling and rare LDS women, examining the uncomfortable views of Mormon fatherhood.This summer, EXPONENT II, the decades-old quarterly for Mormon women that blocked printing in 2006, was reborn.
