Sunday, February 8, 2009

Candles For Imbolc

Candles For Imbolc
While contemplating my Imbolc ritual I have been reading several books and blogs to add something different this year. Today I was happy to see Patti Wigington's blog had a very nice candle ritual. If you would be interested in reading about it, click here

It is good to know that the Wheel of the Year is turning a bit more towards Spring. Where I live, it is definitely a symbolic turning, as it is way too cold, there is far too much snow, and we definitely will not be seeing signs of spring yet. But we know it is coming, and celebrating the Imbolc Sabbatt means we do not have to wish the winter away; winter will be leaving on its own soon. of the Year

(note: midsummer is called Litha in many traditions)

Hey, it is Friday! Lots to do this weekend. Blessings to all, stay safe, warm and happy. Robin.