Commemorated on August 11
The Martyr Archdeacon Euplus suffered in the year 304 under the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311). He served in the Sicilian city of Catania. Always carrying the Gospel with him, St Euplus preached constantly to the pagans about Christ.Once, while he read and explained the Gospel to the gathered crowd, they arrested him and took him to the governor of the city, Calvisianus. St Euplus confessed himself a Christian and denounced the impiety of idol-worship. For this they sentenced him to torture.
They threw the injured saint into prison, where he remained in prayer for seven days. The Lord made a spring of water flow into the prison for the martyr to quench his thirst. Brought to trial a second time, strengthened and rejoicing, he again confessed his faith in Christ and denounced the torturer for spilling the blood of innocent Christians.
The judge commanded that the saint's ears be torn off, and that he be beheaded. When they led the saint to execution, they hung the Gospel around his neck. Having asked time for prayer, the archdeacon began to read and explain the Gospel to the people, and many of the pagans believed in Christ. The soldiers beheaded the saint with a sword.
His holy relics are in the village of Vico della Batonia, near Naples.
Troparion - Tone 4
As a holy deacon and righteous minister of the Church of Christ,
You contended superbly.
You sailed over the sea of many torments and afflictions,
O all-bless Euplus.
Guide us into the haven of heaven.
Kontakion - Tone 1
When the love of Christ was your only defense,
You stood in the midst of your fight and said:
I endure this struggle willingly and with confidence!
You rejoiced, O Euplus, to offer your head to the sword and so complete your course!
SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2008(with 2007's link here also):