Monday, December 17, 2012

How Mindfulness Affects Brain

How Mindfulness Affects Brain
Mindfulness and its benefits have been studied by the researchers in the west for over three decades now. Therapists often incorporate the practice of mindfulness into their treatment because of its effectiveness. By being mindful, you are observing yourself, your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations without judgement. It is difficult for me to practice mindfulness without any kind of support or guidance..because the concept of mindfulness throws me off..I tried but I lasted for about 5 seconds before my mind started to wander into a different world..I am planning to join a meditation group which has 30-45 minutes session once a week or so and we can learn to calmly pay total attention to the present moment and my goal would be to calm our mind using Mindfulness skills while noticing our feelings and thoughts.

Even the government organization (NIH) has increased the funding level for the researches which study the effects of mindfulness meditation. Research shows that mindfulness meditation has reduced cortisol and blood pressure and the immune system has also improved. and of course what I am interested in learning the most is the fact that mindfulness meditation may change the brain. Yes, the brain.

Even if we practice mindfulness meditation for a short period of time, our brain shows some changes. We become more tolerant of anxiety and stress. Research specifically shows that mindfulness meditation improves limbic system in our brain. Also studies show that mindfulness meditation may lead to the reduction in activity in amygdala which processes our stress and modulate it accordingly. What excites me the most about this finding is that regular practice of mindfulness meditation can actually change our brain, in particular the size of amygdala which is responsible for our emotional regulation. Amygdala begins to shrink as we practice being mindful on a regular basis. So we will be less reactive and experience overwhelming anxiety.

This is too much science which I don't know anything about but it gets very interesting. Finding also show that mindfulness meditation help the person have less emotional reactivity and mindfulness increases activity in the prefrontal cortex which is the brain region in charge of decision-making, planning, abstract thinking..and also regulating emotions. This is very important for people with BPD and other mental illness.
